Saturday, September 13, 2008

UK Police to attack Griffin's enemies !

A 'policeman' has told us that the police have been told to harass Griffin's nationalist enemies.
We at NWN do not find that surprising at all.


Anonymous said...

The police have always been the strong arm of the capitalist establishment.

In 1926 and more recently in the early 1980's, in the Miners strike, the police have done what the Government has told them to do.

'Coppers' are pure mercenaries. They would arrest their own mothers if the Government told them to do that.

They are only interested in their pensions !

Anonymous said...

A couple of months ago my door was banged on by six or seven coppers in the early hours. "Apparently" I had kicked my girlfriend out (news to me :-) as I haven't got one ). I have never received an apology from Smethwick Plod, but I post this as information and I suppose, as protection against future possible harassment. )

I expect further police harassment, not because the average pension grabber is "evil", but because his string puller's puller definitely is...

In fairness to the average plod, they are no better or worse than than anyone trying to make their way in the world, but they persistently turn a mortgage payers blind eye to what is wrong in society.

Anonymous said...

Griffin and darby are state.

Anonymous said...

the reds are wankers, but even they should be interested in this.

Anonymous said...


Nationalists have been arrested.

Anonymous said...

"the reds are wankers, but even they should be interested in this.

13 September 2008 03:33"

After RWB, the reds know what side the cops are on, and it isn't theirs.

A huge change is happening to this country, and if the reds were allowed their way, there would be a blood bath. Not of nationalists, but them, as the angry public losing their jobs and houses finally wake up and smell the coffee.

Anonymous said...

"A huge change is happening to this country, and if the reds were allowed their way, there would be a blood bath. Not of nationalists, but them, as the angry public losing their jobs and houses finally wake up and smell the coffee.

13 September 2008 08:51"

Precisely. The state are exercising damage control. They need Griffin to make sure we get nowhere, and all the more reason for Jackson to make that challenge, and for everyone to sign.

Anonymous said...

I keep saying"All UK political parties are controlled by the EU".

Anonymous said...

"I keep saying"All UK political parties are controlled by the EU".

13 September 2008 11:28"

Yeah, and when enough British people get pissed off that they pay through the nose for food, alcohol, fuel, cigarettes, clothes, as well as everything else, and get fuck all out of Europe in return. There will be an almighty war. Not with Europe, but on the streets of Britain.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has not seen or does not know about 'True Spies' the remarkably frank documentary the BBC produced about police activities against dissidents Google now.

No secret was made of the fact that some of the things the police did were criminal. Of course they don't do it any more......

The BNP has been embraced by Labour as a means to channel dissent where it can be watched measured and controlled.

Anonymous said...

"The BNP has been embraced by Labour as a means to channel dissent where it can be watched measured and controlled.

13 September 2008 13:19"

Perfectly summed up.

Anonymous said...

The link to watch 'True Spies'

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this just stink of Simon Darby?

Anonymous said...

Never mind Darby, I'm convinced both he and Griffin are state, and I'd stake my life that Griffin was groomed by his father to enter rightwing politics and subvert the efforts of people wanting Britain back.

Look at Griffins record, look at how he expels anyone that could advance the BNP. Look at how he's never been jailed, but more importantly LOOK AT HOW HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING BUT HIMSELF AND HIS FUCKING GREEDY PIG FAMILY.

Fuck the reds, we should take Griffin out.

Anonymous said...

One of the things one learns from nationalist politics is the existence of the underworld of political power which most people in Britain seem to refuse to admit even exists.

A blow to self-esteem no doubt if they thought their vote was a sham and that they were being manipulated.

It's fascinating how the state protected the reds for years as useful agents for beating up and intimidating nationalists and how things changed.

Suddenly it's a different game with the 'controlled nationalists' becoming far more useful and taking the place of the reds under police protection.

The reds must be shocked at the way they've been used and dropped. It could not happen to nicer people.

Gable is becoming a threat to the state with his attempts to undermine their safety valve. An idiot but no longer a useful one.

Anonymous said...

"Suddenly it's a different game with the 'controlled nationalists' becoming far more useful and taking the place of the reds under police protection."

I recognised that at RWB. The reds have become the demons in the coppers eyes.

Anonymous said...

"Griffin and darby are state."

