Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ingrid Rimland on BNP statement about Töben arrest


Nick Griffin's Attack on Fredrick Töben

Since you circulate to your email list news, views and propaganda from the BNP (in the interests of free speech) would it not be right and proper for you to forward not only the bulletin from Ingrid Rimland (below) but also this, my commentary on the issues her bulletin raises (likewise in the interests of free speech)?

As you well know, Ingrid Rimland's husband, Ernst Zündell, is serving a five year term in a German jail, having been kidnapped by federal government authorities from the USA into Canada, and from Canada into Germany, for "Holocaust Denial" statements which are not unlawful in the USA. Zündell had been found not guilty, on appeal, of a charge relating to "Holocaust Denial" in Canada many years before.

Ingrid Rimland's introductory comments to the BNP item deserve a wider audience. That wider audience also needs to be aware of the spin which Gri££in/BNP is deploying on this topic. This is where my commentary comes in.

The BNP's attack on Fredrick Töben for "Holocaust Denial", is artfully packaged within a criticism of the EU extradition warrant system.

In this instance, Töben, a citizen of Australia, published on his Australia-based web site "Holocaust Denial" material, an act which is not illegal under Australian law. "Holocaust Denial" is likewise not illegal under British law.

Nevertheless, whilst on a flight from the USA to Dubai he was dragged from his plane which had made a short refuelling stop at London Airport by British police purporting to enforce an arrest warrant issued in Germany where "Holocaust Denial" is a crime.

At the time the EU arrest warrant system was accepted by the British government, assurances were given by government spokesperesons that nobody would be extradited from British soil on an arrest warrant from another EU nation where the act specified on the warrant was not a crime in Britain.

I have no doubt that the article on the BNP web site was written by Gri££in himself. Its content is similar to an article recently published in the Daily Mail by the Jewish-Zionist media harpie Melanie Phillips.

Though abominating Töben and his views, Phillips admits that the EU arrest warrant procedure employed in respect of the Töben case is alien to British concepts of justice and free speech. Her husband, Joshua Rozenberg, formerly legal corespondent to BBC Radio 4, who now holding a similar post with the Daily Telegraph, no doubt briefed her on the fine points.

Gri££in's article, in terms of its attack on Töben's views, is incredible in view of his own writings about the "The Holocaust" in 'The Rune' and other nationalist publications not so very long ago.

A friend of mine from National Front days, Peter Berbridge, who during the 1990s toured Auschwitz and other German concentration camps in Poland and Germanyi, and who took many photos of the sites, received a letter from Gri££in begging to have access to the photos for republication in a "Holocaust Denial" publication.

Since becoming leader of the BNP, Gri££in has done a 'volte face' and is now brown-nosing the Jews in the hope of Jewish patronage. I have been warning about that trend in my 'Electronic Loose Cannon' e-bulletin for the past seven or eight years -- in the face of criticism that what I was publishing was "dispiriting" and "negative".

How can one be "uplifting" and "positive" about a wretched traitor who is fawning to the Jews in the hope of advancement of his personal career?

I note in the Gri££in/BNP article the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) is criticised because UKIP members of the European Parliament (where the BNP has no members) voted in support of a Jewish-inspired motion on the subject of "Holocaust Denial".

This motion, as I recollect, demanded that the governments of all EU member nations enact legislation to:
- criminalise "Holocaust Denial" where it was not already an offence;
- implement arrest warrants for "Holocaust Denial" issued by other EU nations; and,
- impose heavy fines and long terms of imprisonment on all convicted of "Holocaust Denial".

The BNP article is quite right about UKIP's voting record on that motion. I broke a friendship with somebody who I had known since NF days (Andrew Moffat) who is now a UKIP member and a former parliamentary candidate, who refused to disassociate himself from his party's support for that wicked EU Parliament motion.

UKIP justified its support for the motion on the grounds that if it did not, then the media would depict the party as "anti-semitic" or even as "Holocaust Deniers". This is exactly the kind of explanation Gri££in and his associated spin doctors are giving for the BNP philo-semitic positioning!

More to the point: I cannot recollect seeing any BNP denunciations of the EU Parliament motion at the time it was debated and carried, or of the proposed use of EU-wide arrest warrants for "Holocaust Denial". If any such criticisms were published, then they were so discreet as to be designed to escape attention.

Thus the current BNP denunciation of UKIP on that topic is sheerest humbug.

