Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Griffins golden boy takes on the hauliers

A campaign by the British National Party (BNP) to recruit lorry drivers as members has been dismissed by the Road Haulage Association (RHA) and the Labour Party. However the BNP claims its support is increasing due to a campaign that promotes British haulage and targets Continental firms which it believes are undercutting UK business with cheaper fuel costs.

Paul Golding, a London-based haulier and producer of the BNP campaign, says "there has been a very good response from drivers" since it started in early September. Golding has designed an A5 poster branded with a lorry and the caption 'enough is enough'. Up to 1,000 have been distributed by drivers and operators, and Golding predicts this number will increase substantially.

The RHA has dismissed the campaign for lacking substance. A spokeswoman for the RHA says: "It is interesting to note that the BNP makes no mention as to how it intends to protect British industries, how it intends to put British drivers first, or how it would pull Britain out of the European Union."

A spokesman for the Labour Party says it will be not be giving time to the BNP campaign.

In response to the campaign, the Department for Transport (DfT) has defended its work in protecting the interests of UK hauliers. A spokesman says it secured an agreement in June whereby European drivers could carry out no more than three domestic journeys within a week before departing the UK. This is subject to ratification by the European Parliament in the autumn.

At the time Rosie Winterton, Minister of Transport at the EU Transport Council, said: "This will ensure UK hauliers can continue to secure regular domestic work while foreign hauliers are limited to ad hoc work when they have delivered their international load."


NWN would also like the answers to the above in bold red


Anonymous said...

How are the "Voice of Freedom" papers hauled over from Slovenia, or wherever it is that they are printed?

Anonymous said...

They must be thick as --it in the BNP.
Surely people must realize these amateurish efforts are not getting anywhere,never have & never will.
Griffin and Darby are working for the EU.

Anonymous said...

The two trunk drivers who have transported the VoFs for at least the last two years and brought them to Dover were Slovenians. As far as I know the last issue was printed in the North of England, so their services are no longer required.

Anonymous said...

"The two trunk drivers who have transported the VoFs for at least the last two years and brought them to Dover were Slovenians. As far as I know the last issue was printed in the North of England, so their services are no longer required.

01 October 2008 12:24"

I don't give a shit if they were Armenian, or African. Why weren't the papers printed in Britain FULL STOP?

Don't give us excuses that no one would print them, we know plenty of printers who were gagging for the work years ago. Fact is, Collett and Griffin now print it. GREEDY UGLY BASTARDS

Anonymous said...

In a Jan 2008 leaflet by sovereignty.org.uk , I read the following:

"We could leave the EU in a day at present. Just by repealing the European Communities Act 1972. That's all it would take at this point"

I am sure that, given Irelands rejection of the Lisbon Treaty - this should still be the case!

Anonymous said...

"Griffin and Darby are working for the EU.

01 October 2008 09:40"

Yeah, when are the BNP brains going to tell us how they intend to do anything?

Anonymous said...

"In a Jan 2008 leaflet by sovereignty.org.uk , I read the following:

"We could leave the EU in a day at present. Just by repealing the European Communities Act 1972. That's all it would take at this point"

I am sure that, given Irelands rejection of the Lisbon Treaty - this should still be the case!

01 October 2008 12:51"

Only one problem with that, Baz. You need MP's, and you've probably noticed that, Griffin, is only interested in becoming an MEP. More money, and a situation where he is completely impotent to do a thing. Just the way the STATE owned tosser likes it.

Anonymous said...

Nicholas John Griffin is a liar, a cheat and a thief.

Without the special protection he has long enjoyed, Griffin would long since have been removed from the most exalted possible function within his capacity: that of running a penny lavatory - for any of those three quite obvious defects.

His continuing 'leadership' of the so-called 'British National Party' is certain proof of the blessings (and dosh) which he has been receiving from the multicultural, multiracial, misegenating Establishment which is currently running this country.


Anonymous said...

More money, and a situation where he is completely impotent to do a thing. Just the way the STATE owned tosser likes it.

01 October 2008 14:30

True, UKIP have 12 MEP's I think, and they've stated they need to elect more to be able to do anything, so what can Griffin do on his own? Earn a million for himself, that's what.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...