Monday, October 06, 2008

Dewsbury teenagers' BNP bomb plot revealed in court

Two West Yorkshire school boys cooked up a plot to blow up a BNP building, Leeds Crown Court heard.
Dabeer Hussain and Waris Ali, now both 18 and from the Ravensthorpe area of Dewsbury are accused of possessing a terrorism manual called the Anarchists Cookbook on their computers and of discussing a plan to spy on and blow up a building connected to the far right politicals group, British National Party, the jury at heard. Ali, of Dearnley Street, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury is also accused of downloading a copy of the Proper Anarchists Cookbook onto his computer and possessing small amounts of potassium nitrate and calcium chloride, the court heard. Both chemicals can be used in the preparation of a bomb, the court heard. At the time of the offences between May 2006 and September 2007 Ali was still 15, and Hussain of Clarkson Street, Ravensthorpe was just 16. At the beginning of the pair's trial at Leeds Crown Court on Monday the jury of seven women and five men were officially sworn in. Judge John Milford QC lifted reporting restrictions allowing the pair to be named despite the age of the teenagers at the time of the alleged offences. Both teenagers are currently on bail. Proceeding

Friends talked about blowing up BNP members, court told
A PAIR of West Yorkshire teenagers discussed spying on and then blowing up members of the British National Party after downloading a terrorist manual on how to make bombs, a court has heard.
Former school friends Waris Ali and Dabeer Hussain, who are now both 18, chatted online about using secret cameras to film the BNP to identify targets for an attack, Leeds Crown Court was told yesterday.


Anonymous said...

They've got an effing cheek. They need to f*ck off back home to their slums in Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

"They've got an effing cheek. They need to f*ck off back home to their slums in Pakistan.

07 October 2008 08:54"

You have to smile at the nerve of these people. Not to worry, British prisoners will sort them out with a good kicking :)

Anonymous said...

If a Muslim terrorist blew up Nick Gri££in and 5IMon Darby with a home made explosive then would you celebrate?

Anonymous said...

If a Muslim terrorist blew up Nick Gri££in and 5IMon Darby with a home made explosive then would you celebrate?

07 October 2008 14:36

Who are you responding to?

Anonymous said...

fucking hell not been on here for a few months, but you fucking wimps have really had your hair shampooed.this is like THE LANCASTER UAF site a few years back.Look in the mirror folks you have blossomed into the left wing without realising.I bet ketlan tossowski and denise garside editor for you now !!!WAKE UP YOU SMUKS

Anonymous said...

fucking hell not been on here for a few months, but you fucking wimps have really had your hair shampooed.this is like THE LANCASTER UAF site a few years back.Look in the mirror folks you have blossomed into the left wing without realising.I bet ketlan tossowski and denise garside editor for you now !!!WAKE UP YOU SMUKS

07 October 2008 17:43

BNP members have always been leftwing. Its the press that have branded them rightwing. I've never met a rightwing BNP member in my life, apart from Jonathan Bowden, and he's no longer a BNP member.

Why do you think the BNP pick up Labour votes? WAKE UP YOU SMUK

Anonymous said...

You may have failed to spot something.

If the government REALLY detested the BNP as much as they claim they do then why would they want to prosecute some teenagers plotting to blow up BNP members? Surely the government ministers would have sat back and let it happen then had a good laugh in private afterwards that the wonders of multiculturalism are wiping out those vile racist Britons.

Could this prosecution shed a chink of light on the BNP being an establishment safety valve that the government DOES NOT want to see blown up by terrorists?

Anonymous said...

We already know the BNP is a safety valve. Griffin reveals it in every press utterance

Anonymous said...

"apart from Jonathan Bowden, and he's no longer a BNP member."

Oh yes he is, back on board after Nick forgave him for the mistakes he made last year. Nick is magnamious and has a heart of gold.

Anonymous said...

I bet `friend of jb' has got a brown tongue and a sore arse

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...