I will not attempt to subject the entire Gri££in/BNP article about Töben to analysis. I will merely refer to the comments concerning "....his silliness in getting involved with events of 70 years ago...."

The suggestion that events of 70 years ago -- or even 700 years ago -- are irrelevant to the current predicament of Mankind is self-evidently absurd -- or in this case, an appeal to wilful ignorance. The post-Gri££in-as-Chairman intake of BNP members do not seem to me to be the sharpest knives in the drawer.

So far as "The Holocaust" is concerned, the Jewish narrative is having an immediate and continuous impact on our lives at this moment and for the foreseeable future. I specify only two of several points of impact:

1) Our Psychological Environment:

The huge propaganda industry that has been built up around "The Holocaust" is forever pumping out material designed to make ALL gentiles NOW (not just Germans and their allies of 70 years ago) are being made to feel an unbearable burden of guilt about the Jews.

It is designed to make it psychologically (to say nothing of legally!) impossible to criticise not just the Jews as a whole, but any individual Jews. It provides Jewry with a 'carte blanche' to do what they like and, more often than not, to get away with it. Jewry is using "The Holocaust" to create for itself the dream of a never-expiring "Get-Out-Of-Jail-For-Free" card.

This situation is warping our laws, our educational system and many other aspects of our culture. It allows phenomena such as the current Credit Crunch swindle by the bankers to be transacted without a thorough-going investigation of who are the ultimate instigators and beneficiaries of the banking scam.

2) The Threat of a World War Erupting in the Middle East:

The longest-running sore in international relations post WW2 is the crisis in the Middle East, specifically, the conquest by Zionist Jews of the land of Palestine in order to create Israel, and the resultant ethnic cleansing by warfare, war crimes and utmost cruelty of the Palestinians from their land.

There are now hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in terrible conditions in refugee camps outside Palestine. Many hundreds of thousands more live in concentration camp style conditions within the West Bank and Gaza, conditions imposed on them by Israel's armed forces.

The only way Israel has been able to get away with this is as a result of:

(a) the vast amount of money and weaponry poured into Israel by the USA prompted by the American Jewish community's financial and media domination of the body politic in that country; and,

(b) by the deployment, worldwide, of a never-ending stream of "Holocaust" propaganda to make white gentile nations allow the Jews to steal the Palestinians' land as a kind of compensation for "what happened" to them during "The Holocaust".

Even if every single word of the Jewish "Holocaust" narrative was true -- and that must be open for free debate and investigation by those who wish to devote their time to it -- on what basis must the villagers of Palestine be dispossessed, humiliated and crushed so as to provide compensation for the Jews?

There is NO legal or moral basis for any such development. It is an outrage.

Apart from a few individuals, most of us in "the West" cannot see that outrage on account of the dense fumes of "Holocaust" propaganda. We cannot hear the screams of Palestinian families as American-made giant armoured bulldozers crush them in their homes, because our ears are still ringing to wailing Jewish violins in the latest "Holocaust" film.

It is to that blind and deaf (and stupid?) constituency among the British electorate that Nick Gri££in hopes to make his appeal, thus compounding and reinforcing the wickedness of Zionist-Jewry.

But the followers of Islam throughout the world, especially the Arabs, are not blind to this injustice. They see it and hear it and feel it most keenly. And after 60 years of "the West" ignoring the outrage, they have started to fight back. Palestine is the key issue of all the Islamic "terrorists".

Every other crisis issue in the Middle East is linked to Palestine and to the determination of "the West" to meddle everywhere in that region, not for oil, but to create a situation of perfect security for Israel.

Thus for Gri££in to say that investigating "the Holocaust" is an irrelevance and a "honey-trap" for British nationalists is not a statement of objective truth, but a statement of his submission to the money-power and media-power of Jewry.

He would like to sit at Jewry's table, but if he cannot do that, then at least he hopes to pick up the bones of patronage which may be thrown from it in his direction and in direction of other even more obedient dogs.



P.S.: I hear that John Tyndall's former loyal lieutenant, Richard Edmonds, has been co-opted by Gri££in on to the BNP Advisory Council. I suppose this is on the basis that it's better to have a foe on the inside pissing out than on the outside pissing in. To all intents and purposes, Edmonds has been neutralised. He is now merely an item of camouflage. (NWN : Emphasis !)

