Saturday, September 27, 2008

Griffin BNP giving out the wrong message

Islam is NOT the problem. Immigration is !

Many immigrants in the UK are not muslim, so they are OK ? According to Nick Griffin they are.

What pro-zionist and neo-con rubbish !


Anonymous said...

Your points are valid - all immigration is deadly, but I am sure the new BNP graphics will get under the skin of "Joe Soap" - who ..after all, is the person we must awaken.

It is ok for us (already committed) nationalists to criticise/discuss the finer points of this campaign - but we are not the ones who have to be persuaded.

Anonymous said...

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you."

This quote comes from the translation of the Koran by N.J. Dawood. This was a popular English translation by an Iraqi Jew that is not held in high regard by most Muslims today. It's a commonly used translation by opponents of Islam because it is the most bloodthirsty of all English translations.

The real Koran is written in Arabic and I'm wondering if any one of the BNP's 10,000 members has read it. Are there any BNP members fluent in Arabic?

Anonymous said...

That is precisely what is wrong with the BNP at the moment since Griffin entered the arena of the BNP .
It has lost it's teeth and it's first PRINCIPLE, THE POLICY OF IMMIGRATION and REPATRIATION.THE fist priority is to stop it and to repatriate it ,Immigration is the problem and not ISLAM that is just another RELIGION which should not exist in the UK it is alien to our native religions, and to the Christian values that we have had for many years,but what is the church doing about other alien faiths well! precisely nothing, when it should be.

So The BNP needs to get back to basics NOW !
Stop Immigration and Start Repatriation.That is its number one priority policy and stop prattling on about Islam if they the IMMIGRANTS FROM THE THIRD WORLD had not been welcomed in to the UK by those traitors at Westminster then we would not have a TERRORIST PROBLEM ,so wake up and wise up BNP members to the real problem IMMIGRATION,AND IT'S SOLUTION,REPATRIATION.
Keith Axon.

Anonymous said...

baz said...

"Your points are valid - all immigration is deadly, but I am sure the new BNP graphics will get under the skin of "Joe Soap" - who ..after all, is the person we must awaken."

The BNP might not be masters of Islam but they are certainly becoming masters of propaganda. This is rather strange considering that the bulk of their membership are political amateurs with no experience of the tricks of the trade of the political establishment.

Does anybody know who is behind the flashy graphics and punchy one-liners that now characterise BNP leaflets?

The reverse is the case for UKIP. Their publicity material is as dull as ditchwater despite having so many people in the party with plenty of political experience gained while they were Tories.

Nationalist organisations other than the BNP are just as inept as UKIP when it comes to producing persuasive publicity to get under the skin of "Joe Soap". This is a weakness that needs to be addressed NOW.

Anonymous said...

At this stage in the day it is clear to my eyes that the BNP & UKIP have just been honeytraps for concerned people [activists].They have without a shadow of a doubt carried on the EU's work of divide and conquer.

Final Conflict said...

If Britain is Christian, then the BNP MUST oppose Judaism.

After all Judaism preeches against Christianity, Christians AND Christ.

Will the BNP now openly oppose Judaism and expose the Talmudists in positions of power?

Or do they just use Christianity in their NEO_CON bullshit?

Anonymous said...

And that Sikh gentleman who appeared on the BNP election broadcast with Gri££in.

Something tells me this Sikh is a state agent.

Anonymous said...

Like so many other people Griffin has spotted that there is money in neo-conservatism.

Anonymous said...

The BNP is not a REAL political Party. Its a bunch of half soaked idiots with a gripe, which Griffin happily exploits.

The policies of the BNP could have been written by 10yr olds, and what should be their main policies are nowhere to be seen.

The BNP is built on lies, in fact, the whole thing is a lie. Its just one vast safety valve pushing out bullshit to the masses who are disinfranchised.

Anonymous said...

Why don't the BNP set themselves up as a Christian sect, if the enemy to Britain is Islam? If Gri££in & Co. converted all 'British' Muslims to Christianity what a wonderful world it'd be! (Not!)

Anonymous said...

What is your stance on white British Muslims of Anglo-Saxon bloodlines? Do you consider them as British as the bulldog, or do you consider them as traitors of the nation?

The BNP doesn't seem to have an official policy on these 2,000 or so people.

Anonymous said...

What is your stance on white British Muslims of Anglo-Saxon bloodlines? Do you consider them as British as the bulldog, or do you consider them as traitors of the nation?

The BNP doesn't seem to have an official policy on these 2,000 or so people.

28 September 2008 13:32


Religion is not the issue, immigration, loss of cultural identity, and overcrowding is.

Anonymous said...

Banging on about Christianity is not going to go down well in a a largley secular country. It just makes the BNP look weird- which truth to tell they increasingly are.

Anonymous said...

"Banging on about Christianity is not going to go down well in a a largley secular country. It just makes the BNP look weird- which truth to tell they increasingly are.

28 September 2008 18:49"

Religion has no place in politics FULLSTOP

Anonymous said...

"Religion has no place in politics FULLSTOP"

I agree

Anonymous said...

"say no to islam" is fair enough but to go on to say "britain is christian" is just a load of BS and plain wrong. Fewer than 2m Brits to go church on a Sunday. This is a badly thought out campaign and the imagery is not that clever. It is more likely to scare recipients who will not bother to read it and bin it. Best lesson of propaganda is keep message positive.

Anonymous said...

No significant Christian church will ever support the BNP or any other organisation with nationalist policies or that which opposes immigration.

Anonymous said...

check THIS!

Proof that a Labour council censor and maniplate the news, yet where is it on the BNP website?? NOWHERE?

The only BNP mention is on the LeeBarnes blogsite. With no idea of where it originated.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is so up his own backside that he has no idea how normal people think. The BNP's initiatives are simply peculiar. Do you remember that clip from BNPtv with Darby outside a court in a Santa's hat bangign on about Narnia? Sheesh! as our transatlantic cousins might say

Anonymous said...

Christmas is a 100% Pagan celebration. There is nothing Christian about it and neither does the Bible say celebrate it. Celebrating Christmas was even banned in Britain some time in the 17th century.

This isn't the sort of thing the pro-Christian faction of the BNP likes to admit.

Anonymous said...

>>The BNP is not a REAL political Party. Its a bunch of half soaked idiots with a gripe, which Griffin happily exploits.<<

>>The BNP is built on lies, in fact, the whole thing is a lie. Its just one vast safety valve pushing out bullshit to the masses who are disinfranchised.<<


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...