I dont believe Griffin is state but he is naive and vain enough to have his ego massaged and his other bits, according to some sources, by those sycophants and unsavoury perverts who give him words of wisdom but are working to another agenda. I'll stake my life savings that Darby is a State plant. He fucking useless as a deputy leader of what was suppsoed to be a revolutionary nationalist party.

Anonymous said...

stop daydreaming these fake stories up.

So what was the name of the police officer?

What a load of bull

Anonymous said...

"What a load of bull

13 September 2008 17:17"

Not really. Open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Matt14 said...
stop daydreaming these fake stories up.

So what was the name of the police officer?

What a load of bull

Like the author would want us to mention the police offier's name. Get real!

Anonymous said...

This is plain and simple evidence that the state now have control over the BNP.

Something tells me that Gri££in is at heart a true blue capitalist Tory.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me that Gri££in is at heart a true blue capitalist Tory.

13 September 2008 17:38

Just like his mummy and daddy

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Something tells me that Gri££in is at heart a true blue capitalist Tory.

13 September 2008 17:38

Just like his mummy and daddy

Something tells me Griffin is a cunt.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at this link and tell me this blokes not a jew

Anonymous said...

The way I see it is this.

Griffin himself does not work for the state. He has found a spot where he can make a lot of money and does not want to give it up.

But he is known to be terrified of being murdered. Far from irrational after years of attacks on nationalists by communist gangs. In that position he looks to the state to protect him. And the state is happy to offer. Established party and so on. By implication provided he cooperates. Responsible party responsible citizen.

And at his side is a man who is the state's hired channel for suggesting what is required of him. No need to actually say he is.

The requirements do not need to be spelled out too directly. Asking a man directly to sell-out is a blow to pride and not best way to ensure cooperation.

The approach is more subtle. The state believes in democracy. You've a right to your party sir. But there are public order implications here. Must not stir up the people too much or there could be disorder. Not too much too soon. Not privately completely unsympathetic to your aims.

Keep the party reigned back. That will keep the state off our backs and allow us to do better in the long run. Build foundations not a big building at the moment.

It's very seductive and reasonable. No sell-out merely mutually beneficial cooperation with the state. Makes a man feel important too it does. Part of the power structure.

Anyone who has been approached by the secret police will recognise the above. The combination of veiled threat - with us you can be safe - and the appeal to social responsibility. Merely concerned with public order sir. Last thing suppress your beliefs. Dear me no.

The state manipulates people by four means. Blackmail, fear, cash and belief. Fear is the easiest and cheapest.

Anonymous said...

It's so easy to make things up and then say you can't say who said it.

Am i right? YES.

Anonymous said...

An employee of MI5 told my mum that John Tyndall was paid very well to keep the BNP unelectable.


Anonymous said...

"matt14 said...
An employee of MI5 told my mum that John Tyndall was paid very well to keep the BNP unelectable.


14 September 2008 16:07"

As you keep calling for people to provide names and evidence, why not give us your name, and we can then believe what you have to say?

Anonymous said...

''An employee of MI5 told my mum that John Tyndall was paid very well to keep the BNP unelectable.''

Really, you bullshit liar? JT was hounded to an early death by the state. If JT was a state asset, then the state wasn't paying him enough for the shit he endured.

In fact, contrary to the rules here, I very much doubt Griffin is state.Those around him though......

Anonymous said...

"In fact, contrary to the rules here, I very much doubt Griffin is state.Those around him though......

14 September 2008 17:08"

I disagree, Griffin, is many thing but he isn't a fool. If he has state close to him, he'd know it, and because he'd know it, it makes him just as much state for not expelling them.

Anonymous said...

".... If he has state close to him, he'd know it, and because he'd know it, it makes him just as much state for not expelling them.

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Someone state may well have said JT was in their pay. Excellent piece of disinformation to demoralise people.

JT's politics was based on expectation of a crisis. Lack of an alternative plan for the times we turn out to live in could be interpreted as an indication of the above but it in fact was not.

Who could reasonably have expected the British who ruled half the damn world to stand by while their country is stolen?

Let's get something straight. Nothing the state tells you can be taken at face value. It may be true but more likely it's a manipulation.

Anonymous said...

David Noakes who was behind the EU Truth web site and who contended for the leadership of UKIP spoke at a BNP meeting this year that Griffin also spoke at in the Midlands.