From: Ingrid
Date: Monday, October 13, 2008 6:08 PM
Subject: BNP: Toben Case Highlights Danger of EU Gestapo

Comment: I am always saddened to see groups like the BNP genuflect
before the enemy, but ignoring the obvious - not that it's going to
help them any! - this article contains useful comparisons between
today and yesterday.

Article printed from The British National Party News:

Posted By BNP News On October 3, 2008 [1]

Toben Case Highlights Danger of EU Gestapo

The arrest of Australian national Gerald Frederick Toben at Heathrow
airport at the request of the German government on Holocaust-denial
charges cuts to the very heart of the EU super state Gestapo danger.

The BNP has no truck with Holocaust Denial, regarding it as a
self-defeating honey trap aimed at diverting attention away from the
real issues facing Britain in 2008, namely the effects of mass
immigration and the loss of our national identity.

The real issue with the Toben case is not, therefore, his silliness
in getting involved with events of 70 years ago, but actually the
frightening ability of EU states to order the arrest of other state's
nationals - for thought crimes which are not even offences in most

This is a direct assault on personal and civil liberties, the
suppression of which Europe was supposed to have liberated itself in
the war against Fascism more than six decades ago. It is incredible
to think that the nations of Europe - who fought so hard to rid
themselves of Nazi and Fascist dictatorships, should themselves
resort to those very tactics.

This is rank, dire, wretched hypocrisy of the worst degree, and shows
that the era of Nazi book burning has been reborn in the form of the
EU - and modern leftist regimes.

The EU Gestapo works like this: A person of any nationality - Britain
included - says or thinks something which is not a crime in his home
country. An EU state issues an arrest warrant, and can order the
police of a third state to arrest that person anywhere in the world,
and bring that person back to the EU state for trial.

The police have no discretion in the matter: they are forced to act
by the EU super state.

The last time Europe experienced such a thing was during the witch
burnings of the Middle Ages, the Nazi era, and the tyranny of
Communist-ruled Eastern Europe. The EU has excelled itself over
these eras.

At the very least, the Nazis made no pretence of being democratic,
and were open about their aims. The EU, on the other hand, lies and
pretends to be democratic, when in fact it is just as totalitarian,
if not more so, than the worst witchcraft trial judge or Nazi book
burner. In fact, the Nazis never reached Britain, whereas their
spiritual descendants in the EU bureaucracy now have.

Euro-sceptics, including those who support UKIP, will doubtless find
these events a confirmation of all they fear about the EU Gestapo
super state. But Ukip supporters should also be aware that in January
2005, Ukip MEPs voted for these laws which are now being enforced for
the first time on UK territory.

Not content with lying to their supporters, the Ukip MEPs have
actively taken part in the suppression of British civil liberties,
and deserve to be punished for this collaboration with the Fascists.
Zgrams mailing list


Anonymous said...

Griffin is a fucking hypocrite. He used to recommend on the BNP website that people sign up for the Zundel email bulletins, and if you go here, you'll see the BNP website cached all the way back to 1998 with the proof.*/

One of these days Griffin will take a very nasty fall, and I hope I'm there to see it.

Anonymous said...

Gri££in is a TRAITOR.

Anonymous said...

"Gri££in is a TRAITOR.

15 October 2008 17:43"

He's also a manipulator, and a liar.

Final Conflict said...

We are not political friends of Mr. Webster (as he will gladly confer!) and have never -unlike at least one BNP leader- tried to "gladhand him" for political gain or tried to get 'friendly' (sincerely or otherwise) with him.

We make it clear that our opposition to his promotion of homosexuality within the nationalist movement is not open for debate, and that liberalism on this issue would be detrimental to the cause, just as homosexuality is detrimental to the wider society, community and individuals.

That caveat out of the way, in this instance - and generally on Zionism and the Holohoax - Mr. Webster is more or less correct in his analysis.

The switching of nationalism per se from being anti-Zionist to being pro-Zionist (even in nuances of smears against revisionists and the Palestinians as a whole) is a criminal act.

At least Ingrid Rimland and Mr. Toben's people can now see this for themselves.

Some claim our stance on this in some way whitewashes Mr. Webster. Not so. Mr. Webster remains implacably opposed to Final Conflict and we for our part remain implacably opposed to homosexual apologists.

But neither of us can do with lectures from those whose political, social or moral ideals change with the phases of the moon (no pun intended) and whose language/stance on both homosexuality AND Zionism is as duplicitous, janus-headed and insincere as is humanly possible.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone follow a man who is a national socialist one minute, and then a nationalist, and then a conservative?

