Friday, October 03, 2008

Arthur Kemp, power, and paranoia

Word has just reached our ears that, Arthur Kemp, now the administrator on the BNP’s increasingly dying forum, has allowed his new found powers to go to his head.

Within days of taking over he has banned several interesting people, including, Kevin Scott, head of the BNP’s ‘Civil Liberty’. And, if that wasn’t enough, David Martin, recent BNP admin also had his account killed for 24hrs.

So, what was it that brought all this about?

Well, according to, Mr Kemp, and his sidekick from Devon, Mr Simon Bennett, none other than Mr Steve Blake, ex BNP web editor was attempting to hack and crash the site. Even the criminally insane, Lee Barnes, has claimed, Steve Blake, had attempted to hack the BNP server to steal the BNP membership list. A complete impossibility as the membership list is held on, Tina Wingfields, home PC, which is nowhere near the BNP server.

Piss up in a brewery? Oh yes indeed…


Anonymous said...

There's nothing but a bunch of arseholes left in the BNP, now. No wonder members are leaving in droves.

Anonymous said...

You really are very ill informed. Kemp has nothing to do with the forum, which is run by David Martin. It is about time you checked your facts before publishing things . . .

Tartarus said...

"You really are very ill informed. Kemp has nothing to do with the forum, which is run by David Martin. It is about time you checked your facts before publishing things . . .

03 October 2008 15:02"

We did :)

Anonymous said...

Tina's PC that she holds the membership database on isn't even connected to the internet so you couldn't blame any attempted hack of that database on Steve Blake.

Damn....I just spilt my coffee down my top, it must be that Steve Blake's fault as he is responsible for everything these days! pffttt!

Anonymous said...


The hole in the ozone layer, the extinction of the dodo, the global recession, every late train and bus, the wet summer, rush hour queues, repeats on the television, odd socks are all the fault of Steve Blake.

Anonymous said...

Whoever you checked your "facts" with spun you a proper load of old nonsense.

There is far more to this than you have been drip fed.

I suggest you remove the post, unless it is your intention to cause trouble by spouting rubbish.

For the record, Arthur Kemp had nothing whatsoever to do with this, but I'm guessing you knew that anyway.

Anonymous said...

The hole in the ozone layer, the extinction of the dodo, the global recession, every late train and bus, the wet summer, rush hour queues, repeats on the television, odd socks are all the fault of Steve Blake.

03 October 2008 16:27

And, in 2006 it was all the fault of Sharon Ebanks LMAO

Anonymous said...

2007 it was Sadie Graham Lol

The BNP is off its effing rocker

Anonymous said...

Postive proof over on BBC business pages that the credit crunch started when the Decembrist rebels kicked off last year. Its all their fault.

Anonymous said...

If the "Simon Bennett" posting on here is the real deal can he please explain to me why I had problems seeing the site a few days ago telling me I was banned. Also as a card carrying member with a wife and two kids earning a basic £18000 a year plus occasional overtime and I send in as much as I can afford when I can how can you explain your £1700 a month salary? Thats more than the Chairman told us he was earning when he gave a question and answer session at our branch a few months ago. How come your earning more than the Chairman, that dont make much sense.

Anonymous said...

"For the record, Arthur Kemp had nothing whatsoever to do with this, but I'm guessing you knew that anyway."

Rubbish, it was Kemp acting on orders from Griffin himself to quell dissident voices on the Forum, some fecking party of free speech. Same thing happened two years ago when that barmy headcase Barnes banned over a hundred people in one afternoon with the explanation that there were all the same are the aliens Barnes? We know you come looking on here you mad skunk smoking benefit scrounging loon. Kemp is the new enforcer, the new brains of the BNP, not that Id want him looking after my back, that spook would sooner stick a knife in it.

Anonymous said...

Steve Blake is also responsible for the British invading Iraq, He hacked into Griffins PC, which with Griffin being high up in MI5 held all the info on weapons of Mass destruction. Blake then leaked the INFO to his communist friends in the Labour party, and the invasion took place.

Arthur Daly Kemp is the new saviour of the BNP, and I would like to have his children. I am fed up sleeping with a man that cant look me straight in the eye. I love Kemp and I hate Blake because he has pics from my hubbies PC of me and Collet. I am scared that these will ber shown to my new man Kempie boy and he will dump me.

Anonymous said...

For the record, Simon Bennett earns £1,700 per week - not per month...

..and he has an expense account, company limo and a penthouse flat overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in Devon - where he lives - in Cornwall. LOL.

You numpties are worse than the UAF!

Anonymous said...

Oh, of course...

You ARE the UAF!

You almost tricked me with the "nationalist" blog title.

Anonymous said...

Your informants are very ill-informed. I have been administering the BNP for over a year now. My account has never been killed, not even for 24 seconds. Arthur Kemp plays no part at all in our forum. The only thing you got right is the removal of Kevin Scott and I did that myself and removed one of his stooges at the same time.

Check your facts with someone who knows what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

@ Simon Bennett

Being as you have been in nationalism for all of 5 minutes, that must make you an expert ?

And just because Griffin likes you, for now. Fool !

Anonymous said...

5 minutes - that means a fresh brain!

Not one that's been frazzled with years of paranoia, conspiracy theories and sheer lunacy, lol.

Anyway, I'm off to buy some land in Croatia with my £1700 an hour - sorry, per week!

Anonymous said...

What is a bent south african copper doing in a position of power in the BNP ?

Anonymous said...

What is a bent south african copper doing in a position of power in the BNP ?

04 October 2008 04:02

Kissing the bent Griffins arse, and pretending all is well in the, Fuck the leafleting, lets have another beer brigade

Anonymous said...

Oh, of course...

You ARE the UAF!

You almost tricked me with the "nationalist" blog title.

03 October 2008 23:07

Griffin and Darby have done more for the UAF than this blog ever has. If you don't like the TRUTH. Don't come here, you miserable non political wanker.

Anonymous said...

Griffins two CUNT's Howard & Williams have broadcast the BNP speech from Barnsley.

Oh dear they fucked the whole thing up.

So Griffin does support the CUNTs duo then.

Anonymous said...

Was Griffins speech about muslims again ?

Anonymous said...

" Griffins two CUNT's Howard & Williams have broadcast the BNP speech from Barnsley. "

Pete you stinking coward how the hell are you ? hope everyday is a nightmare for you like it should be for traitorous vermin .
Not long now is it yellow boy before you will have to answer for your crimes and before you start winging to your police handlers that was not a threat hahahahahah

See you soon lots of love and hugs



Anonymous said...

The BNP membership is readily available to anyone who wants it. The press, Antifa, MI5, all have it.

Anonymous said...

This is all very interesting - I see someone wants to have Mr Kemp's children (although she apperas to not even know his name - middle name is Benjamin, for the record) - good for her, he needs a few more as apparently his existing ones do not even want to use his name. They were also removed from the Blog for publishing the truth about their father!

Anonymous said...

Kemp says that anyone south of England is of mixed negroid blood, it is in his book that the BNP sells on their website. BNP boys better keep a low profile if they make a trip to the continent, Kemp is not making any friends for the BNP there. The irony is that Kemp is has black mathstefrizzy hair himself.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...