Wednesday, April 29, 2009

English Democrats latest recruit - why it's Cllr.Johnson !

Cllr.Johnson from Blackburn is no stranger to this blog. But even we had to take a sharp intake of breath when we saw that the torylike English Democrats(EDs) had placed Mr.Johnson as it's North West Chairman.

So where does that place the previous ED North West Chairman Mr. Ed Abrams, whose very first statement to new recruits is "I am jewish !" ?

Blackburn councillor joins English Democrats to stand against BNP
10:31am Wednesday 29th April 2009
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A BLACKBURN with Darwen councillor is taking on a national role for the English Democrats Party.
Michael Johnson, who has represented the far-right England First Party, the For Darwen Party, and is the Fernhurst ward councillor on Blackburn with Darwen Council, has taken over the role of chairman of the North West English Democrats.
He said he joined the party to stop the British National Party getting a foothold in the area.
BNP leader Nick Griffin is standing for a North West seat in the European Parliament elections in June.
The English Democrats are a Euro-sceptic party which campaigns for England to be recognised and treated as a nation in its own right, as is the case with Scotland and Wales.

Here is a message that Mr.Johnson posted a couple of years back on STORMFRONT;

Today, 05:25 AM
#1mj/efpvbmenu_register("postmenu_3364739", true);

Forum MemberJoin Date: May 2006Posts: 63


To day is my birthday, i am an elected councillor and i spend most of my time being pc. As today is my birthday my present to me is letting my self say what i think.When did the crusades come to Britain? we are at war. The asians have come to my country to try and take over. I say enough is enough, no longer should we sit back and let these people dictate to us what we do in our country. If they do not like what we stand for then F..K off back to the S..T holes they came from. I say no to intergration. I say no to mixing races. I say no to the islamanisation of our country. We cant have a real civil war but we can fight them in the polling booth. In fact they shouldnt even have a vote. I would love to say that in the councill chamber. And just incase any red is reading this. If you want to publish this post make sure you get it right. COUNCILLOR MICHAEL JOHNSON ENGLAND FIRST PARTY. Happy birthday England it is a new dawn, Thank you.

Austrian jailed for denying Holocaust

VIENNA - Austrian Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik was sentenced to five years in jail late Monday, but his lawyer said he would appeal.

Honsik, 67, who was extradited from Spain in 2007, was found guilty by a court in Vienna of denying the Holocaust and the existence of the gas chambers in a number of publications between 1987 and 2003. But Honsik again insisted that the existence of the gas chambers was "not a fact."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sábado día 25 de Abril 2009 en Barcelona

EN MADRID DOMINGO día 26 de Abril 2009 a las 18 horas.

HOTEL NH ABASCAL, Calle José Abascal, 47, 28003 Madrid

Dr. Claude Nancy


¿Por qué me hice nacionalsocialista? ¿Existen las razas humanas? ¿Cómo y por qué quieren acabar con la raza blanca? ¿Qué nos separa irremediablemente? El ponente afirma que en los seres humanos existen unas predisposiciones que sirven de substrato a determinados modos de pensar y de interactuar. Explica su evolución personal hacia el Nacional-Socialismo, al que llegó no sólo por elección consciente, sino también inconscientemente. Además, demuestra que todos los pueblos creen, consciente o inconscientemente, en la existencia de las razas humanas y que todos son, en el fondo o en la superficie, lo que el lenguaje oficial llama “racistas”, y que entre los menos racistas se halla, probablemente, la raza blanca y entre los más la raza judía.

LIBROS LIBERADOS: El ponente dedicará ejemplares a los asistentes de su obra de reciente aparición en español “Etologia y política: El pensamiento hereje frente al Mundialismo”.

EN MADRID A LAS 6 DE LA TARDE: HOTEL NH ABASCAL, Calle José Abascal, 47, 28003 Madrid

METRO “Gregorio Marañon/Alonso Cano”

Czechs throw out ex-Klan leader

Duke once held a seat for Louisiana in the House of Representatives
Czech authorities have ordered a former Ku Klux Klan leader, David Duke, to leave the country.

The 59-year-old American was invited to the Czech Republic by a local far-right group and had planned to give lectures and promote a book.

