Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ballot boxes tampered with

Ballot boxes tampered with inside Labour HQ as daughter of Blair's aide is hit by new voting scandal

Labour was plunged into fresh chaos last night after a ballot box containing votes for a key parliamentary selection contest was broken into at its national headquarters in London.

Party bosses were forced to scrap yesterday’s selection meeting for the Erith and Thamesmead constituency after discovering that postal votes in the sealed box – stored at Labour’s base opposite Scotland Yard – had been ripped up.

Labour chiefs launched an inquiry but ‘control freak’ party officials were accused of trying to cover up the scandal by threatening to ban any candidates from standing in a re-run of the contest if they spoke to the media about the incident.

The Labour selection – featuring Georgia Gould, 22, daughter of Tony Blair’s polling guru Lord Gould – has been mired in controversy.

Brilliant Oxford graduate Ms Gould has impeccable Blairite credentials and has worked for Mr Blair’s Faith Foundation. Prominent Blairites, including former No10 spin doctor Alastair Campbell and Cabinet Minister Tessa Jowell, were accused of meddling on her behalf.


Anonymous said...

What does anyone expect from 'New Liebour'?

They gained power by lying that

1)taxes would not go up,
2)that public spending would be restrained and...prudent.(remember that word anyone?)


3)that the welfare state would be reformed.

This is just yet another example of the lie at the heart of the Labour Party.

They are not the representatives of the common people, as they claim.

That claim is just a ruse to grab power and privilege for themselves.

They represent their own interests, as the new aristocracy. Lord Snooty and co were mere amateurs compared to Labour when it comes to nepotism.

The spoilt, semi attractive brat of a Labour Grandee is supposed to be in possession of the political ability to help the Labour Party? Or the experience of life to represent the constituents? Or the typical weakness of a weakminded inheritor of privilege to guarantee her subservience?

She is not the only one to 'inherit' a position in Labour. Mandelson is another, whose position is solely based on his father's connections.

Take heart!

Such are our opponents!

Bill Jax.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new in Labour dipping into ballot boxes, stealing votes, and even tampering with the marked registers.


S Ebanks

Anonymous said...

The Labour encouraged voting by post for mainstream elections as a pledge some years ago (Asians have always manipulated this system.) This proves that if they can't even have an honest internal ballot, how can they ever be trusted with running ordinary elections for council seats, saying that who could trust Gr££in to run an internal BNP ballot? Look at how that bastard operated with his lackeys at the EGM at last year's R,W&B.

Real Loughton Residents Association said...

I'm surprised they got caught, Liebour have become experts at election fraud over the years.

Final Conflict said...

Lucky nationalism is free of such nepotism, cronyism, leadership control freakery, spin, lies and destruction of core values!

Anonymous said...

wonder who's tampering with her box .... mmm mmm mmmmmmmmm

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