Sunday, November 02, 2008

Over 30.000 welcome troops back from Middle East

The bottom pic shows IRA murderer Gerry Adams (centre with beard) opposing the troops return.
Adams should be sacked from any and all positions of government in the UK, and the people who put these murderers in to the Northern Ireland Assembly should be sacked as well.

You can also discuss this at


Anonymous said...

"and the people who put these murderers in to the Northern Ireland Assembly should be sacked as well."

You mean people like, Ken Livingstone, Tony Blair, Clair Short, Billy Bragg, Searchlight, and all the unions?

Anonymous said...

and the cunt refuses to step foot in parliment ? him and mcguiness and the rest of the left wing traitors should be hung.we pray it kicks off again over here so our brothers across the water in england can uprsise this time against the foreign loving tyrants that have infiltrated britain.

Anonymous said...

No mention of Loyalist murderers, I notice.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...