But on Friday he was arrested and questioned by police on suspicion of denying the Holocaust, an offence under Czech law.

Mr Duke has not been charged, but was ordered to leave the country.

He has reportedly been given a deadline of midnight on Saturday.

His lawyer was quoted in local media as saying she would lodge a complaint against the police on his behalf.

The Czech interim prime minister-designate, Jan Fischer, appeared on Czech television to say the opinions expressed in Mr Duke's book were "simply unacceptable, incomprehensible".

David Duke is a former Grand Wizard of the notorious white supremacist Ku Klux Klan group. He once held a seat for Louisiana in the House of Representatives, and made an unsuccessful bid for the US presidency.

Friday, April 24, 2009

David Duke arrested in Prague !

Cops arrested former member of KKK
On Friday afternoon cops arrested in Prague's restaurant "Black Eagle" former Ku Klux Klan boss David Duke. They transported him to interrogation for suspicion that he denied and approved Nazi crimes, for this crime in Czech Republic he can be condemned up to 3 years.

"Mr Duke was arrested after previous approval state deputy for suspicion for committed crime of supporting and promoting movements which are try to suppress human rights and freedoms" told speaker of Prague cops Jan Mikulovsky.

According to newspaper Pravo, reason for arresting is holocaust denial.

Police arrested American right after redactor of Pravo made interview with him. On the place of cop's strike was about 30 cops in masks, which transported Duke away.

"I don't afraid being arrested, it was never happened in any Europe country before," told Duke to Pravo 15 minutes before cops arrested him.

Duke's visit is organized by Filip Vavra, which is suspect to be connected to neonazi National Resistance. American came to make two lecture - at Saturday in Prague's center and at Sunday in Brno. He came also to promote his book My Awakening freshly published in Czech.
Source (in czech):

Other articles:

04-24-2009 05:45 PM CET
David Duke was imprisoned in Prague in restaurant Cerny orel, right when he was giving interview to Czech newspaper.
Duke was on tour to promote Czech edition of My awakening.
30 policemen from special „Anti-extremist police unit“ with masks attacked the restaurant and imprisoned Dr. Duke. He had apprx. 10 bodyguards from Czech pro-white activists, but police prevailed.
David Duke is charged from holocaust denial and facing up to 3 years of prison.
Days before David Duke arrival to Czech republic, jewish groups and media requested for strong police action against „KKK leader“.

04-24-2009 07:09 PM CET
Cops take Duke to Police headquarters of 1st Prague district. Attorney Kolja Kubicek is heading there.

04-24-2009 09:40 PM CET
Duke's attorney Kolja Kubicek told to ČTK (Czech Press Agency), that police will probably accuse Duke and propose a detention because of risk of escape and continuing with committing the crimes. American does not denied holocaust and do not promote racism, said Kubicek.

04-24-2009 09:52 PM CET
Czech political police is asking court to put David Duke into custody. Court should be deciding if David Duke will go to custody.
Duke´s attorney is Kolja Kubicek, very good Czech attorney who is already defending various of Czech white activists.
Court has 48 hours to decide about custody (transfer of Duke to jail).
Main police arguments for custody are: concerns that Duke will continue in „criminal activities“ (=holocaust denial, promoting racism) and concerns that Duke will escape from Czech rep. and avoid his trial.

04-24-2009 10:14 PM CET
US Embassy in Prague will not be comment Duke arrest, told to CTK embassy's deputy.
Far right Workers Party published on his pages statement in which marked American's arrest as unprecedented and reasonless.

04-24-2009 10:22 PM CET
Apprx. 30 white nationalists is currently in Prague before police headquarters, where Duke is persecuted. Other nationalists are coming to prevent police to transport Duke to prison.

To complain;


Embassy of the Czech Republic,
26 - 30 Kensington Palace Gardens,
W8 4QY.

Consular Section ;

Opening hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 16:00
Friday 9:00 - 12:00

Telephone inquiries and appointments

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12:00

Phone 020 7243 1115
Fax 020 7243 7926


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tamils holding illegal demos in London -police are where exactly ?