Every differing political step he's ever taken was for money, and look at all the people he's screwed over along the way.

Anonymous said...

"We make it clear that our opposition to his promotion of homosexuality within the nationalist movement is not open for debate"

I'm opposed to the promotion of homosexuality, but in the plan of nature, it culls populations, and all sectors of nature have to be culled at some point. Wether it be by homosexuality, extreme disability, new forms of disease, or war etc

Those who do battle with nature, create ever greater disease, famine, and destruction.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is a wanker

Anonymous said...

Quisling signs should be erected outside Griffins and Darby's residences.

Anonymous said...

I love NWN !

Anonymous said...

Websters boyfreind Marriner was MI5 when they made sure Lady Birdwoods estate went into Jewish hands FACT
FC know this , NWN are paid informants so are as bad as Webster the only thing thats keeps you gang of sad sacks together is a hatred of the success the BNP are having .

Our day is coming , you vermin have more to fear than the average ethnic who can look forward to going home you have nowhere to run nowhere to hide .
Day of the rope , coming soon

have a shit day scum .

Anonymous said...

Sends more abuse and threats to all our readers.

His bus company should make him do something useful, like ovetime.

He fails to realise he is a mouthpiece for Gri££in.

Anonymous said...

Dave Howards ISP Sheffield

Visit 391,132
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 78.149.41.# (Opal Telecom)
ISP Opal Telecom
Location Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
Lat/Long : 54, -2 (Map)
Distance : 33 miles (local visitor)

Language English (U.K.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0

Anonymous said...

hahaha you scum are amusing I told loads about your lies all I have to do is show them your comments about me either being a drug user or if the ciders flowing for you a dealer to prove my point . You forget vermin some of us live in the real world and are known , it might impress a few internet retards but all your doing is proving what lying filth you are to anyone in the know .

Let me thnk who was an actual drug user and one time dealer before he turned informant errrrrrr thats right your fucking brother and its all a matter of public record .

have a shit day and a few nightmares when you fall into your drunken stuper you vermin .

Anonymous said...

hahaha you scum are amusing I told loads about your lies all I have to do is show them your comments about me either being a drug user or if the ciders flowing for you a dealer to prove my point . You forget vermin some of us live in the real world and are known , it might impress a few internet retards but all your doing is proving what lying filth you are to anyone in the know .

Let me thnk who was an actual drug user and one time dealer before he turned informant errrrrrr thats right your fucking brother and its all a matter of public record .

have a shit day and a few nightmares when you fall into your drunken stuper you vermin .

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say hello to the other drunken bum HI Patrick LOL

Anonymous said...

"Our day is coming , you vermin have more to fear than the average ethnic who can look forward to going home you have nowhere to run nowhere to hide .
Day of the rope , coming soon

have a shit day scum ."

You haven't got the guts you brain dead-follow the thieving leader, shit head.

I'd feel sorry for you, but you clearly have the intelligence to hold down a job that involves driving the public around. Sadly, you don't have the brain to know when you're being used.

Anonymous said...

"hatred of the success the BNP are having .

Our day is coming"

Ha ha ha ha ha, you effing dumbass.
What success? 50 councillors out of 23,000 LMFAO

At this rate your time will come in the year 4010 Lol Lol

Wake up you sad prick. Griffin keeps the BNP down to earn money from morons like you.

Don't come on here insulting us just because we know the truth. There are many political minds greater than Griffins that wonder why he keeps the BNP dumbed down.

Credit crunch? Blame it on the Mussies LOL

Anonymous said...

What's brain dead griffin supporter and aging football hooligan,drunkard, and smoker of dope Dave Howard doing writing his usual hardman posts on here for ?

He and his scummy mates trashed STORMFRONT UK on Griffins orders, then all disappeared.

Griffin does not like the WWW because he cannot control it.

Anonymous said...

Him and his CUNTs mates trashed VNN too.

Its like a graveyard over there now on SF and VNN.

Anonymous said...

"What's brain dead griffin supporter and aging football hooligan,drunkard, and smoker of dope Dave Howard doing writing his usual hardman posts on here for ?"

Dopey Dave is terrified of women, nevermind men. Ebanks offered him and his buddies out, and they bottled it. Mind you, I've seen how she uses a strike 9 and numb chuckers lol

Anonymous said...

