Sunday, September 07, 2008

Spineless Bastards

We, among many, have suffered years of abuse at the hands of the PC liberals. Some have been imprisoned, put on trial, or had their lives ruined and destroyed for airing the intelligent beliefs and thoughts that these spineless bastards dare to publish today. These liars and cowards do not deserve to rule Britain, this vermin that has hidden behind the trousers and skirts of the true champions of Britain and its dying culture.


Expel immigrants after four years, says report

Toby Helm, Whitehall editor
The Observer,
Sunday September 7 2008
Article history
Skilled immigrants from outside the European Union should be sent home when their four-year visas expire to limit the United Kingdom's population growth and ease pressure on public services, according to a controversial cross-party report by MPs.
Tackling the politically explosive subject of immigration quotas head on, the study, headed by Frank Field and Nicholas Soames, former Labour and Tory ministers respectively, will call on ministers to balance the number of immigrants entering the country against those leaving.
At present, the vast majority of non-EU entrants granted visas to work in this country stay on after they expire and are allowed to settle permanently. The Home Office is refining an Australian-style points system under which the number of immigrants from outside the EU will be restricted to those with suitable skills and qualifications.
But critics say the system still amounts to an 'open door' for immigrants as no overall quota is imposed and rules about what happens after visas expire are not rigorously enforced.
Under the Field-Soames model, the only chance non-EU immigrants would have of staying beyond their visa period would be if immigrants proved they had 'exceptional intellectual, scientific or artistic merit' and did not breach a new annual quota - to be set at 20,000 - which would include dependants.
The report, drawn up by Migrationwatch, will be published ahead of a Home Office announcement on Tuesday revealing more details of its points-based permit system. It is expected to say that if immigrants wanted to extend their stay in the UK they would have to apply through a second points system. Only if they had 'exceptional' skills or qualifications, and their staying did not mean breaching the quota, could they stay.
Field has long criticised Labour ministers for shying away from the immigration debate for political reasons, allowing the resulting problems of overcrowding and pressure on local services to mount. He warned two years ago that politicians had to begin discussing the problem in a grown-up way - before the British National Party took advantage.
'It is only because the BNP are so inept that the debate has not taken off,' Field argued.
The report, called 'Balanced Migration', claims such measures would limit England's population, now 51 million, to 65 million by 2050, compared with current projections suggesting it could rise to 78.6 million by the middle of the century.
Habib Rahman, chief executive of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, said: 'These proposals completely ignore the positive contribution migrants make to life in the UK. As well as much-needed skilled workers, many come and do unskilled jobs that need to be done, but for which employers are unable to find home-grown workers.'
Figures issued last month from the Office for National Statistics found that inward migration to Britain had reached its highest level since the current method of counting was introduced, with 605,000 long-term immigrants arriving in the year to mid-2007.


Anonymous said...

The UK must be headed toward a massive reccession. First Ireland, and now England calling for immigrants to go.

Anonymous said...

If there are jobs Britons won't do that simply means the market is not being allowed to work. Otherwise wages in those jobs would rise relative to others and people would do them. Any job is not so bad if you feel you are earning well.

The trick played is to lower wages by immigration so that it is unattractive to do those jobs and then claim 'We need immigrants'.

Add to the manipulation the fact that no virtually no employers want people over 35 and that immigrants are supplied in their preferred age group.

The whole system is rigged to displace the British.

Anonymous said...

"The whole system is rigged to displace the British.

07 September 2008 10:32£

Yes, and the powers that be must be shitting themselves about the coming backlash. The country is no longer full of the British stiff upper lip, but foreigners born to revolution, bombers, and trained soldiers.

We live in very interesting times, and we need to replace Griffin quick sharpish. We cannot afford to lose now things look so favourable, and Griffin has lost his immigration war. A handful of councillors and a few barn conversions is what we have after his 10 years rule. We now need a real leader who speaks to the hearts and minds of the working class, and not a silver spoon born charlaten and confidence trickster.