I have been reading about these demonstrations being held in London, but not really taking any interest.
Now demonstrations have been illegal around Parliament since the mid 19th.Century due to the possible threat from the 'Chartists'.
The Countryside Alliance were battered by the police here in 2004 .
Now last week , the police seemed to be very heavy-handed against the G20 protestors, killing one man, and used extreme tactics such as 'kettling'.
That demonstration was legal.
This demo is not.
Why is this being allowed ?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A degree in spin:

PM's sacked adviser's Cambridge theory of how to use rumours and riots

If Gordon Brown wanted to know how dangerous Damian McBride was, all he needed to do was study his university thesis.

The Prime Minister’s former special adviser wrote a 30,000-word opus in praise of rioting – and the devious means used to incite crowds – when he was a history student at Peterhouse College, Cambridge.

McBride argued that:

The American race riots in the Sixties showed that violence is needed to bring political change.

The rumour mill is a good way to spark riots.

And in academic language he even appeared to suggest that riots increase the amount of sexual activity and drug-taking.

McBride, 35, lost his job after a series of emails about ways to smear top Tories which he sent to fellow Labour spin doctor Derek Draper – the husband of GMTV’s Kate Garraway – were leaked.

The extraordinary riot thesis was written shortly before McBride joined the Treasury, and four years before he started work for the then Chancellor Gordon Brown.

He examined the rampant civil disorder in the black ghettos of the US for his Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree.

In his 1996 thesis – Far More Important Than Politics? Public Policy And The Impact Of Urban Riots, 1964–68 – he showed a positively alarming understanding of how to use disinformation.

McBride said that the spark for riots was ‘most often a single, symbolically significant act of white abuse or exploitation, rarely in terms of what actually happened as in how the act was perceived through rumours’.

And he cited a book by Patricia Turner called I Heard It Through The Grapevine: Rumor In African-American Culture, which sounds like a political saboteur’s handbook, listing a number of riot-inciting rumours, including the unprovoked clubbing to death of a pregnant black woman and the shooting of a black teenager with his hands up.

McBride approved of violent tactics, arguing that ‘lacking meaningful political representation, rioting was the only means by which ghetto blacks could protest their grievances’.

And, in a bizarre aside, he suggested that the riots led to ‘good humour, community bonding and temporary lapses in normal rates of sexual activity and substance abuse’ which ‘suggests communal exhibitionism derived from feelings of pride and freedom’.

Despite McBride’s wild views, his old Cambridge tutor, Professor Tony Badger, now the Master of Clare College, remembers him fondly.

He said: ‘We disagreed over the value of the riots – I thought they were counter-productive – but he was very focused, and it was an excellent thesis.

‘He was so good that I tried to persuade him to go and do a PhD in the States. It doesn’t surprise me that he has had such success in the political arena.’


We know all about the propaganda above. The Labour party practices it against the White people of Britain everyday.

£1 a litre and not a protest in sight!

Petrol prices motoring towards £1 a litre - despite flat world oil prices

Petrol prices have hit a five-month high thanks to an increase in fuel duty and the rising cost of oil.

Drivers face an average of 95.01p a litre at the pumps - a figure not seen since November.
What is more, prices are going up faster than they did during last spring's surge, the AA said.
A rise of 4.45p in a month coincided with a $5 increase in the price of a barrel of oil, the motoring organisation added.

In the same period last year, when oil rose $10 a barrel, petrol went up just 1.3p, to 108.1p a litre.

And there are fears prices could rise still further. An RAC spokesman said: 'We shouldn't see the kind of prices we had at the pumps last summer. But it is a worry that petrol prices seem to be creeping back towards the £1-a-litre mark.'

Ballot boxes tampered with

Ballot boxes tampered with inside Labour HQ as daughter of Blair's aide is hit by new voting scandal

Labour was plunged into fresh chaos last night after a ballot box containing votes for a key parliamentary selection contest was broken into at its national headquarters in London.

Party bosses were forced to scrap yesterday’s selection meeting for the Erith and Thamesmead constituency after discovering that postal votes in the sealed box – stored at Labour’s base opposite Scotland Yard – had been ripped up.