Griffin didn't know that Noakes was going to be there and their exchanges were very heated in the first part of the meeting because Noakes didn't believe that Griffin was really anti-EU at all. He insisted that the BNP ought to be calling for a general strike against the EU and not putting candidates forward to support the darn thing and Griffin took a pessimistic view of it, that the EU was inevitable. Curiously, he didn't seem to hold much hopes for the party in the 2009 elections either.

Griffin nonetheless promised the audience after a chat with Noakes in the meeting interval that the BNP would re-host his EU Truth web site that had been shut down on the orders of the state but it never transpired and the site is still not accessible.

Noakes said afterwards that Griffin knows full well that the party will cease to exist under EU rules come January 2009 and that he is just winding things down until then, making sure any decent activists who could 'do something' about it and the EU, are restrained and all kept in one place where they can be managed.

Even if Griffin isn't directly working for the state as Noakes himself and others have suggested, it is certain from his attitude at that meeting alone, that he is prepared to accept defeat and doesn't hold much hopes for the party's future.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Gri££in is there's one thing that's undeniable. He is a Trojan horse.

Edgar Gri££in isn't just any old backbench Tory. His very senior Masonic involvement makes him somebody very special - certainly in the eyes of the state. I'm convinced that Nick is part of some elite.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how the police would be able to tell who supports Griffin and who does not - unless they attack website owners and bloggers.

Unless he has given them a list - I am glad I joined (&left!) under an assumed name.

Anonymous said...

Intelligence services have their eyes on everybody except the terrorists.

They monitor all internet activity and know which people and organisations oppose Gri££in.

Anonymous said...

Of course the secret police monitor everyone in nationalism and everything else.

As True Spies revealed even writing to a paper in s dissident manner merited a file. Some years ago MI5 had around 4 million people listed.

If they did not ministers would complain. A few years ago MI5 claimed it had stopped monitoring UK political organisations since there was no longer any risk. If you believe that...

People in power don't want to lose it.

Anonymous said...

I haven’t commented until now about the persistent rumours that Griffin and Darby are professional, possibly official trouble makers. In a certain way, whether or not this is so, is irrelevant. If British Nationalism had enough political momentum, infiltration by whoever would be unimportant. British Nationalist parties are public parties, and even civil servants can be persuaded to support well presented political ideas.

And of course, I suppose that one of the principal ways state trouble makers would operate would be to promote paranoia. So I haven’t wanted to say much and add to the paranoia. However, with British Nationalism being in such a state, I will make the point now that my guess is that Darby and Griffin are state operatives, possibly well managed rogue elements, but still state operatives.

This is a complicated matter. I recently heard on the BBC World Service that the principal function of the state is to guarantee the private property rights of individuals. I would say that such an idea is pretty far right. The security service operatives throughout the world are professional political strategists who outclass the corrupt mainstream politicians throughout the world. Vladimir Putin, a professional political strategist, clearly outclasses almost all other world politicians. So the state security services should not be underestimated, but they should not be considered as clearly hostile to Nationalist objectives.

However the point I want to make at the moment, is that we seem to accept that state security services are entirely and permanently unaccountable. I want that to change. We should make it a clear political objective of all British Nationalist parties, that the exemptions that the security services have got under Freedom of Information Acts is going to end. This would mean that the details of all infiltration of political parties by the state would become matters of public record. Going back, say one hundred years.

Any incitements to violence, any diverting of party funds by state operatives away from the stated political objectives of party members would result in prosecutions. The punishments would be irrelevant, possibly just nominal. But the convictions would be important. For years various political groups, the trade unions and the Scottish SNP for examples, have impotently bemoaned the possibilities of state infiltration. That sort of thing should become a thing of the past. Robert Shaw on the internet as Keine Ruhe.

Anonymous said...

"I haven’t commented until now about the persistent rumours that Griffin and Darby are professional, possibly official trouble makers...

Good post Anon ...if I could just comment on :

"This is a complicated matter. I recently heard on the BBC World Service that the principal function of the state is to guarantee the private property rights of individuals. I would say that such an idea is pretty far right."

On the subject of "far right". There are different nuances of meaning here. For many people including myself I would have once described this as a racial/ethnic term.

The "far right" in property owning terms is, I believe in conflict with the first. The "hierarchy" of the country (by definition, almost,are the property class) have benefited from mass immigration to the detriment of the majority of the indigenous people.

The media etc can pick, choose and confuse these terms to suit their agenda. Their agenda is to preserve the current Establishment.

