We've known for years that people vote BNP to give the opposition a bloody nose, but how do we change it?
Britain’s third party is the first to offer tax cuts in its fight to get noticed
“I’M TORN between you and the British National Party,” a Liberal Democrat activist was told by a voter during a recent election campaign. The voter did not think the party of greenery and civil libertarianism had much in common with the far-right sect; she just wanted to cast a protest vote against Labour and the Conservatives. It was precisely to help the Lib Dems make the leap from a receptacle for disaffection to a serious force in its own right that Nick Clegg, whose first party conference as leader began on September 13th, was elected last year.
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...
The BNP needs to put it's TEETH back in and spell it out ALL COLORED IMMIGRATION IS BAD FOR THE UK.
H. rumpole.
(1)Start by ridding the BNP of Griffin.
(2)A proper party organization, with a propely written constitution and division of powers between executive and leader, election cycle - -
Yr. 1 leader
Yr 2 50% executive
Yr 3 50% executive
(3) An end to the party coffers becoming a dip in pot for the leader/executive for home improvements or beers.
(4) An end to full time employment status to staff. Expenses - tickets, hotel bill please!! - paid after the event if the elected bods cant afford to bear the costs(pensioners/unemployed etc)
(5) Properly accounted Party expenditure - no more Collettprinting scams.
For a proper constitution, GRIFFIN OUT JACKSON IN!
With the years of media attacks and criticism of the name "BNP" it still causes an intake of breath on the doorsteps. How sacred is a name, if a new one will get the foot into that door?
Proper constitution - internal democracy and financial transparency are also essential.
This could well be our last chance to get our act together- we cannot afford anything to be wrong ...Not image,leadership, finances.
We can win - but only if we acknowledge reality- CHANGES MUST BE MADE!
I've heard it a million times that no matter what we do we'll always be called nazis, but with Griffins credentials, it's all we'll ever be called.
Griffin, has to go.
"The BNP needs to put it's TEETH back in and spell it out ALL COLORED IMMIGRATION IS BAD FOR THE UK.
H. rumpole.
18 September 2008 22:05"
I strongly disagree.
That rhetoric is precisely why the BNP is considered a one trick pony, and just a protest vote, and we need to be smarter than that.
Immigration is destroying Britain, but the colour of someones skin should be secondary to the loss of industry, land, jobs, jam packed school rooms, and housing. Immigrants haven't caused these problems, the bastards who let them in have.
Get rid of the state assets like Darby who are deliberatley holding back the BNP. As long as he posts a few irrelevant stories on his blog and wins the pathetic adulation of a handful of short sighted but well intentioned supporters he is doing the job he is paid to do. How the BNP has a non-political buffoon as its deputy leader is beyond my ken, unless it's meant to be that way.
1. Stop throwing out and alienating activists otherwise you'll never have the necessary tools. Which is why Griffin does it of course. Small ineffective party equals nice earner.
2. The membership has to decide an entertainment club is not enough.
Don't blame the immigrants indeed. Blame the successive traitrous Fabian Socialist and Capitalist Tory governments working on behalf of their Jewish Criminal Elite masters operating out of the City of London.
'The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament. it tells them what to do and when In theory Britain is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of close advisers. These fronts go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running the show but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes. History clearly reveals that the British government is the bond slave of the invisible and inaudible force centred in ‘The City’. The City calls the tune. The ‘visible and audible’ leaders are mere puppets and dance to that tune on command. They have no power, they have no authority. In spite of the outward show they are mere pawns in the game being played by the financial elite.'
Des Griifin, Descent Into Slavery
Immigrants are being used as pawns in a diabolical game played by the Askenazi Talmudic supremacists in their quest towards their final goal, which is a Jew World Order. Divide and conquer is the modus operandi of these evil sociopaths. Every non-Jew - regardless of colour and creed - on this planet is viewed as cattle to be culled as and when required in their global Kosher abbatoir.
Immigration and multiculturalism are parasitic concepts that destroy countries from within. The Jewish Criminal Elite love filling countries with different races and relgions etc. and then creating the conditions for strife and conflict to arise between the different factions.
One of the leading responsible for the EU - Count Kalergi-Coudenhove - let the cat out of the bag in 1925, when he stated:-
'We intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews.'
In the US and UK the following applies:-
'We must realise that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to our program. The terms ‘colonialism ’ and ‘imperialism ’ must be featured in our propaganda. in America we will aim for subtle victory while inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavour to instil in the Whites a guilt complex for exploiting the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America [and Britain] to our cause.'
A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century -Israel Cohen (1912)
We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America [and Britain] to our cause.'
A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century -Israel Cohen (1912)
I still find it hard to believe how stoopid the dumbos of the left are. They think immigration is being kind without stopping to think it will slit their own throats. We should bomb Israel and turn it into a fucking lake.
Exactley what is wrong with this forum/blog.
The bad language and name calling.
just because you disagree with a poster's IDEA'S/POLICYS, does not make you wright and him wrong,but in yours eye's it does.
And then the verbal abuse on this forum/blog does not help our cause,so please desist and stay to the point.
Teeth is what is needed in the BNP and not a mouthful of bare gums.