Labour chiefs launched an inquiry but ‘control freak’ party officials were accused of trying to cover up the scandal by threatening to ban any candidates from standing in a re-run of the contest if they spoke to the media about the incident.

The Labour selection – featuring Georgia Gould, 22, daughter of Tony Blair’s polling guru Lord Gould – has been mired in controversy.

Brilliant Oxford graduate Ms Gould has impeccable Blairite credentials and has worked for Mr Blair’s Faith Foundation. Prominent Blairites, including former No10 spin doctor Alastair Campbell and Cabinet Minister Tessa Jowell, were accused of meddling on her behalf.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Arise Sir Simon Darby

Deputy Leader of the BNP

West Midlands BNP Regional Organiser

Richard Barnbrookes Officer at the GLA

No1 BNP Candidate for the West Midlands EURO Election

BNP Press Officer

Aaaaaaaaaand the new

BNP Treasurer.


Griffin stated the new treasurer was a qualified accountant with 25yrs experience. Really...

Heretical Two Denied Political Asylum In U.S.

15 April 2009

Dear Harold,

You were right. Our asylum claim has been denied, as has witholding of removal.

We were thinking of appealing and sticking it out, but really this place is replete with people hanging on hoping for a miracle that's never going to happen, and we don't want to join them.

Our barrister told us when he visited to testify for us that this immigration judge, Rose Peters, has granted asylum to an IRA murderer who had killed two policemen, supposedly on political grounds, so that's the level of hypocrisy we're up against.

Better we think to go back to England, face the music, and get it over with.

The ground for refusing asylum was that our prosecution in the UK did not constitute persecution (i.e. the government attorney and the IJ, both women, agree with it.

The government attorney even argued against the First Amendment.) I believe that because this is a subjective assessment it is quite difficult to appeal against, and we could spend years taking it through various courts.

Best wishes,

Simon Sheppard (also signed by Stephen Whittle)

BNP 'threat' to Labour in Europe

Just in case you missed it the first, second, and third time. Harriet makes it a fourth.

The British National Party could pose a major threat to Labour in the upcoming European elections, Labour's deputy leader Harriet Harman has said.

The BNP "are a bigger threat than they have been before", she told the Independent newspaper in an interview.

She also outlined Labour's efforts to counter the BNP ahead of elections for the European Parliament in June.

Labour is "focused on the BNP in this election in a way it hasn't been previously," she added.

'Below the radar'

Labour is using the slogan "fairness not fear" in areas where there is heavy BNP activity, instead of its national banner "winning the fight for Britain's future".

It is also working with anti-fascist groups and using anti-BNP "battlebuses".

Ms Harman, who is also leader of the Commons and Labour's chairman, was speaking after a campaign visit to north-west England, where BNP leader Nick Griffin is a candidate.

"Most people are not aware the BNP is standing," she said. "It is below the radar. There is very low public awareness of these elections.

"For us, it is a question of pointing out the dangers of the BNP, which now wears suits but whose ideology is as pernicious as ever."


More free adverts from Harriet. What more could we ask for? Just that Griffin pops her cheque in the post.


Make that a fifth!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The BNP's secret weapon?

As headlines go, Harriet Harman warning about people turning to the BNP is a bit like Fred Goodwin sounding the alarm about socialism. Doesn't she realise that she and her friends are the Far Right's secret weapon?

Hattie is very media-friendly at the moment. As well as giving the Independent interview, she was also profiled (brilliantly, by Nigel Farndale) in The Sunday Telegraph yesterday. This suggests that, as the Allies surround the Bunker and the leader's ultra-loyal sidekicks use increasingly desperate black propaganda tactics, Harman is busying herself with taking over what's left of the New Labour party.

Remember the last time Harman went on a publicity drive? Labour ended up fifth in the Henley by-election, behind the BNP and not that much ahead of "Bananaman Owen" of the Monster Raving Loony Party. (I didn't even realise they still existed. Does anyone still find them funny?)
Hardly surprising, when Harman's Equalities Bill, announced just before that by-election, allows firms to discriminate on grounds of race and sex – as long as it's against white males of course. Anti-fascist campaigners accuse the BNP of lying over ant-white discrimination in housing and benefits. I'm sure that's true, but they hardly need to, when Labour has gifted them Harman, who so effortlessly personifies a liberal elite that hates suburban Daily Mail readers and absolutely despises the poor.

