Friday, June 22, 2007

Have a look at this new blogsite;

Although it is written in Spanish, it has articles and images of interest from many European nations, including the NF demonstration last weekend in London.

They are also reporting on the BNP's forthcoming Leadership election;

Del 1 al 30 de Junio se abre el plazo para la solicitud de candidaturas a la jefatura del partido, siendo condición indispensable llevar militando 5 años y contar con el aval de otros 100 afiliados.Aun siendo una elección anual, desde el año 1999 en el que Nick Griffin ganó por una notable mayoría, no se ha presentado ningún candidato a la presidencia. Situación que podría cambiar ya que todo indica a que Chris Jackson, responsable del area noroeste, se postulará como alternativa a la actual jefatura.

Check it out !


Anonymous said...

Good to see that other European nationalists have the measure of Nick Griffin and are reporting the Chris Jackson BNP leadership challenge.

Griffins lackey Stormfront is doing its damndest to play down the Jackson challenge.

Chris Jackson is faithful to the white european nationalist message.

NorthWestNationalists said...

We have received e-mails from the guy who runs this blog. He is a very good white nationalist !

An excellent site !

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...