If I could just digress on this important "property class" theme:

Many years ago I came across Henry George. A 19th Century American thinker/economist/politician. His "Big Idea" was that (in accordance with Adam Smith's canon of taxation), the fairest tax was a land tax (with no others !) I can't recommend this thinker enough.

There a major competitor for the masses affections during this period was Karl Marx, who was adopted by the Labour movement of this country, in ignorance more than evil. Communism (State Socialism)/ Central banks/ Income Tax favour the manipulation by a few of the many.

I speculate that the reason why Labour overtook the Liberals as "representatives of the masses" during the first part of the 20th century was because of this ability via the banking/tax system to subvert the democratic process - by throwing money at problems.

The Liberal Party at this time was inspired by George's Land Tax. If memory serves me right, they were about to introduce it in some sort of budget in the late 20's/early 30s (?) and there was speculation that the "powers that be" caused a run on the pound that the Liberals never recovered from. So Fabian banking socialists succeeded by subversion and diverting the country away from an arguably fairer system of taxation.

(I was told that the leader of the Nationalist Chinese Chiang Kai-shek was also in favour of this system of tax. China of course eventually became Communist...)

BTW When was the last time Darby ever debated anything other than wildlife on his blog ?

Anonymous said...

"BTW When was the last time Darby ever debated anything other than wildlife on his blog ?

16 September 2008 21:49"

Darby is deffo state, he's even stupid enough to forget the lies he's told

Anonymous said...

Nationalists might be interested in what journalists Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding wrote about the BNP in their co-authored book, DEFENDING THE REALM (ISBN 0233 99667 2) mainly covering the David Shayler affair.
They wrote (on p.62)"By the early 1990 MI5 had successfully recruited or turned several agents inside the BNP, although they retained some full-time agents inside the National Front."
One page 87(?)messrs Hollinsworth & Fielding claim "By late 1991,`F' branch (MI5) still had six officers, five agent-handlers and three managers plus twenty support staff." They then mention various political parties (BNP, take a bow), and pressure groups.
The above dates are around the time the treacherous, greedy, corrupt, self-serving, mammon-worshipping bastard Griffin joined the BNP.
Right now, with British politics in deep turmoil, what is Griffin doing? Fuck all, that's what, other than planning a pointless tour of Australia (hope the plane crashes with him, Collet et al greedy psuedo nationalists aboard), and shamelessly grubbing and begging for more more lucre, and creating more scams to fill the coffers of his family's private bank NICK GRIFFIN INCORPORATED, managed by the establishment tool, his slimey old man, Edgar the high-ranking masonic jew.


Anonymous said...

"Right now, with British politics in deep turmoil, what is Griffin doing? Fuck all, that's what, other than planning a pointless tour of Australia"

I've been pointing this fact out for years, BNP members are either really stupid, or just not listening. The indisputable fact is, the state love Griffin, they know he's doing nothing to advance the cause of nationalism, but just keeping it at a level that provides him an income without effort.

Its really sad that other nationalists consider it bitching and backbiting, I just wish they'd open their eyes, its almost too late for us.

Anonymous said...

" I just wish they'd open their eyes, its almost too late for us.

20 September 2008 11:23"

Me too

Look at today. People think they are in Stoke for Keith Brown, they're not, they're there to leaflet Griffins region where he will stand next year. Griffin, is using peoples sincere emotions to get leaflets out in the hope he'll soon pick up a £million from Europe. I no longer have faith or hope in the BNP. It's morally bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

I have started wondering if the BNP is a state-run project to round up the opponents of Islam and watch over them.

In recent years, the BNP has taken on board a new breed of member who isn't a nationalist, has no time for or interest in anything traditional or patriotic, but hates Islam with a vengeance. In many cases these people are liberal at heart and have no objection to a multicultural or multiracial society providing there is no Islam or Muslims. These people are also likely to label true nationalists as being cranks and nutters who wish to spoil the BNP.

Anonymous said...

"I have started wondering if the BNP is a state-run project to round up the opponents of Islam and watch over them.

In recent years, the BNP has taken on board a new breed of member who isn't a nationalist, has no time for or interest in anything traditional or patriotic, but hates Islam with a vengeance. In many cases these people are liberal at heart and have no objection to a multicultural or multiracial society providing there is no Islam or Muslims. These people are also likely to label true nationalists as being cranks and nutters who wish to spoil the BNP.

20 September 2008 13:36"

Exactly, and the morons are so blinded by Islam that they miss the whole truth.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...