Like the enemies of any powerful female politicians, Harman's detractors run the risk of being accused of sexism or misogyny, but the widespread Harmanophobia is closer to class hatred. The Minister for Women and Equality wasn't born equal. Her father was a Harley St doctor. She went to St Paul's, which in life-is-a-game-of-cards terms is like being given four aces. After a politics degree she got a job with Liberty, the human rights group which in those days used to support nut-job Marxist paedophiles (seriously. Try reading a 1970s pamphlet by the Paedophile Information Exchange). After that she walked into a safe Labour seat in Peckham, where she famously strolls around in a flak-jacket.

Right-wing commentators like yours truly drone on about the liberal elite, but Harman's family has been prominent in liberal causes for over a century. Her great-great-uncle was Joseph Chamberlain, one of her great-uncles was a Liberal MP, and a great aunt was a Victorian feminist.

I'm not dismissing them – the English side of my family were very much part of the same class: nonconformists, Liberal merchants who thought capitalism should and could help everyone, rich and poor, and that the twin engines of physical and moral improvement – by individuals and governments – would take people out of squalor and enslavement and into respectability.

Their descendants, however, steeped in university ideology, have replaced Christianity with socialism, albeit a watery version, and cling to this ideology as irrationally as their forefathers clung to their religion. Socialism is a much less dynamic and flexible belief system than Christianity, which is why they are so unwilling to change course once a system fails. They cannot understand why putting more money into the welfare state is making poverty worse, why sex education is not reducing teenage pregnancy rates, nor can they see that more equality legislation is not going to bring equality, but instead will set people apart.

The key difference between 19th- and 21st-century liberals is that, while Harman's Victorian ancestors were paper merchants and so, like the vast majority of 19th-century Liberals, had experience of the private sector, their descendants have almost no experience of capitalism, except spending its revenues, going straight from university to pressure groups to quangos and into politics. It is no wonder, then, that the last time the English people felt so distant from their ruling class our leaders spoke French.


"The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a UK pro-pedophile activist group, founded in October 1974. It officially disbanded in 1984[1] though it was not until many years later that the Paedophile Unit finally arrested the last of its members on child pornography charges, with activist David Joy warned by his sentencing judge that his beliefs may preclude his release ever from jail.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Obama brother accused of UK sex assault

Samson denied British visa after incident with teen girl in Berkshire

AMERICAN president Barack Obama's half brother was REFUSED a visa to enter the UK after being accused of an attempted sex attack on a young girl in Berkshire.

The News of the World can reveal that Kenya-based Samson Obama tried to get into Britain on his way to Washington for his family's big day, the historic inauguration in January.

But eagle-eyed immigration officials at East Midlands Airport, using the latest biometric tests, discovered he was linked to an incident here last November. The hi-tech database revealed that Samson - who manages a mobile phone shop just outside Nairobi - was the same man arrested by British police after he approached a group of young girls, including a 13 year-old, and allegedly tried to sexually assault one of them.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Here we go again !

Griffin is trying to get blacks into the BNP again. He has been pushing for this since he hijacked the BNP in 1999. Do you remember Charlie Bickerstaffe ? he was reported with great flourish by old tory Martin Wingfield together with Charlies inlaws from Zimbabwe. Many BNP branches set fire to the Voice of Freedom where they tried to push this issue. Then they tried to say the Government would make it illegal to not allow non-whites into the BNP. Once again the BNP members opposed this. Then Tony 'Bomber Lecomber was photgraphed together with a black DJ for a Christmas BNP social.

Just recentlya video of silly BNP members 'got it down 'withsome black woman in Wrexham.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Griffin has spoken

As part of the BNP’s rolling programme of administrative improvements designed to ensure that we are able to cope with our current rapid and expected further growth, we are pleased to announce that we have marked the start of the new financial year by moving from having an overworked Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer to creating a full Treasury Department.
This new department now employs professionally trained accounting staff as well as the key party officials who have done such sterling work by themselves up until now.
The BNP’s central accounting unit’s draft accounts for 2008 show a leap in our national operational income to well over £1 million last year. This year we are on course to do even better.

