Monday, September 29, 2008

United British Alliance ?

Look like a gang of footie supporters to us.


Anonymous said...

Something very odd about this group. The marchers are all cropped haired lads not out of place in say Aldershot on a day out. No leaders, no contact names or addresses just an anonymous email link. Claims to have links to Tory establishment and Zionist groups. A strong whiff of State about the whole thing. I'll bet the marchers were all squaddies on a very new exercise!

Anonymous said...

who is that person who has to hide his face ? what for ? is he wanted by the Police.OR IS IT S.W

And yes who are they ?

Anonymous said...

So many pictures and hidden and faces ????,why.

Anonymous said...

They're a group made up of predominantly Football Hooligans/Casuals linked up by the various internet forums. Most of them would be sympathetic towards parties like the BNP and maybe the NF but a lot of the ring leaders/organisers are either friendly to the point of hysterical about 'black lads' or 'sound Sikhs' and a few of the smarter ones are Jewish Zionists. They get all doey eyed when a black lad joins one of the marches and make a big point about being non racist.

Their days usually consist of drinking , drug taking and trying to provoke aggro with their targets ie Muslims. What usually happens is they get rounded up by the Police section 60'd and hereded around all day.

Anonymous said...

Am I being overly suspicious to immediately think about Jewsih funding? A back door into teh BNP whilst Griffin opens the front door?

Anonymous said...

As an old school National Socialist, I would rather side with the Muslims than these Jewish scum. The Jews brought the Muslims into Europe and caused them to become radicalized because of their actions and that of their Zionist allies in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

A bunch who believe or who have been manipulated to believe the problems are all down to Muslims.

Keeps peoples minds off the politicians who deliberately created the situation. Cui bono?

They say they are against PC but 'will not tolerate' anything not PC. Good eh!

Anonymous said...

I have had quite a bit to say about Christianity on internet forums over the last few years. As I have said before, I will support the first British nationalist party that refuses membership to Christians. Christians defined in this context, as promoters of Christianity.

I am not being smart, sarcastic or whatever when I say that I consider Christianity as the traditional excuse for political incompetence. I mean that literally. Gordon Brown was an atheist in his twenties and now he is a Christian because it is politically convenient for him to be so. Nick Griffin is a Zionist because he is so utterly clueless he might as well get hold of any old traditional nonsense. Nick Griffin is simply unable to behave well politically, so he claims to be behaving badly because he wants to go along with traditional incompetence.

Not all Christians are perverts. There is a bit of nonsense logic. Fifty per cent of lunatics are left handed. Therefore fifty per cent of left handed people are lunatics. Not all Christians are perverts but it is hardly surprising that many perverts claim to be Christians. I want to make this point clear. Christianity is the traditional excuse and the traditional cover up, for bad behaviour.

There is no place for Christians in a radical political party. A radical political party that includes Christians starts off with the traditional excuses for failure, ready to hand.

I couldn’t care less about peoples personal superstitions as long as those superstitions don’t have political consequences. I understand that Pete Barker, Chris Potter and Simon Smith have all declared themselves to some extent as Christians. I would have no problem supporting a political party that included such people as long as such people understood clearly that the political party, of which they were members, could not tolerate the party being used to promote Christianity, even indirectly.

A political party that tolerated the promoters of Christianity would be doomed to failure from the start, Christianity being neurotic feeble minded nonsense. Keine Ruhe.

Anonymous said...

I'm sympathetic to Christians and indeed others with overlapping ideology, but I'm not a Christian except in the philosophical sense:

There is strong evidence that Jesus never actually existed and was a composite of Mithras, Horus and other Mediterranean belief systems. Essentially a solar religion.

Christianity in its formalised sense was an idea of Constantine who needed a one size fits all religion as an aid to political control.

The saying of "Jesus" are worthy as is much of the prose in the bible.

Anonymous said...

As I keep telling Nationalists, both of Griffin's parents are jews, therefore Griffin is a jew, and is why he's allowing them into the BNP, and why the jews will be controlling the BNP, like the jews are controlling the Tory, Labour and Lib-Dim parties, and the whole British establishment.


Anonymous said...

"There is no place for Christians in a radical political party. A radical political party that includes Christians starts off with the traditional excuses for failure, ready to hand."

I disagree with this. Christianity is a very diverse religion with many sects that display considerable differences between each other. Western Christianity - particularly the Church of England and some other Protestant sects - has become very liberal and decadent, and therefore hostile to nationalism. Certain Orthodox sects on the other hand are quite traditional and socially conservative.

Nationalist organisations should be non-sectarian because mixing politics with religion is a dangerous game.

Anonymous said...

do you lot work for the media, by your replys, you know not alot...

for the last picture, it was U.B.A and March For England united against the hizb nazis allowed to march through our streets...

Most maybe be football, and as for bright eyed when other races join us, grow up and stop reading the sun will you aye.

its brainwashed and government divide that stops all cultures united to oust these extremists...

and U.B.A and March For England are not political, just pressure...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...