Saturday, April 04, 2009

NPD party faces collapse

Germany’s main neo-Nazi party faces financial collapse after it was fined nearly £2.3 million for accounts irregularities

The National Democratic Party (NPD), which is struggling to cope with bitter in-fighting and an embezzlement scandal, was ordered by the national parliament to pay €2.5 million (£2.3 million) by May 1.

A lawyer for the party warned that the fine, which comes four months after its former treasurer was jailed for stealing €741,000 (£677,000) from NPD coffers, threatens its existence.

The NPD is a legal political party and although it has no seats in the federal parliament it is represented in two of Germany’s 16 state legislatures. It is eligible for state funding which in 2007 amounted to more than £1 million, despite being described by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as racist, anti-Semitic and revisionist. NPD officials have, for example, praised Iran's President Ahmadinejad for arguing that Israel should be wiped off the map and the party’s leader, Udo Voigt, has said that Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess should have won the Nobel Peace Prize.



Anonymous said...

An Austrian news agency reported on Friday that an imprisoned right-wing writer will go on trial this month on new charges related to his alleged defense and promotion of the Nazi era.

According to the report, the trial for 68-year-old Gerd Honsik will begin April 20 in Vienna. Officials could not be reached for comment late Friday.

The agency said that Honsik faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of denying the Holocaust or promoting Nazi propaganda.

Hosnik is currently serving an 18-month sentence on a 1992 conviction for writing the book "Hitler Innocent?" in which he attempts to justify some Nazi-era crimes. He began serving the sentence in December 2007, as he fled following his conviction and was extradited from Spain only in October 2007

Soon there wont be enough jails?

Anonymous said...

Gri££in will bankrupt the BNP by the 4th June with his mad spend spree. Imagine what scale of fraud this middle-class spiv would get up to if he got his hands on state funding?

Richard Chadfield said...

Anonymous said...

Gri££in will bankrupt the BNP by the 4th June with his mad spend spree. Imagine what scale of fraud this middle-class spiv would get up to if he got his hands on state funding?
If the BNP were to run up huge debts (as may be the case in the Euro campaign) which it could not pay and one or more of the individuals/organisations to whome it owed money proceded against the BNP who would be responsible for the debts? Would it be the BNP chairperson or the BNP membership?
I have not seen a recent BNP constitution but I have a feeling that it will be the membership that is responsible for debts in the event of bankruptcy. Perhaps a better informed person could clarify this point.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

The BNP is finished as a political endeavour.

As usual in these situations the mug members will be the last to know.

Think beyond it. But most of them won't tied up in their little pretend world.

Barking Patriot said...

gri££in covers for paedophiles, wife cheaters and same/mixed sex orgy attenders.... whilst his coffers are filled by a hardline protestant minister.

who is the hypocrite? or does money outweigh all?

Anonymous said...

“ I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.?

gee said...

If Cyclops does win his little pension so he can plan his croatian future, his state-funded early retirement, Paedo Boy will single-handedly destroy the nationalist movement, and most BNP members will (kiddy) fiddle while rome burns!

Anonymous said...

gee said...
If Cyclops does win his little pension so he can plan his croatian future, his ....



As far as i can see you are all doing a magnificent job of destroying the nationalist movement with out griffins help.

Anonymous said...


A perfect example of delusion in a cult. Any criticism is treachery. You get this in both religious and political cults.

The US economist Roland Benabou is making some waves with his writing about Mutually Assured Delusion (MAD).

In groups and societies the individual usually gets rewarded for believing in tripe. There are huge rewards in the world of work and politics for going along with PC, immigration and so on. So the whole caboosh goes along with tripe once it takes a little hold.

In political or quasi-political groups of a cultist variety there are psychological rewards (the need to belong) and often financial ones for believing in the 'saviour' in charge.

Scientology is one. We know another.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Jean! He has worked tirelessly like JT did for decades.

But spoken in a powerless 'parliament' set up as a sham where almost nothing is reported in the UK press because it's irrelevant. Hannam's speech is about the only one to have made waves in decades.

How many views on Youtube for Le Pen? About 9300 so far.

Anonymous said...

'As far as i can see you are all doing a magnificent job of destroying the nationalist movement with out griffins help.'

Then please explain to us your plan to save Britain and the constant expulsions from the BNP when nationalism generates so few local activists.

Some people can't get it into their heads that politics when it comes to power is local. Stuff in the media makes no difference without local presence.

Are you a member and/or activist yourself?

Anonymous said...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...