With the regional, branch and group turn-over on top of that, the whole operation is now far too big for the able but limited capacity staff who have so far shouldered the increasing burden. Our independent external auditors, in particular, have been pressing hard for action to deal with this situation, and this has now been done as follows:

The new Treasury Department comprises four full-time staff:

- A Chartered Accountant (ACCA qualified) with 25 years experience as a Senior Partner who will be responsible for implementing continuous management of financial systems and budgets and also undertaking independent checks in conjunction with an Auditor on the organisations financial position and providing financial advice;

- A fully qualified Accounts Technician (IATI qualified and also holding a BA (Hons) degree in Business Administration), with 10 years experience as an Assistant Accountant who will be responsible for taking accounts to trial balance stage, reconciling all bank accounts, VAT returns, responsibility for Sales / Purchase ledger and assisting with month end and year end procedures;

- Jennie Noble, outgoing National Treasurer, who will switch duties to take on running the Trafalgar Club. This will be undergoing a major revamp and expansion later this year in order to raise its profile as the flagship of the Party. Jennie will assist in handling vital core administrative jobs, particularly checking that all donations are legal under the very strict terms of the party political funding laws.

- David Hannam, who will continue to run the accounts of units in those regions not yet handling their own financial affairs.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Jennie Noble for her efforts over the last year to bring the party’s central treasury operation to the stage where it can be handed over to the professional administrators. While previous treasurers have done the best they could and have always ensured financial probity, Jennie’s extensive financial experience in pension fund management enabled her to bring us to this point, and we owe her a big debt of gratitude.
In keeping with best practice, the expanded Department staff will be answerable to a National Treasurer who is not paid for that role.

This oversight responsibility, which includes the job of providing reports to the Advisory Council and the Annual Conference, and the handling of all disbursements, will be dealt with by BNP Deputy Leader Simon Darby, who will be stepping down as West Midlands Regional Organiser with effect from 5th June.

We wish all the new team the best of luck in their roles.

While we are announcing administrative changes, please note that Nick Griffin has stepped down as Acting North West Regional Organiser with immediate effect. The newly appointed North West Regional Organiser is Clive Jefferson, who has made his mark organising in Cumbria and is widely and justly respected as a dynamic and efficient ‘big hitter’.

New National Dispatch and Logistics Manager – and BNP Treasurer
June 14, 2008 by BNP News

After months of growth and part way into a major restocking, it has become clear that the Excalibur and Great White Records merchandising operations (now under the same roof), together with the huge mail outs of BNP bulletins and publications, has become such an undertaking that a full-time National Dispatch and Logistics Manager is needed at our Deeside industrial unit.

Having been responsible for setting up the whole operation there in the first place, John Walker is the natural choice for this job, and we are pleased to announce that he has agreed to take on the challenge with immediate effect.

John took over the job of National Treasurer in very difficult circumstances more than four years ago. When he agreed to take on that very demanding, and often thankless role, he did so on the basis that he only wanted to do it until someone better qualified became available, or for two years at the most.

To have stayed there more than four years, handling the party’s national finances during election years for the Westminster and European Parliaments, and for the devolved Assembly governments of Scotland, Wales and London, through four Red-White-and-Blue Festivals and four full Electoral Commission audits, has been a truly tremendous service to the British National Party. We will always be in John Walkers’ debt.

That said, his previous 25 years experience in administration and logistics in the RAF Civil Service make him particularly well suited to meet the challenges of the hands-on job of managing and co-ordinating our expanding central dispatch operations. We wish him all the very best in his new full-time role, and with the hard work with which he is now also busy as the first elected BNP councillor in Wales.

John’s place as National Treasurer has been filled by Jenny Noble. As Solihull Organiser between 2004 and 2007, Jenny played a key role in the election of our first councillor in the area, and in a variety of very effective political and community campaigns. She has also done a great deal of good work and become very popular as Secretary of the Trafalgar Club, a voluntary job she will now share with a fresh face. Her commercial experience as a senior manager in a pension fund administration role also makes her an ideal candidate for the treasury role.

