Monday, November 03, 2008

Griffin doing deals again with UKIP ?

UKIP rejects BNP electoral offer

Nigel Farage says his party will not work with the BNP
UKIP says it has "unanimously rejected" an offer from the British National Party for an electoral pact at next year's European elections.
It says ex-tennis star Buster Mottram, a UKIP member who claimed to represent the BNP, made the "astonishing offer" at a meeting in London on Monday.
Under the deal the BNP would fight seats in the north while UKIP would focus on the south in the elections.
The BNP said a deal made sense. UKIP says it would not work with the BNP.
The UK Independence Party, which campaigns for Britain to withdraw from the European Union, says Mr Mottram has since been expelled from the party.
'No deal'
They say he turned up at a meeting of its national executive committee in Whitehall earlier, claiming to represent BNP leader Nick Griffin.
The party says he refused to leave the meeting after the offer was rejected and they called the police, after which he left.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: "There are no circumstances, no possible situations, in which we would even consider doing any type of deal with the BNP whatsoever.
"I'm simply amazed that the BNP thought we would even consider such a thing, given that we are a non-racist, non-sectarian party."
In the 2004 European elections, UKIP more than doubled its share of the vote to 16%, with 12 MEPs.
The BNP's vote share was 4.9% - more than 800,000 votes - although it failed to get a seat in the Brussels parliament.
But the BNP's candidate in this year's London mayoral elections came fifth with 69,710 votes and won the party's first seat on the London Assembly. UKIP's candidate came seventh with 22,422.
BNP leader Mr Griffin told the BBC it made electoral sense for the two parties to avoid standing against each other at the European elections in June 2009.
He said he had spoken to a number of UKIP party members about the deal.
UKIP says the BNP has been "working very hard to infiltrate" its ranks and that it expects more people to leave UKIP within the next few months.
It says two NEC members who they accuse of campaigning against Mr Farage's leadership were also expelled.

NWN: Buster Mottram is a silly twerp that hails from the Home Counties and has always been a very shallow non-political tory type (bit like Mr.Griffin really). In the past, when the media have asked questions of him and his politics, he has developed diarrhoea and hid behind the settee. Mottram was last seen on the fringes of the National Front in 1976.


Anonymous said...

"working very hard to infiltrate"

Is that a joke? The BNP infiltrated UKIP years ago under Brayshaw, and many UKIP members now speak at BNP meetings. Farage needs to get himself another drink. Perhaps he can join John Walker, and SID :)

Anonymous said...

Griffin knew perfectly well UKIP would reject his wind-up. It was the usual type of headline chasing gimmick he goes in for.

Anonymous said...

That's not Farage that's David Trippier on an old photo.

Anonymous said...

Griffin knew perfectly well UKIP would reject his wind-up. It was the usual type of headline chasing gimmick he goes in for.

03 November 2008 21:23

He got headlines to. They halted the news on the BBC24 channel with "Breaking News"

Anonymous said...

Although I've usually got no time for Griffin and his stunts, this time at least he seems to have done damage to UKIP.

Anonymous said...

Why did £iffin expell John Walker from the BNP??????????

Anonymous said...

The powers that be and the media are going to give Gri££in a leg up concerning the Euro elections over the next few months, it will be of keen interest to racial nationalists and state watchers to see what they do next!

Anonymous said...

So NG and his acolytes preach that UKIP are a state pressure valve.

Then he sends a right wing tory to make an agreement with them.

Either NG doesn't practice what he preaches in the march for EU mega-bucks, or he treats the rest of us with contempt.

Who is spinning who? Do they truly know anymore who's what and what their beliefs are?

Am i the only one who feels we are being led on a merry dance by state assets playing off each other?

Anonymous said...

What a strange man. He looks like a surprised frog.

Anonymous said...

JT published an article by Chris 'Buster' Mottram in Spearhead, years ago.

Red Squirrel said...

You 'splinter group' people make me bloody sick.
while you lot are still chatting to the reds and talking shite we will lose our Nation.
Does it bloody matter who leads, as long as we get the job done and get these slimeball liberals and White hating communists out of government?

