Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is your home being repossessed?

Beating house repossession is easy.
Become a Muslim until the recession blows over.
Imagine a mortgage lender who allows you to take all the increase in the price of your home when you sell, but is prepared to share any loss if the property has fallen in value. Such a deal may seem too good to be true in the current property market, but it is exactly what a handful of banks specialising in Islamic home loans are offering.

Islamic mortgages have been in the mainstream market in the UK for some years but it can often be difficult to get to grips with sharia-compliant financial products, which can seem confusing. In Islam, making money from money by charging interest is deemed unfair and is not permitted. So where do you start when choosing an Islamic mortgage?

There are three models of Home Purchase Plans (HPPs): Ijara, which means 'lease' in Arabic; Musharaka, which means 'partnership'; and Murabaha, meaning 'profit'. Depending on the model, the lender will levy rent or add profit to the amount you pay back instead of charging interest.
The rent description of Sharia mortgages is very valuable indeed, because a Muslim being made unemployed cannot lose his home, instead, they are allowed to claim HOUSING BENEFIT to cover the cost of their mortgages because their mortgages are known as RENT.


Anonymous said...

How do they get housing benefit? I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

If you rent a council, or housing association property you pay rent. If you lose your job you can claim the rent via housing benefit, but if you own your home, you can only claim the interest on the mortgage, which eventually leaves you homeless.

Because Muslims call their mortgage a rent, they get it all paid for them by housing benefit.

Anonymous said...

They cannot repossess your house unless you allow them to. DO NOT listen to those who may try to "turf you out" they tell lies. DO NOT let them "turf you out" if they physically touch you or anyone else in your house it is Assualt, they cannot physically break in if your house is secured and someone is in residence in the house.The law is on your side. DO YOUR RESEARCH. STICK YOUR USURY UP YOUR ARSES YOU TW*TS.

Anonymous said...

"They cannot repossess your house unless you allow them to. DO NOT listen to those who may try to "turf you out" they tell lies."

Don't you just love that a house with a mortgage for £150,000 if defaulted on, will be sold by the bank for just £30,000 at auction. Time people woke up to the bankers, or should that be WANKERS?

Anonymous said...

Most banks will offer Sharia compliant mortgages to non-Muslims without any problems. I know a few non-Muslims who have them because they oppose usury and it makes it harder for their home to be repossessed or end up as victims of interest rate rises.

Anonymous said...

Interesting point. Copy the Muslims and take out an Islamic mortgage. Use the system against itself.


The whole system is a fraud,they might call it something else but the bottom line is that they are still charging interest,so it is usury plain and simple,and it shows graphically how important thier religion is when it come to making money,and proves how backward the muslim is that he can pretend to abide by his religion while doing the exact opposite,the names have been changed to protect my sensibilities,would a bank touch any deal if there was no profit to be made on it?

Anonymous said...

So we are buying moslems houses with our taxes.

This explains their smirking!

Whatever will the "celebrities" do to distract attention from this bit of news.

Anonymous said...

"The whole system is a fraud,they might call it something else but the bottom line is that they are still charging interest"

You miss the point. Muslims won't be made homeless, we will, because our debt is called a mortgage, and theirs is called rent. The government allows you to claim for rent, but they won't pay your mortgage.

Anonymous said...

Whatever will the "celebrities" do to distract attention from this bit of news.

14 November 2008 14:23

Todays headlines are Muslims demanding more Muslims in the police force. Could it be that they want people on the inside knowing what's going on while their friends blow us up?

Anonymous said...


The banks aren't charging interest. These Sharia compliant mortgages have a service charge instead of interest that ends up as profit by the bank. The difference between a service charge and interest is that the service charge is fixed at the outset, whereas interest paid depends upon the size of the loan, repayment time, and prevailing interest rates.

A service charge as opposed to interest is in theory the lesser of two evils although in reality the cost of most Sharia compliant mortgages is higher than a standard mortgage if interest rates are low. If we have 15% interest rates then it's almost certainly the reverse.

Final Conflict said...

Does anyone have the cajones to point out that usury is Jewish?

Those with the banners defending 'Christian Britain' may want to start overturning the tables of the moneychangers rather than chasing CIA ghosts and bogeymen.

Anonymous said...

Those with the banners defending 'Christian Britain' may want to start overturning the tables of the moneychangers rather than chasing CIA ghosts and bogeymen.

14 November 2008 22:10

How can you overturn the tables when nationalists are quite happy to buy into capitalism and all it offers?

Anonymous said...

Fractional Reserve Banking (USURY), is a fatally flawed system. The mortgage lenders, lend you money that does not exist, it is merely an electronic transaction, unless they put the cash into your hand, which they cannot because they do not have it, they have lent you absolutely nothing, because they have lent you nothing, they most certainly CANNOT CHARGE YOU INTEREST ON NOTHING, if they try to do this then reply to their fraudulent bills with a cheque written for nothing. The logic is impecable and cannot be denied, IT IS A FACT.It only requires that the sheeple realise this and act accordingly. Education has always been our battle, that is why THEY control the main media, the net is their achilles heel, try as they might it is too expensive, too hackable and too wide ranging for them to control. If they shut the power down to control the net we have wind turbines and other sources to provide electricity, this is a battle that they cannot win, if they could, I WOULD NOT BE MAKING THIS POST NOW.

Anonymous said...

How can you overturn the tables when nationalists are quite happy to buy into capitalism and all it offers?

15 November 2008 01:26

Because Gri££inite nationalists (surely an oxymoron) see Islam as the greater of two evils. Gri££in is a spiv.


Semantics!service charge/interest,it is still profit on a loan,and the people who are losing thier houses,are in that position because they lack the moral fiber to stand alongside thier countrymen and force the state to do it our way,anonymous is really the most fitting discription of the cowards that we have the misfortune to share our nation with,keep nit-picking and disappear from the face of the earth,the problem is that you will drag us with you.

Anonymous said...

"Fractional Reserve Banking (USURY), is a fatally flawed system. The mortgage lenders, lend you money that does not exist,"

True, and reccessions are caused by retracting the money that does exist. They control how many people end up on the dole queue, and lose their houses.

My big question is, are they retracting the money to force Europe to have just one currency, the EURO?

Anonymous said...

They want a cashless society, the "Amero" and "Euro" are merely stepping stones towards that end.

With cash removed, all transactions can only be done electronically, they will have control over the entire system. What you buy, where you buy it etc. etc. will all be monitored. At the flick of a switch they will be able to "turn off" your ability to buy basics such as food. It is the ultimate control mechanism and is being implemented even as we speak (chip and pin anyone?). Political dissedents and truthseekers will of course be targetted first.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...