Friday, April 10, 2009

Here we go again !

Griffin is trying to get blacks into the BNP again. He has been pushing for this since he hijacked the BNP in 1999. Do you remember Charlie Bickerstaffe ? he was reported with great flourish by old tory Martin Wingfield together with Charlies inlaws from Zimbabwe. Many BNP branches set fire to the Voice of Freedom where they tried to push this issue. Then they tried to say the Government would make it illegal to not allow non-whites into the BNP. Once again the BNP members opposed this. Then Tony 'Bomber Lecomber was photgraphed together with a black DJ for a Christmas BNP social.

Just recentlya video of silly BNP members 'got it down 'withsome black woman in Wrexham.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

well it is the black country bnp lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who's the turkey who cannot do his tie properly?

Anonymous said...

All nationalist parties must hate ethnics, we can't have Nationalist parties trying to get on with ethnics to sort this mess out.
The BNP ethnic lovers must be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Do you people seriously object to shaking a black mans hand?

Democratic nationalists dont hate people.

Anonymous said...

do you get half price gold membership if you've got half negro grand children?

Anonymous said...

Hes the Brixton branch organiser for the BNP.

Anonymous said...

So what? Many Black and Indian people just want to get on with their lives and feel the same way that we do about the threat of Islam. Things like this are good publicity for the BNP, as it undermines the arguments of the left.

Hate them all, send them all back. Great message that will really get mainstream voters on board. Form another party if you think enough support exists for your message.

Meanwhile I await the usual imbecilic abuse without argument in response.

Anonymous said...

Gee Gods!!
What ever next ,kissing black or brown babies!
PERHAPS my eyes deceive me.

I despair as to what the cause of racial nationalism has become it's in so much of a mess now can it go forward as it once was or has it sold it sole for the press coverage.

The man behind the mask.

Basel Alenby Johnson.

GWR said...

"So what? Many Black and Indian people just want to get on with their lives and feel the same way that we do about the threat of Islam. Things like this are good publicity for the BNP, as it undermines the arguments of the left.

Hate them all, send them all back. Great message that will really get mainstream voters on board. Form another party if you think enough support exists for your message.

Meanwhile I await the usual imbecilic abuse without argument in response."

ANON : Because this site is a nationalist site we are against all immigration.

Get that ?

Just to oppose muslims is doing the zionist plan. So get back to Gri££ins controlled websites.

Any posts like yours in the future will be banned.

And yes, we want to bring back compulsory repatriation for non-whites.

P.S. If you cut out the ignorant liberal cliches, you have nothing left to argue have you ?

Anonymous said...

All this posing with blacks does is make our activists/members angry.

Do you think pictures like this make more white people vote for us ?

Anyway if you support this sort of nonsense then allow them into BNP meetings ?

Come on lets see blacks in BNP meetings then.

Bring back Charlie Bickerstaffe and his family.

Anonymous said...

Thats my favourite black singer of all time - Al Jolson.

Anonymous said...

Who are these knobs in the pics ?

Can anyone name them ?

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin told the press that to accept non-whites into the BNP "We had to turn the tanker around !"

It was something he supported.

Anonymous said...

The British national party.That word 'British'.Doesn't it make you 'British' if your born here?

Anonymous said...

This outrageous stunt is going to cheese a lot of Racial Nationalists off, including myself and that's an understatement! Gri££in is clearing the party out of true grit Racial Nationalists members, something he will learn to deeply regret when he get no where on June 4th and all the shit and race mixers he has recruited recently clear off, as they have no spine or true commitment!

Swansea old timer said...

"So what? Many Black and Indian people just want to get on with their lives and feel the same way that we do about the threat of Islam. Things like this are good publicity for the BNP, as it undermines the arguments of the left.

Hate them all, send them all back. Great message that will really get mainstream voters on board. Form another party if you think enough support exists for your message.

Meanwhile I await the usual imbecilic abuse without argument in response."

Who wrote that? Great Green Gobshite Paul Morris who's slagging off real racial nationlists on his Alf Garnett blog?

Get this Morris. The reds have been right about you all the time. You haven't got a 30 year record as a BN, nobody's ever heard of you. You've done stuff all for the BNP except sit behind a keyboard and the only time you went to a BNP meeting was after you wet yourself when Garside fingered you and you wanted protection.

You're a joke.

The Exposer! said...

Probably a Black millonaire Griffin is preparing to sink his teeth into.....

Anonymous said...

"So what? Many Black and Indian people just want to get on with their lives and feel the same way that we do about the threat of Islam. Things like this are good publicity for the BNP, as it undermines the arguments of the left.

You sir are a fucking moron. said...

who did Griffo say he wanted to turn the BNP 'super tanker' around to? [the implication being that like a super tanker it would take a long time].

Liberal Zionist turned extreme-Neo Con, David Aaronovitch who tried to excuse the War in Iraq to his left-wing chums, via his many media appearances.

In other words he was probably bought and paid by Mossad or one of its agencies.

How fitting!

Anonymous said...

So, is this monkey advocating 'Niggers Out' or 'Whites Out'?

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget the BNP demo with Rastafarian Archie O Brien and family - attended amongst others by Lecomber and Colin Smith.

Anonymous said...

Another BNP Organiser with a passion for the black stuff.

Anonymous said...

Colin Smith used to be a real nationalist in the early 90's.

Anonymous said...

I though BNP stood for British National Party, not British Niggers Party

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...