Saturday, October 11, 2008

Joerg Haider is dead

Austria's veteran far-right leader Joerg Haider was killed in a car accident this morning near his home town of Klagenfurt, police said.
Haider, who led the far-right into a coalition government from 2000-2006, made headlines across the world and drew international condemnation with his blunt anti-immigrant statements and for seeming to flirt with Nazi sympathies.
The 58-year-old governor of Austria's Carinthia province died after suffering major head and chest injuries when the government car he was driving went out of control and rolled down an embankment, police said. He was alone in the car.
Police said they were investigating the cause of the crash.
"This is for us like the end of the world," said Haider's spokesman Stefan Petzner. He said Haider had been heading to a town near Klagenfurt in the mountainous southern province for a gathering of his family to mark his mother's 90th birthday.
Haider, a folksy character who struck a popular chord among many Austrians, headed one of two far-right parties that surged to a combined 30 percent of the vote in a parliamentary election last month, potentially redrawing Austria's political landscape.
Active in politics since his teenage years in the affluent Alpine country, he became a full-time politician in 1977 for the far-right Freedom Party.
Haider caused an international backlash when he led the Freedom Party into a coalition government with the conservative People's Party in 2000, triggering widespread condemnation and temporary European Union sanctions against Austria.
The deal fell apart, leading to an early election in 2002 in which the Freedom Party lost heavily, followed by a remake of the coalition.
After internecine struggles within the Freedom Party, Haider formed the breakaway Alliance for the Future of Austria in 2005. His new party became junior partner in the coalition government, while the Freedom Party left and went into opposition.
But in a national election in 2006, the Alliance for the Future of Austria only just scraped past the 4 percent threshold to enter parliament.
Haider also made headlines with several verbal gaffes and by making foreign trips to see leaders such as Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Libya's Muammar Gaddafi.
He once reproached Austria's government by citing the "proper labour policies" of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. On another occasion he referred to Nazi concentration camps in a parliamentary debate as "penal camps".
Born in Upper Austria, his father was a former member of Hitler's brown-shirted storm troopers. His mother was a teacher who had been a Hitler Youth leader.
Haider is survived by his wife and two daughters.


Anonymous said...

I bet Mossad did it

Anonymous said...

"A Government car" ?

Israel have been making noises since the right wing breakthrough recently in Austria.

Anonymous said...

A sad loss and just like with Ian Stewart, "very suspicious".
His mother a Hitler Youth leader, now 90 better beware, the Nazi hunters will be out to get her.

Anonymous said...

From The Jewish Chronicle

Daniella Peled

October 3, 2008

Israel has expressed "deep concern" over the massive success of the Austrian far-right in this week's elections.

The combined success of the far-right parties amounted to almost a third of all votes cast in the early elections, called after Austria's coalition collapsed in June. They may now be called upon to help form a new government.

"We regard what happened as a matter for deep concern," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor. "It is extremely preoccupying that elements which promote xenophobia and Holocaust-denial and befriend neo-Nazis are gaining political ground and obtaining widespread support. We will follow developments very closely."

The Freedom Party took 18 per cent of the vote, with its former leader Jörg Haider taking 11 per cent with his breakaway Movement for Austria's Future.

Just weeks ago, Ariel Muzicant, the president of the Austrian Jewish community, said that although Mr Haider's party had formally distanced itself from the Nazis, "if you scratch below the surface, those well-known underground Nazis come out, and in droves".

Mr Haider's Freedom Party came second in the 1999 elections, and its inclusion in a governing coalition the following year led to Israel recalling its ambassador from Vienna.

However, Mr Palmor declined to comment on whether Jerusalem was considering any similar measures.
"It is premature to make forecasts on Israeli actions or even the make-up of the next Austrian government," he said.

Analysts said that the success of the far-right was partly due to protest voting on issues including disillusionment with the main centrist parties.

Anonymous said...

" We will follow developments very closely."