Having recently moved to Wales, Jenny now has the time to devote to building on the progress made by John Walker in creating systems for, and improving the operation of our National Treasury department.

Among her early targets is the creation of a full advance annual budget based on all the statistics collected over previous years, and the implementation of the even tighter checks and balances on expenditure needed to see the party through the tough economic conditions now hitting the country as a whole. In addition, Jenny also has as one of her early important tasks the further dividing of responsibilities and workload for this important and complex department.

We welcome her to her new role and wish her the very best of luck.

Dave Hannam will remain as head of Regional Treasury where, having completed both the regional and national audits, he is now concentrating on creating an innovative system whereby local fund-holders can access their BNP account statements online, and whenever they wish, instead of waiting for them to arrive by post.

With other advances also in the pipeline right across the board, it is safe to say that dispatch and treasury - two of the most important cogs in the BNP machine - are in good hands.

Boris Johnson scraps multicultural music festival Rise

Rise festival shelved due to lack of sponsors following last year's row over anti-racism message

Boris Johnson has scrapped Rise, London's popular annual multicultural music event, despite insisting last year that major festivals are an "important way" of bringing Londoners from diverse backgrounds together.

The mayor said that he planned instead to stage "Rhythm for London" – two days of events to engage youngsters to learn to play music.

Johnson blamed the decision to cancel Rise on its failure to find a sponsor. Last year the summer event attracted 100,000 people.

Rise was first set up in 1996 and was developed by Ken Livingstone, Johnson's predecessor as mayor, eventually becoming the largest anti-racist festival in Europe.

After taking office last May, Johnson dismayed the festival's main sponsors, trade unions Unison and Unite, by announcing that the anti-racism message would be removed from the festival's promotional material.

Sponsors withdrew their funding, leaving City Hall to pick up the £551,000 bill to stage the event in Finsbury Park, north London.

Johnson's director of arts policy, Munira Mirza, justified the decision at the time by saying it was "no longer appropriate to have overtly political organisations involved in the programme or in the community".

The Rise festival has been used as a platform by music artists to urge youngsters to vote against the British National party.


Monday, April 06, 2009

Stormfront's Whites Forward

"One question:
Where was the BNP during the G-20 protests in London? If so, what did they do?
The answer will give a clue about what needs to be beefed up."
"So the BNP doesn't stand up to capitalists or commies? It's worse than I thought.Damn, next year they'll be folding into the Tories.
Seriously, what does separate them from the Tories today, besides being a different organizational entity? "
"I would have brought as many White Nationalists as possible, as well as bussed in as many young Whites and White workers, broken out OUR banners, distributed our leaflets and media to every White in and around that protest crowd. Why? Those Whites are trying to fight back, but they are confused and fighting under the Left.

Most of those who want to fight our enemies turn to the Left. They don't turn to the Right because they tend to be greedy big business suck-ups. Big business thinks its a good idea to make a better bottom line by using cheap Third World labor..and they justify this a necessary because of global capitalist competition.

So, capitalism is the reason our race is getting thrown under the bus by the White wealthy elite, the White workers are pissed off about it but have come to see the fight in racial terms, and the conservatives on the Right (including the BNP) are worshipping the capitalist Golden Calf instead of championing the White workers and mobilizing to fight our foes by any means necessary. Then you wonder why all the working people, the young and the women turn to the Left? Because the Reds sing their tune...and in hard times, that is the appealing tune.

Now is the kind of times when that conservative crap doesn't fly...the NSDAP learned that back in their day and turned to the German workers. Might be a lesson or two tucked away in those history books courtesy of the "Nazis" that BNPers love to hate."

Does this Stormfront poster have a point?

Saturday, April 04, 2009

It's that old chestnut again!!!!