Anonymous said...

When the foreigners first came they were supposed to leave after 10 years. Who was it that changed that rule? Throw them all out NOW, and give us back Britain.

Anonymous said...

One BNP man was blinded by left thugs in the 90s, one had a parcel bomb explode in his hands, Richard Edmonds was fitted up after Major assured Livingstone in the Commons that he would get the BNP, the Sunday Times claimed JT was involved in the Oklahoma bombing.

You could write a book about all the attacks by the left state-approved thugs and the endless lies told by so-called 'journalists'.

For saying immigration was a bad idea at a time when the entire political system conspired by any means legal or illegal to foist it on Britain while suppressing almost any adverse comment.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Frank Field who said that the only thing that stopped the BNP 'taking off' was that it lacked a convincing leader?.

Anonymous said...

"Wasn't it Frank Field who said that the only thing that stopped the BNP 'taking off' was that it lacked a convincing leader?.

07 September 2008 18:26"

Yes, which is why we bloody well need one, and soon.

We can't afford to have Griffin balls this up like he has immigration/Islam.

I hope Jackson isn't resting on his laurels, and if I don't start recieving literature from this supposed challenger, I won't sign his nomination paper. I want to see that he REALLY wants to be the chairman.

Anonymous said...

"You could write a book about all the attacks by the left state-approved thugs and the endless lies told by so-called 'journalists'."

They will have nowhere for them to run soon. The walls are coming down, and then we can have our revenge on these nation destroyers who accept anything just so they can take drugs and listen shit music, and give the world aids.

Anonymous said...

"Wasn't it Frank Field who said that the only thing that stopped the BNP 'taking off' was that it lacked a convincing leader?.

Yeah right, but he should have added that it is deliberately not meant to take off with state assets like Gri££in & 5IMon Darby at the helm.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah right, but he should have added that it is deliberately not meant to take off with state assets like Gri££in & 5IMon Darby at the helm.

08 September 2008 07:37"

It matters not wether Griffin is state or not. What matters, is getting rid of him. He attracts lowlife scum, and is not presentable enough, or intelligent enough, for the worldwide stage. He has to go.


Why do these vermin keep spouting the same old bollocks,51 million my arse,the last census told us it was 60,perhaps they think that we will not notice if they sneak another 10 milion wogs into the country,the crunch is comming comerades,are you ready?

Anonymous said...

"A handful of councillors and a few barn conversions is what we have after his 10 years rule. We now need a real leader who speaks to the hearts and minds of the working class, and not a silver spoon born charlaten and confidence trickster"

Bloody well spot-on!
That sums up that podgy little turd perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Do not believe the LAB/CON/LIB Coalition calling for and end to immigration or talk of sending them back home ,it's meaningless it's the race card being played by the old con men who have betrayed us all trying to convince the ELECTORATE that they have the answer to our problem in relation to immigration.
Keith axon.

Anonymous said...

You're right about the Lib/Lab/Con trick on immigration but you're wrong about the year Thatcher tried it. Of course you know this anyway, but it was in 1979 that she frightened the electorate with a speech about being 'swamped by aliens'! Of course once she got into office immigration actually increased! The worrying thing is, over two decades later, the electorate still haven't realised they are being duped!

Anonymous said...

Sorry due to the time of night,and yes it was 1979,i remember it well alas poor Yorick.

p.s Thatcher allowed 13000 Vietnamese boat people into the UK 3 weeks after her party the CON party was elected and she as the elected prime minister.


Anonymous said...

The Potomac two-step

* numerous promises to cut gasoline taxes while they quietly gradually increase them[1]
* the government creates what is advertised as strong anti illegal immigration legislation, but when the public is pacified, even available enforcement measures are ignored[2]

The Two-Step is a dance. Dance is a popular metaphor for the avoidance of responsibility.

Be aware of the CON/LAB party's at the run up to an election and the words that they use.

Mr Keith.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...