You have Israel, fuck off to it. The rest of the world is not your concern you murdering bastards. We don't want your banks, your interest rates, your wars, your shitty take-aways, or supermarkets. Fuck off and destroy Israel.

Anonymous said...

"From The Jewish Chronicle

Daniella Peled

October 3, 2008"

Written 8 days before he was murdered. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

"His mother a Hitler Youth leader, now 90 better beware, the Nazi hunters will be out to get her.

11 October 2008 16:44"

I wonder who hunts those who worked under Stalin? Silly me, Jews don't hunt Jews, do they?

Anonymous said...

" We will follow developments very closely."

I agree with earlier poster, "why". Austria is nothing to do with Israel. The Jews bang on about anti-semitism which is mostly imaginary, this kind of action to take out opponents of the Jewish elite may well stir up a real bout of anti-semitism in Europe, something the Jews should do well to take of.

Anonymous said...

Shame jew boys Nickitall Griffin and Marxski Kiddyfiddler Collet were'nt passengers, as their deaths would be a positive major advancement for English Nationalism and a major blow for the yiddly yoos running Britain.

The money vulture Phil `The jew' Green is now in Iceland preparing to pick the bones of tits-up companies.

Why is Israel immune to the world financial meltdown? ..... I almost forgot, the jew bastards siphoned off all the money before engineering the melt down.

Come on Chris Hill, try defending your shit semite mates ..... next you'll be telling us you have muslim friends.


Anonymous said...

Looked at the pics of the car smash and there seems to be s severe shortage of .... A STEERING WHEEL !

Shades of ISD perhaps ?

Anonymous said...

And many years before ISD, with TE Lawrence !

Anonymous said...

Wot !

No concrete pillar ?

Anonymous said...

They had better have another, in depth investigation, just like Wolf Rudiger Hess had for his father, when Hess Senior was murdered.

Anonymous said...

Watch this vidio get a glimps of who rules our western world. Watch it all,especially the last section.This vidio will be killed soon(i think). Once again go to
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

"Watch this vidio get a glimps of who rules our western world. Watch it all,especially the last section.This vidio will be killed soon(i think). Once again go to
Richard Chadfield

11 October 2008 22:25"

Tell us something we don't know.

Its time the whole world woke up to Israel, and what it does. Even if you wanted to take their faith/race out of the equation, they are the most evil, and Israel the most powerful country in the world with the money they make on third world debt, murder, and misery.

America is the biggest customer of Israeli manufactured death. In 2007 Israel sold America £1.5billion of weapons to kill on their behalf.

Plasan Sasa Ltd did business worth £800million with the USA

Elbit Systems Ltd did business worth £700million with the USA

India is Elbits second largest customer, yet Indians live in squalor, and poverty.

Israel speaks of peace while funding war, and then delivers the ultimate, the weapons with which to fight those wars, wars which they cause. Hitler was a disgrace, he should have wiped them from the face of the earth instead of allowing them to breath their poison on the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

I was not overly keen on him or his brand of "cornflake" nationalism. I guess he was too politically close in later years to Griffinite appeasement.

But he did hang on the right side of the tracks and we are all often dealt these cruel losses.

Tonight I heard that the Lesbian in the north actually removed a bad tasted financial appeal for the BPP's "leadership" to go to the funeral (as if they actually would,) can you believe the cheek of these folk!!?

I still mourn every day, the Englishman man of greater substance who passed without ever realising half of the things that Mr Haider had the opportunities to.

We have a lot to do still Comrades

Anonymous said...

Haider was murdered. Just when the banks fail and his party was poised to take off.

His previous career is interesting too. Expelled from his previous party after it was infiltrated by state agents, became corrupt and sold out.

Nothing changes.

Anonymous said...

This 'accident' has got MOSSAD written all over it.