Book challenged at Kohrs Library In Deer Lodge By Pat Hansen for The Montana Standard - 03/31/2009DEER LODGE — A personal memoir has been challenged and a request made to have the book removed from the William K. Kohrs Library in Deer Lodge.The book, challenged by Greg Gerdes of Deer Lodge, is "For Those I Loved," by Martin Gray. The book is a New York Times best-seller first published by Little, Brown & Co. in 1972 and read by more than 30 million people worldwide, according to Barnes & Noble Web site.In it, Gray, a Polish Jew, tells of how he survived the German invasion, recalls his life in the Warsaw ghetto and Treblinka concentration camp, where his mother and brothers died, his life in the Soviet Army, and the building of a new life in the United States.In accordance with Kohrs Library policy regarding complaints and censorship, librarian Nancy Silliman read the challenged book and informed Gerdes that she had decided to retain the book in question. Gerdes then appealed her decision to the library board.Board chairman David Gregory said the board held a hearing to gather information. At that time, Gerdes allegedly claimed the author witnessing the Treblinka concentration camp holocaust is untrue and the book is anti-German hate propaganda.During the hearing Gerdes presented a statement and showed the board $5,000 in cash saying he would donate it to the library if any one can prove there were graves at Treblinka.A business card Gerdes gave the board indicates he is president of the National Association of Forensic Historians dedicated to "exposing historical fraud via the scientific method." No phone number was included on the card, but the association's Web site stated, "No matter what anyone thinks about the holocaust per se, one thing is eminently clear — the Treblinka holocaust didn't happen." It goes on to say there is no proof of mass graves, no indication that bodies were burned and that Treblinka was a transit camp where the gas chambers were, in reality, delousing facilities.
Peggy Kerr, president of the Friends of the Library, spoke against banning or censorship at the information- gathering meeting.
John Thompson, a Deer Lodge resident, described the library as a place of choices for the community, saying American people have a right to choose what they want to read.
Gregory said the board is not judging the book nor its contents, but will decide the issue based on three criteria: the library's collection management policy, the basic premise of intellectual freedom, and the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution that guarantees freedom of speech and of the press.
The board will decide the issue at a public meeting at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 16, in the Kohrs Library.
Correspondent Pat Hansen may be reached via e-mail at


Thank you to the NWN poster for this story

NPD party faces collapse

Germany’s main neo-Nazi party faces financial collapse after it was fined nearly £2.3 million for accounts irregularities

The National Democratic Party (NPD), which is struggling to cope with bitter in-fighting and an embezzlement scandal, was ordered by the national parliament to pay €2.5 million (£2.3 million) by May 1.

A lawyer for the party warned that the fine, which comes four months after its former treasurer was jailed for stealing €741,000 (£677,000) from NPD coffers, threatens its existence.

The NPD is a legal political party and although it has no seats in the federal parliament it is represented in two of Germany’s 16 state legislatures. It is eligible for state funding which in 2007 amounted to more than £1 million, despite being described by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as racist, anti-Semitic and revisionist. NPD officials have, for example, praised Iran's President Ahmadinejad for arguing that Israel should be wiped off the map and the party’s leader, Udo Voigt, has said that Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess should have won the Nobel Peace Prize.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Who is Peter Molloy?

"Peter Molloy, 32, is a former radio operator with the King's Regiment and now a law student at Liverpool John Moores University.

Molloy is quoted as saying, "The issue that Fathers 4 Justice campaign for, is still very much alive, but the group itself has been in slow decline for the last 12 to 18 months.They were really successful at first but they needed to step up their game, but they have just been losing momentum.They had loads of public support at the beginning but the stunts kept on disrupting normal people so they have started to alienate people who used to sympathise with them."Molloy, a 35-year-old plumber told IC Liverpool, "We decided that politics is the way to go now, and when we heard about Children First, we decided to meet them.

deep powerful British English accent

• Peter Molloy is registered with Voice123 since Jun 07, 2005.
• Peter Molloy started his/her voice over career in .
• Currently Peter Molloy is a Standard subscriber.
• Auditions and proposals submitted through Voice123 during the past six months: 0

"Voice Description
a wide range of English regional accents or dialects including Liverpool, North East, North West, East London and "Estuary" as well as standard BBC English voiceovers"

Liverpool BNP Organiser, Peter Molloy said:
"We've been highlighted on a BNP website which is not the sort of publicity we want to attract and we have contacted the police about it, as that's not what we're about"

Email accounts used by Molloy:
1, (This account is with Liverpool Community College)

Please add your comments. Do you know Peter Molloy?

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