Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Griffin in Prague

Extremists gather in PraguePrague, 28.10.2008, 10:10, (ROMEA)
Two extreme right-wing groups, the Dělnická strana (DS) and the Národní strana (NS), want to exploit today's 90th anniversary of the creation of an independent Czechoslovakia by holding demonstrations in Prague. DS supporters will gather in the afternoon on Jiřího z Poděbrad square, while NS supporters will gather in the early evening on Wenceslas Square. Police have evaluated the DS event as high-risk, as the party is connected with ultra-right wing and neo-Nazi groups such as Národní odpor ("National Resistance" - NO).
On its web pages, DS announces it will celebrate the state holiday on 28 October by holding a gathering entitled the "Day of National Unity", which is to be aimed "against the system and for the nation". Representatives of various organizations are to give speeches at the event. DS also wants to officially launch its campaign for next year's EP elections at the gathering. Several civic associations have recently called for the DS to be dissolved.
The nationalist NS has called on people to come support "the only pro-national political party in the Czech Republic" at its celebration of the creation of the Czechoslovak Republic. The NS meeting is scheduled to be preceded by the screening of the controversial anti-Muslim film Fitna ("Disagreement") by the extreme right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders. NS chair Petra Edelmannová and British National Party chair Nick Griffin will then speak.



Anonymous said...

Did Griffin borrow those trousers from Barnbrook?

Anonymous said...

An anti-muslim film ?

Griffin will watch that !

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see these so called nationalists doing the bidding of the Zionists. The only person missing from that conference is Kissinger.

Anonymous said...

is this site left wing or right wing ? are you english or non english ? call me a stupid plank but i cant work it out.

Anonymous said...

is this site left wing or right wing ? are you english or non english ? call me a stupid plank but i cant work it out.

28 October 2008 21:01

We're nationalists, and what is right wing, or left wing?

Anonymous said...

We're nationalists, and what is right wing, or left wing?

28 October 2008 21:09

BNP members are left wing, and dumb enough to think the enemy, is their friend.

Anonymous said...

It seems that Gri££in has now been sent in by his masters to wreck growing organisations in Eastern Europe.

Anonymous said...

Did Griffin borrow those trousers from Barnbrook?


Yes but Richard will want them back as he has only the one suit!

Anonymous said...

Israel/USA have attacked Syria and Pakistan using US missiles.

Now THAT is extremist !

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the trousers, but the stockings & suspenders he has on underneath must definitely be on loan from Barnbrook.

Anonymous said...

Israel/USA have attacked Syria and Pakistan using US missiles.

Now THAT is extremist !

28 October 2008 23:26

Hear hear

Anonymous said...

I think Griffin is actually starting to display his true credentials as a 'EUROPHILE', which leaves BNP members in something of a quandry. Will they become everything they're not to support a man who will expel them in the end game? Or, will they revert to true nationalism?

An interesting link below


Final Conflict said...

Israel/USA have attacked Syria and Pakistan using US missiles.

Now THAT is extremist !

28 October 2008 23:26

Hear hear

29 October 2008 09:14


We said that on the FC Blog only to be called "pro-Moslem" by the BNP's Green Arrow.

Are these people serious????

Anonymous said...

"Are these people serious????

29 October 2008 10:32"

Yes, which is why the BNP is a lost cause, but not for Griffin, Griffin loves these idiots who keep coughing up into his coffers.

Anonymous said...

An anti-muslim film ?

Griffin will watch that !

Because Fitna is high on propaganda but low on truth - just like the Gri££inite faction of the BNP.

Even an average primary school teacher with just the KS2 knowledge of Islam will be able to point out numerous errors and factual inaccuracies in Fitna. It really is that bad.

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering when the BNP membership will wake up and realise that Islam isn't the enemy, Griffin, is.

Do they honestly believe that by sucking up to the friends of Israel that they will be afforded the same nationalist apartheid state? Dream on, the Zionists have been ruling the west ever since they crawled out of the desert and handed you Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Well Green Arrow uses a comic book name, what else would you expect from him ?

Anonymous said...

Another Gri££in Jolly paid for by hard working BNP meembers

Final Conflict said...

The Jews didn't hand us Christianity - the Jews rejected it: that's why we've had 2000 years of war: Jews against Christians.

Islam was created [as a kind of Christian heresy] as a buffer by a rabbi because Christianity was spreading eastwards and threatening to wipe out Judaism [the same reason the Jews sought the conversion of the King of the Khazars].

The Talmud remains the place where you'll read the most obscene and profane hatred of Christ and Christianity. Not that the BNP will tell you this...

Anonymous said...

Jews killed Christ, thus they are Christ-killers!

Anonymous said...

Jews killed Christ, thus they are Christ-killers!

30 October 2008 02:23

And Saul/Paul(Jew) wondered out of the desert 60/70yrs after the death of Christ and started spreading the word. Why leave it all those years if Christ was so important?

Anonymous said...

Religion is slavery for cowards.


Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin as Sacked John Walker the ex treasurer of the BNP. John resigned from the party!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...