See Jorg Haider Assassinated
at -

See Mossad spied on Austria's Haidar at -

See The Baphomet Conspiracy and the Laboratory of Fear - How Satanic Jews and the German Secret Service Use Psychological Terror and Assassination to Silence German Patriots and Prevent the Restoration of the German Reich at

Anonymous said...

"Watch this vidio get a glimps of who rules our western world. Watch it all,especially the last section.This vidio will be killed soon(i think). Once again go to
Richard Chadfield

11 October 2008 22:25"

Tell us something we don't know.
I had hoped that readers would understand that the bulk of our population does not know and that readers were being politly requested to forward the address on to family,friends,work collegues, business acquaintancies etc. Education precedes change. This is a very small part of that education. forward the address: and help to educate.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

I had hoped that readers would understand that the bulk of our population does not know and that readers were being politly requested to forward the address on to family,friends,work collegues, business acquaintancies etc.

The population doesn't want to know, and that's why it's fucked.

Anonymous said...

"Education precedes change2

Well said Richard. There are no easy answers. We have to walk one step at a time. The penetration of good material into the population as a whole, is at present, minuscule.

An economic downturn though, should get people thinking and asking questions...

Anonymous said...

An economic downturn though, should get people thinking and asking questions...

Hmm... not sure about that. Isn't an economic downturn liable to promote panic rather than reason, which, by the way, is exactly why it is being brought about.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... not sure about that. Isn't an economic downturn liable to promote panic rather than reason, which, by the way, is exactly why it is being brought about.

I should have said "hopefully" :-)

Anonymous said...

I should have said "hopefully" :-)

13 October 2008 01:32

Ah, but even in the BNP the members believe that everything is the fault of the Muslims. If you can't even educate those who claim to be nationalists, what hope have you got? Andy Mcbride, a BNP organiser has a 'British Friends of Israel' logo on his website. He's also a freemason, yet posts on Stormfront as, Kitchener. What is he doing on SF, or in the BNP, if he holds such views?

Nationalism, is finished. The only hope in the future, is individualism, anarchy, and survival of the fittest.

Anonymous said...

Anon said: Ah, but even in the BNP the members believe that everything is the fault of the Muslims. If you can't even educate those who claim to be nationalists, what hope have you got? Andy Mcbride, a BNP organiser has a 'British Friends of Israel' logo on his website. He's also a freemason, yet posts on Stormfront as, Kitchener. What is he doing on SF, or in the BNP, if he holds such views?

Nationalism, is finished. The only hope in the future, is individualism, anarchy, and survival of the fittest.

The irony is the BNP think they are politically enlightened and the rest of the country needs to wake up to the 'muzzy' threat, before it's too late!

Anonymous said...

Nationalism, is finished. The only hope in the future, is individualism, anarchy, and survival of the fittest.
13 October 2008 09:46
Could you expain what each of your three hopes mean?
1) What is 'individualism'?
2)What is 'anrchy'?
3)What is 'survival of the fittest'
I like definitions ,they are needed to avoid ambiguity. (Your definitions may be differant to my own)
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Shame jew boys Nickitall Griffin and Marxski Kiddyfiddler Collet were'nt passengers, as their deaths would be a positive major advancement for English Nationalism and a major blow for the yiddly yoos running Britain.

Done a swop NWN got a Patrick for a Pete LOL .
You crazy guys just cant help it can you .

Anonymous said...

Clive Derby-Lewis update : The all Black parole board agreed to release him from life imprisonment today, but the South African Communist Party has objected and the High Court will now review his case Oct 28; widow of SACP chief he assassinated, mass-murderer Chris Hani, to be consulted.

Anonymous said...

Haider's party comrade Stefan Petzner says Haider was "the man of his life" and that Haider's widow knew and "did not object". How does this fit into the picture? Was Haider just another in the long line of nationalist homosexualists (e.g. the Mend Protocol prepared by German military intelligence for Admiral Canaris)? Is Petzner state or Mossad, or have the nats just conned themselves again... ?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...