Friday, October 03, 2008

Press TV FINE PRINT programme:

Michelle Renouf debates with Shimelfarb (NY based PR fro Netanyahu) on the fraud of Zionists in 1948 who were claiming that Jewish refugees from Europe had no homeland when indeed they did - it is Birobidjan.

In existence since 1928, the Jewish Autonomous Region (bordering China and Russia of some 32,000 sq. km.) displaced no indigenous people by its creation as a homeland for world Jewry. It was formalised in 1934.

After 1945 there was no political impediment for European Jewry to reach their homeland of Birobidjan yet the secular Zionists lied and World Jewry claimed their moral right to a "Promised Land" in Palestine. Four years ago the Jewish Autonomous State celebrated its thriving 70th anniversary.

Thus there was always since 1928 a decent, safe and accepted-by-jews solution to the Jewish self-determination and viable homeland.

Very good 45 minute video in this link ;


Anonymous said...

I have a notion about Israel. I may be wrong but I'll air it anyway.

The excuse for it's creation is "biblical". Many Ashkanazis who lived in Eastern Europe and the USA have moved (or rather invaded) Palestine since 1948.

Now. The maintenance of Israel costs the American taxpayer billions of dollars. Israel is like one great big public sector blackhole. We know bankers/tax sytem facilitate wars to extract profits for business at the expense of the pockets of the taxpayers and limbs and lives of the ordinary soldier. There are other perhaps, noble intended schemes, for extracting taxpayers money to pay interest on the national debts of western nations who undertake huge projects.

I'm suggesting Israel is a money making project above all else. Whether the bankers have persuaded the policy makers that Israel is a useful square on the geopolitical chessboard might be another matter

Anonymous said...

she is a bit of a firebrand isnt she ?

Anonymous said...

The jews do indeed argue the Old Testament that they are the chosen people, ergo, they own Israel/Palestine.

What they do NOT consider is that Jesus brought in new laws. He overturned the old testament and brought in the new testament.

Jesus called the jews more than we could get away with today.

He called them "the spawn of satan" and so on

Today Jesus would be in jail, again, by order of the jews/pharisees and the scribes.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Renouf is one hell of a gal. She's got my vote.
Isreal is more than a finacial black hole sucking money from the rest of the world, it's also where most secret Trust are held after being processed through Jersey, Isle of Man, the Bahamas, etc.

Many homes in England, sold as `Free Hold' properties, are in fact owned by secret Trusts, have hidden Landlords/owners, and have two sets of Deeds, one set for the real owner(s) and the second set for the unsuspecting owner who thinks he (and his family) owns his home outright. Study English Land Acts and you will see this is so. And guess who formulated those Land Acts ..... influencial jews in England, especially the Zionist parliamentry legal draughtsman, Sir Claude Schuster, on whom the brave Lord Hewwit(spelling could be wrong) made one of the fierest attacks ever heard on the floor of the House of Lords. With just cause Lord Hewwit always referred to Schuster as `shyster'.

The legal definition of this horrendous legalised scam of hidden ownership, is known as `Behind the Curtain', and is a matter for English people to rise up against.

Anonymous said...

There is no historic connection between Birobidjan and the Jews. It was founded in 1934 as one of several social engineering/mass population movements undertaken by Stalin. It was designed to house Ashenazi Jews only and to defuse the Zionist movement, which was already strong by then, but almost exclusively among Ashkenazi Jews, so one of the official languages of Birobidjan was/is Yiddish, which Sephardi Jews do not speak. No attempt was every made to move the many central Asian Sephardic Jews to Birobidjan. There were never more than 30,000 Jews living in Birbidjan, i.e. approx 10%-20% of the population. Birobidjan was never more than a Soviet Bantustan for Ashkenazi Jews. The majority of the population of Israel are Sephardi Jews many of whom are the descendents of Jews expelled from Arab countries in 1948.

Anonymous said...

Ashkenazi hold all the reins of power in Israel. In fact, they despise and systematically discriminate against the Sephardim. See the book "Life in Racist Marxist Israel", an expose written by a Jew.

The reason that the Jew state in the USSR failed was ... guess what ... that the Jews hated it. Why? Because in an all Jew state, there's no goyim to exploit.

Anonymous said...

"Ashkenazi hold all the reins of power in Israel. In fact, they despise and systematically discriminate against the Sephardim. See the book "Life in Racist Marxist Israel", an expose written by a Jew."

Ashkenazi Jews are disproportionately represented in the higher echelons of Israeli society but the book referred to is a light weight, badly orchestrated and well-established hoax. There are plently of Anti-Zionist books written by Jews, e.g. Ilan Pappe, but this in not one of them.

"The reason that the Jew state in the USSR failed was ... guess what ... that the Jews hated it. Why? Because in an all Jew state, there's no goyim to exploit."

Silly comment. The Jews were never more than 20% of the population of Birobijan. Birobjan failed as a "Jewish" homeland because life in Birobjan was like life anywhere else in the remote regions of the USSR, plus the fact that most of the leaders of the mini-homeland
were purged by Stalin in the mid-30s.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus called the jews more than we could get away with today.

He called them "the spawn of satan" and so on

Today Jesus would be in jail, again, by order of the jews/pharisees and the scribes."

1. JC was a Jew and probably a rabbi. Several of his remarks quoted in the Bible are quotes of other rabbis.
2. The phrase "spawn of Satan" appears nowhere in the Bible.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...