Thursday, June 14, 2007

"A Sarkozy win is a Le Pen victory"????

Dear Tim,
Thank you for forwarding this item posted on the British National Party's web explaining -- and trying to put a gloss on -- Le Pen's dismal vote in the recent French presidential elections:----<> News article filed by BNP news team :

M. Brice Hortefeux new minister in charge of immigration to FranceSunday's elections in France have seen Jean-Marie Le Pen's Front National vote drop to 4.3%, its worst performance since the early 1980s. Even though this still represents nearly two million French people, it is disappointing to that party, even if it comes in a dramatically reduced turnout. Our commiserations to the Front National, and know that they will understand that those who persist, will ultimately win.However, the news from France is not all bad. In fact, the estimated 46 percent of the vote polled by Nicholas Sarkozy's UMP, represents a victory for Jean-Marie le Pen, as Sarkozy has effectively stolen his clothes, rhetoric and, as he promises, much of the FN¹s policies. It is the ultimate affirmation of the Le Pen-isation of French politics.Immediately upon winning the presidential election, Sarkozy set in motion changes which will, over the short term at least, buy France more time. Sarkzoy has created a Ministry of Immigration, appointing Brice Hortefeux as its minister.Hortefeux has already set tough new quotas for the number of illegal immigrants the new ministry must arrest and expel each month. He said his goal is to effect 25,000 expulsions by the end of 2007 and arrest no less than 125,000 illegal immigrants in the same period.

Voluntary repatriationHortefeux has also announced that his ministry will start actively promoting the already existing French policy of voluntary repatriation, setting the number of paid departures at 2,500 for this year. Those immigrants volunteering to leave are given a fixed sum of money, normally £2,500 per couple, with £750 each for the first three children ­ not a bad deal for any illegal just managing to set foot in France.Sarkozy's election win is therefore good news in three senses:1. It has shown that a majority of the French electorate have voted in favour of France's survival and against that nation being overwhelmed by Third World immigrants, legal or illegal;2. If Sarkozy carries through with his policies, it will buy France valuable time and will, at the very least, slow down the Third World immigration invasion; and3. If Sarkozy does not deliver as promised (a not unusual trick for conservatives), then the opportunity for the Front National to regain lost ground and become a major player, will loom large as the electorate has already endorsed the essential elements of their policies.Which ever way it goes, nationalists all over the world will rest assured to know that France has chosen to live.----
In essence, what Griffin (a.k.a. "BNP news team") is saying to keep up the spirits of his supporters is: "A Sarkozy win is a Le Pen victory".
What utter, pitiful bollox!
Who but simple-minded, drowning straw-clutchers would derive comfort from such an inane assertion?
No doubt the animals assembled at the (newly-renovated) barn at Animal Farm (at least, those able to read the announcements posted on its door) will try hard to understand the Head Pig's latest version of Animalism.
Doubtless some will say: "Le Pen / Griffin / Napoleon is always right! I will work harder!!" (To which Griffin will add: "Yes! But you must DONATE harder too!")
In contrast to the inanity of the BNP web site, a dose of reality from Robert Henderson, the founding editor of "Right Now!' magazine: Henderson has forwarded to his list the Daily Telegraph report which analysed Le Pen's results.
In his succinct introductory comment, Henderson remarked:"Of course Sarkozy is merely giving the French rhetoric not policy."
But that is exactly what the Nationalist "modernists" have also been serving up on both sides of the English Channel.
Any man who will, at the behest of his daughter (the careerist, Israel-visiting, Jew-bedazzled Marine)......
(1) put a young negress on his election posters as an emblem of his supportership;
(2) tell the riot-prone multi-racial rabble of the Paris suburbs (who Sarkozy earlier denounced as "scum"): "You are all roots and branches of the same French tree"; likely to be a vain old man of 78 having his final fling who has lost is way and is heading for a tumble.
In a sense, the final act of the Le Pen story could be compared with the first Act of Shakespeare's King Lear -- two versions of the never-ending story of silly vain old men taking bad advice from ambitious, venal daughters.
Why would the French electorate vote for an elderly "moderate/modernised" Nationalist outsider when they could vote for a young insider with pretty much the same policies and who, because he is an insider, has a greater chance of winning?
Le Pen allowed himself to be "out-niggered" by an Establishment man with more Jewish connections than Marine Le Pen could ever begin to cultivate, even with the help of Nick Griffin's friend Barbara Amiel and her friend Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu.
Le Pen's Last Hurrah could have been transacted with dignity (and more votes) with all guns blazing, thereby providing an example to the next generation of real Nationalists.
As it is, his career has ended in fiasco, ambiguity, farce.
Anyway, balance the inanity of the "BNP News Team's" analysis with this Telegraph report.
Martin Webster.
From: Robert Henderson Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 16:54:11 +0100To: Robert Henderson
Subject: Front Nationale outflanked by Sarkozy

Note:Of course Sarkozy is merely giving the French rhetoric not policy. RH----Daily Telegraph - Last Updated: 2:18am BST 12/06/2007

French voters turn their backs on Le Pen
By Henry Samuel in Paris
The days of Jean-Marie Le Pen as a force in French politics appeared to be over yesterday after his far-Right party received its worst drubbing in 25 years in the first round of legislative elections on Sunday.Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has been a major political figure in France, has seen his support eroded by Nicolas SarkozyThe National Front won just 4.3 per cent of the vote, down from 10.44 per cent in 2002.
The defeat appeared to confirm that Mr Le Pen, 78, was definitely out of the French political picture following his shock slump in last month's presidential elections.
"We can without further ado, with the strength of the vote, read out the death certificate of the extreme Right," wrote Le Monde in its editorial.
"For a quarter of a century, the National Front has been a grim player in political life, trying to popularise, with growing success, a xenophobic and racist discourse culminating in April 21, 2002. This long, overly long parenthesis is now closing," wrote Le Monde.Five years ago, 33 party candidates reached the second round of parliamentary elections, although none won a seat.In 1997, 132 reached round two, but this time, just one made it to next Sunday's second round: Mr Le Pen's daughter, Marine, in the Pas de Calais. She has no chance of beating her Socialist rival, as the eliminated candidates will call on their electorate to vote against her.
In traditional bastions such as the Rhône region, support has crumbled in favour of President Nicolas Sarkozy's UMP party, which is heading for a huge parliamentary majority.In Villefranche, the capital of Beaujolais, where anti-Europe sentiment, the wine crisis and fears of immigration and unemployment had given the National Front up to 30 per cent in 2002, support fell to just eight per cent.
Analysts said the fall was primarily down to Mr Sarkozy's successful strategy of tackling the far-Right on its own ground, with a populist discourse on national identity and tough language on immigration and law and order.The collapse also sprung from a realisation within the traditional National Front electorate that the party would never obtain power."It is the end of Jean-Marie Le Pen but perhaps not the party," said Romain Rosso, a political analyst.
"Part of the problem is that Le Pen has failed to renovate the old guard, and that he's getting old but he won't give up," he said.He is expected to be re-elected party head at a congress in November, where there is expected to be a clash between the historic extreme-Right and Marine Le Pen, who promotes a "Left wing" national popularism that some traditionalists abhor.
Mr Le Pen's forthcoming trial for describing the Nazi occupation of France as "not particularly inhuman" will likely further quicken his political exit.
The party is also facing financial ruin, as its poor parliamentary score means the annual £3.1 million state funding it has received over the past five years will be cut by two thirds. The Communist Party is also facing financial difficulties, and is expected to drop from 21 parliamentary seats to between six and 12.[snip]----

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