Anonymous said...

The leader isn't leading though is he ?

Anonymous said...

You 'splinter group' people make me bloody sick.
while you lot are still chatting to the reds and talking shite we will lose our Nation.
Does it bloody matter who leads, as long as we get the job done and get these slimeball liberals and White hating communists out of government?

04 November 2008 16:50

Yes, it does matter who leads, and if you observe closely, you will see that Griffin is doing you more damage than any red could ever do. He's taking you down a blind alley that fills his pockets, and secures your doom.

Anonymous said...

A headline about other people refusing to work with the BNP under any circumstances?

Oh yes that will really win round the public to a view that the BNP is worth backing.

And Griffin seeks such a headline? What does that tell you? Keep the thing small and outside the big tent supported by a lonely band.

Nothing new there then.

God and some people still think Griffin wants to win politically.

Anonymous said...

Red Squirrel said...

You 'splinter group' people make me bloody sick.
while you lot are still chatting to the reds and talking shite we will lose our Nation.
Does it bloody matter who leads, as long as we get the job done and get these slimeball liberals and White hating communists out of government?
First, I (what you call one of the splinter group people) am not speaking to the reds and none of the ,as you call them, splinter group people that I know are talking to the reds. It is possible ,however, that BNP members are talking to the reds. For example I believe that the current North West BNP Regional Secretary has a sister who is a life long SWP member and a former long standing member of the Anti Nazi League. Has BNP security investigated this? Probilly not--they have more pressing duties.
And yes it really does matter who leads. If the Chairman is a state employee, which events indicate to me that he is, then the BNP is going nowhere and every members time, efforts and financial contributions are being wasted. How better could the state wast nationalist money and efforts that to put themselves,the state ,in charge and send you off walking aimlessly around in circles? Start asking yourself some questions like: Why did the police not act over the phone tapping and broadcasting of intercepted messages by the BNP? Why did the media not investigate the phone tappings carried out by the BNP? Why did the police not pursue the entry by BNP security into Sadie Graham's home and the attempted entry of BNP security into Kenny Smith's home etc,etc.
You could also ask yourself some questions about BNP financies. Like why don't members recieve an end of year financial statement from the party. Just like share holders in a company get. After all it is your party and it is your money and you are surely entitled to such a statement. The returns to the EC are unintelligible to most members and unobtainable to many members. And no,this is not a security breach the state knows exactly what is in the BNP bank accounts.
Something else that you may care to ask yourself is why since 1999 the best BNP members have been repeated expelled or 'encouraged' to resigne. For example: The Edwards, Mike Newlans(National Treasurer 1999), John Brayshaw (National Treasurer prior to John Walker), Steven Smith,Burnley Organiser who created the BNP's council breakthrough in 2001, Warren Bennett(founder of BNP security),Simon Smith (former West Midlands BNP councillor), Sharon Ebanks (former very successful Birmingham Organiser and National Fund raiser), Jonathon Bowden( former culteral affairs officer)and on and on the expullsions go. WHY? Could it be bacause the Chairman is making sure the party goes nowhere by removing it's most able members?
Does it matter who leads the party? Of cause it does.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Could it be bacause the Chairman is making sure the party goes nowhere by removing it's most able members?
Does it matter who leads the party? Of cause it does.
Richard Chadfield

Richard, the BNP members are to stupid to care. We must all remember that, Griffin, only keeps on the dumb, and those on the take.

Take, Jock Shearer, ex con, BNP security, BNP moderator, and now SF moderator. What can Shearer yell about? He takes a wage under the table from the BNP, he poses at Griffins side ready to give anyone a good beating should they physically challenge, Griffin, but Jock claims full disability benefits. How can a disabled person defend anyone? But, we know he isn't, he's a con man who slags off foreigners for stealing British jobs when the lazy bastard won't take a job himself, and worse, he screws benefits from the truly needy. Shearer is the true face of the real BNP member, true reflections of Griffin. Those who see the light leave, and these benefit cheating scumbags smear them.

Anonymous said...