Formally of the Bailey.
The so-called BNP can never get past being merely a protest vote. It is practically unknown and irrelevent.
Pensions! Would the powers to freeze the bank accounts and seize the assets of suspected terrorist and drug dealers not be better off being used against speculators who have stolen folks pensions.
Middle England must be getting worried about all their private pensions disapearing now with the coming depression.
"The BNP needs to put it's TEETH back in and spell it out ALL COLORED IMMIGRATION IS BAD FOR THE UK.
H. rumpole.
18 September 2008 22:05"
How does that stop the BNP from being a protest vote. Would you like to give us your economic policy based on the removal of all the immigrants?
A question is what direction should the BNP take on religion.
Should it continue to go down the road of bashing and vilifying Islam whilst siding with non-Muslim ethnics in some global quest to exterminate Islam?
Or should it revert back to being a non-sectarian party like it was 10 years ago, and opposing all ethnic immigrants regardless of their religion?
"How do we change from being just a protest vote?"
How about we stop protesting? Everytime I visit www.bnp.org.uk I get the same old story re-hashed a dozen times over:
“Ooh look at what those naughty ethnics and greedy politicians are doing? Isn’t it terrible? Click here for the original article........ Post a comment/donate here.”
Read a BNP leaflet and what do you get? More of the same, a list of things almost everybody in this country thinks is wrong with it and a ‘Vote so and so on the something of whatever BNP’ strap line. Or, you may even get to see the odd smear leaflet for a bit of a change every now and again.
How on earth do you expect people to vote FOR anything when there is only something for them to vote AGAINST on offer?
Where is the comprehensive policy document and full manifesto, showing everything that has been agreed at party conferences and enshrined into policy by the BNP online? Why don’t new members get sent these documents and a copy of the constitution when they join? In which case, what has the BNP got to hide? Are they really as sinister as the opposition parties and the media suggests or is it because they have no answers or the resources to deliver anything because they are just a shambles? These are real questions that ordinary members and supporters are asking and deliberating over.
‘Real’ Nationalists apparently don’t like ethnics, Labour, Tories, Liberals, Jews, capitalism, communism, feminism – what exactly have they got to put in their place that is so good and wholesome for betterment of society?
opposing all ethnic immigrants regardless of their religion?
No more bashing and vilifying Islam whilst siding with non-Muslim ethnics in some global quest to exterminate Islam?
And yes it should revert back to being a non-sectarian party like it was 10 years ago, and opposing all ethnic immigrants regardless of their religion.
It's needs to put it's teeth back in.
what exactly have they got to put in their place that is so good and wholesome for betterment of society?
20 September 2008 15:27
Now try and find a nationalist intelligent enough to do as you ask. Ah! Griffin expelled them all.
"opposing all ethnic immigrants regardless of their religion?"
No, you get rid of the BNP top table, and install GOOD all round policies and decent INTELLIGENT people, or is being a REAL political party to be proud of to much for you?
"Now try and find a nationalist intelligent enough to do as you ask. Ah! Griffin expelled them all."
Griffin may have the power to expel people but he hasn't got the power to shut them up has he?
"Griffin may have the power to expel people but he hasn't got the power to shut them up has he?
20 September 2008 22:39"
No, he hasn't, but of what use is that when no one listens? People have to be stung by Griffin before they open their eyes.
We will not be silenced by Griffin and his pack of jokers.
At one time pre Griffin the manifesto was sent out in an information pack to inquirer's if stock was available after a G. Election.but alas those day are over now, as now you have to pay for everything as part of the Griffin run money making empire but his empire will eventually crash to the ground as did the Roman empire and he will the cold steel of brutus.
H Rumpole.
"At one time pre Griffin the manifesto was sent out in an information pack to inquirer's if stock was available after a G. Election."
But not all policies are incorporated into the manifesto's at election time are they?
This means that when people join, they are not fully aware of what they are joining and many people leave and throw off the whip soon after being elected when they get more involved and come across things they disagree strongly with. Its a waste of everybody's time and effort.
The last manifesto that i got my hands on was 2005 AND yes it was very comprehensive and it even took me several reads before i could digest it.
But it was a little to above most members heads to get there heads around so even if they got hold of a copy they would not have been able to understand it very well the policy s' wer not described or set out in laymen terms you had to read between the lines to get the gist.
Thats Griffin being to clever .
The above is my criticism and is all i have to comment on,but do not say that the manifesto's lack policy so stop playing devils advocate it does not become you nor does being facetious.
H. Rumpole.
The above is my criticism and is all i have to comment on,but do not say that the manifesto's lack policy so stop playing devils advocate it does not become you nor does being facetious.
H. Rumpole.
Rumpole, I did not suggest that the manifestos lack policy, only that they were vague. You said yourself it took several reads to get the gist of the last one.
A manifesto is an election pledge. A policy document is something entirely different. The Tories have a comprehensive library of their policy documents online and so does the Labour party, in addition to their previous manifestos.
I bet you could find their mem and arts if you looked hard enough too.
The BNP are the first to admit that they need to be more 'transparent'. See Advisory Council meetings minutes here:
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