Sunday, June 03, 2007

Stormfront bans Chris Jackson supporters
Stormfront UK is now showing it's bias. The current writer has been banned a record six times for no reason. We hear that a Chris jackson senior supporter and signator MIKE EASTER has also been banned from SFUK, for no reason.
Now we see that a few are now being banned off SFUK, for not supporting crook Griffin.
No wonder scumbag and Stormfront owner Don Black ,was shot in the USA a few years back, in an assassination attempt.,


Anonymous said...

Hi friend



Anonymous said...

The BNP is now utterly corrupt. A small circle of crooks supported by brainwashed thugs.

Anonymous said...

Wasnt Don Black shot by one of Dr.William Pierce's people ?

Therefore Black is not hated by the enemy, the reds/jews.

So once again he is hated by nationalists.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...