Yes interesting observation Richard

Mike Newlans(National Treasurer 1999), John Brayshaw (National Treasurer prior to John Walker) Griffin Sacked John Walker from is new job Logistics manager.

Why have you and your girl friend Bev joined the conservative party?????????

Duncan Stockport

Anonymous said...

"Griffin Sacked John Walker from is new job Logistics manager."

We know that, but want to know why. Why has Griffin sacked him?

Leaking the accounts?

Supporting Barnbrook to challenge Griffin?

It can't be incompetence, because Griffin was happy with him cooking the books in his favour for years.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yes interesting observation Richard

Mike Newlans(National Treasurer 1999), John Brayshaw (National Treasurer prior to John Walker) Griffin Sacked John Walker from is new job Logistics manager.

Why have you and your girl friend Bev joined the conservative party?????????

Duncan Stockport
Can this post really be from Duncan Warner of Stockport? The Last time I saw Duncan,admittedly a year ago, he did not know how to use a computer.So there are some doubts in my mind but then perhaps Duncan has had a crash course in elementary computing.
There are other questions in my mind. Duncan Stockport quoted part of my post but then added on an additional statement of his own to the quote.Namely: ' Griffin Sacked John Walker from is new job Logistics manager'. Why did Duncan do this? It appears to me that Duncan is trying to make readers believe that I have said something that I have not said. This is very dishonest behaviour Duncan But then (if you are who you indicate to be ) you are a committed,unthinking BNP leadership supporter and so such behaviour would be par for the course.
Duncan you are ill informed. (and /or a spreader of disinformation) Neither Bev Jones or myself have joined the Conservative party. We would not wish to do so and, if we did, the Conservative party would not wish to have us join. We all know this to be true so stop the sillyness.
The posting to which this is a reply is almost certainly a hoax. It is a posting from a trawler for information. If the poster is genuine let him post the name of the pub in which Duncan and myself used to drink and the name of my cat which Duncan knows.
Richard Chadfield.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone any evidence that recent treasurers had any involvement with the accounts? Anyone seen them at work? Discussed anything with them which indicated they were involved?

Anonymous said...

If anyone is or knows who Jim Brown is ( do pass on this message and tell him to contact me -

Anonymous said...

Whatever the problems of the BNP are, UKIP hierachy are a bunch of twisting spivs posing as patriots out to save Britain from the EU clutches. Nigel Farage and Titford being the arch villians of the piece. According to a BNP group monthly newsletter with a surprising good circulation, last year UKIP held a hush-hush meeting near Cambridge, with Farage, Titford and nearly all the other UKIP bigwigs attending - joke is a couple of BNP members stuck anti-UKIP leaflets on all the Ukippers cars before infiltrating the meeting to hear Titford claim to a 100 plus audience that UKIP would work with any political party wanting to get Britain out of the EU. However, Farage's refusal to work with the BNP is no wonder seeing he and his Ukipper MEP mates are pigging-out on the EU/Brussels finacially fattening gravy train.

Anonymous said...

Shame Griffin refused outright a similar electoral proposal by the NF.

Anonymous said...

The article is a bit harsh on Buster Mottram, as has been pointed out he readily made public his NF allegiance and gave an interview, to Martin Webster I think, which was printed in JTs Spearhead magazine, the title was along the lines of "Why I joined the NF" for a celebrity to make public their nationalist political leanings in such a way is still unequalled, other than by Simone Clark, and it ultimately caused Buster who hitherto had been
a media darling (treated as the Henman of his day) to receive scant newspaper coverage thereafter. ANL also used to stage demos at his games and finally the only time I saw him questioned about his views on Bennet Bites Back he didnt hide and was far from apologetic for them.

If the NF had more celebrity endorsment like that it would have been a boon.

Anonymous said...

so can anyone really tell us why john walker got sacked if indeed he did get sacked from his jobs?

I find this a bit hard to believe when Grffin just helped him bury his father, although useful publicity!

I was very sad to read that 88 year old BNP member Bill Walker(John's father) had been giving money to the BNP!!!! What a waste of pension money!!!!

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