"Griffin does not like the WWW because he cannot control it.

16 October 2008 17:53"


Anonymous said...

You can't post on S.F. can you now David?. Threaten women will you? Your time is coming.

Anonymous said...

You can't post on S.F. can you now David?. Threaten women will you? Your time is coming.

16 October 2008 21:08

Yes, we've seen his threats, and let us see how brave he is when he's out alone.

Anonymous said...

You credit the population with too much intelligence, at the end of the day the BNP is doing the right thing by not making it too taxing a proposition for them to place an 'X' next to the name BNP in the voting booths, like it or lump it, populism gets you votes, all the majority of people want at the end of the day is a house, car, TV/DVD/XBox et al, and be able to afford a holiday and pay the bills etc.

Anonymous said...

"You credit the population with too much intelligence, at the end of the day the BNP is doing the right thing by not making it too taxing a proposition for them to place an 'X' next to the name BNP in the voting booths, like it or lump it, populism gets you votes, all the majority of people want at the end of the day is a house, car, TV/DVD/XBox et al, and be able to afford a holiday and pay the bills etc.

17 October 2008 02:08"

Bullshit, and you know it.

The BNP doesn't have the intelligence to promote how those goods will be purchased, or how bills will be paid. The BNP, is a minute army of poorly educated working class people, who are easily fleeced by promises of action, yet, have not the intelligence to ask how that action will take place.

You have attempted to state something in simple terms without explaining how it works. Why not tell us how you will solve the economic disaster facing Britain with 50 councillors, and a gin sodden drunk in the GLA?

The truth is, Griffin, is the only smart person in the BNP, smart, but evil. Evil because he preys on the very people he pretends to help.

Anonymous said...

Gri££in is bought and paid for. He works support for Israel into everything.

Anonymous said...

Howard was among those that threatened DUX 90.

Anonymous said...

Howard was among those that threatened DUX 90.

17 October 2008 18:23

Griffin loves men who threaten women. I've heard his old slapper Jackie had a few punches at the start of their marriage, but hardly suprising giving the men, and women she's tried to shag.

Anonymous said...

So what's your problem, the BNP aren't promoting an anti-zionist agenda? the Labour Party didn't openly advocate Marxism either, if you're waiting for a revolution you'll be waiting a long time is all I can say, and if it ever happens it won't be because of public dissaffection with jewry, but over Taxes

Anonymous said...

"So what's your problem, the BNP aren't promoting an anti-zionist agenda? the Labour Party didn't openly advocate Marxism either, if you're waiting for a revolution you'll be waiting a long time is all I can say, and if it ever happens it won't be because of public dissaffection with jewry, but over Taxes"

So lets see Gri££in argue against taxes ?

Anonymous said...

Griffo doesn't need to mention anything about taxes, he's getting the votes from dissaffected Whites, working class and now more importantly the middle classes who are seeing muds moving into their areas and not liking it one bit, as I mentioned previously, 99% of people vote for their own vested interest and not for the good of the country, they live in bovine ignorance...

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Dux 90 a moderator for Stormfront UK ?

She was a lady moderator.

A few people like Tommy Williams and Dave Howard (The CUNTs group) made threats against Dux 90.

Dux 90 resigned her position as SF moderator.

Williams and Howard were banned from SF UK.

Another mod, Gamekeeper, has been left, even though Christie was pally with the CUNTs group.

Gamekeeper/Christie, always 'links up' with the low lives in the movement.

Anonymous said...

BNP Piss up in Sheffield....

Dave Howard is 'cock a hoop' because his hero Gri££in spoke to the small number in Sheffield.

It was a good meeting though, and many pints were downed by Howard and his chums.

But they had to keep the funny fags and the 'tablets' under wraps and away from view.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a member of the BNP, but let's face it — if a (white) nationalist party is ever going to have any credibility whatsoever, it CANNOT have anything to do with Holocaust "Denial", whatever your views on the rights and wrongs of it. Griffin is RIGHT to stress the free speech aspects of the Toben case, as they are all that is directly relevant.

Griffin a hypocrite? Be sensible, boys and girls — the BNP hammering on about "gas chambers" would be a bloody disaster. No-one wants to hear about any of that. Too many people think you're knuckle-dragging Nazis anyway. If Old Nick's got a problem, it's more about the incompetent company he keeps.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...