Sunday, December 23, 2007

North West England BNP region has new head 'honcho' !

No prizes for guessing who the new man is.
Why it's Nick Griffin himself !
Apparently, a week or so ago, the North West BNP Officials voted for Chris Jackson to be the new Regional Organiser. Mr.Griffin was having none of that, and imposed himself as the new Regional Organiser.
Now this poses rather a lot of questions and issues about Fuhrer Nick Griffin.
Firstly, the North West Region is none to happy at their decision being overturned.
Secondly, we know that the dictator Mr.Griffin has been planning on ridding the party of it's advisory council. It's a threat to him you see.
According to the BNP Party Constitution, only the advisory Council can over-ride Griffins dictats and call for an EGM.
So, no advisory council equals no threat of an EGM, and thence no call for a vote of no confidence in the Party Chairman,Nick Griffin.
We at NWN thought the last Leadership election was corrupt. This move by Nick Griffin, shows the absolute contempt he shows to the BNP memberships.
The man is a tyrant ! Get rid !


Anonymous said...

A history lesson...ROBERTO FIORE

Alleged terrorist involved with the Bologna bombing, friend of Nick Griffin, MI6 asset, MI5 ASSET, alleged thief, involved with CIA "gladio" organisation...

Anonymous said...


his group was targeted because it wouldn't join the Freemasonic "patriot" groups.

So when two Freemason coppers blew themselves up by accident, the P2 and the Communist authorities in Bologna used it as an excuse to crack down on Fiore's group.

Fiore has sued and won in courts against newspapers in England, Italy and elsewhere for repeating the lie that he is a terrorist.

NB: Fiore is not a fan of Griffin. Fiore's group is not Kosher conservative.

And Wikipedia is not a trustworthy source - as many Revisionists have attested over false allegations about themselves.

I don't know what the Cambridge thing is, but the Telegraph regularly [like the Mail] runs disinformation stories for the Spooks.

Anonymous said...

Apart from any other issue, what sane political leader would appoint himself as organiser of possibly the party's most important region?

Especially when he has no personal connection with that region whatsoever?

Anonymous said...

I was one of the participants at that meeting, and yes, we voted overwhelmongly in favour of Chris Jackson as Regional Organiser.

He didn't put himself forward for the job - we had a little talk about needing someone in post and his name emerged out of the conversation (admittedly a short conversation).

We didn't vote this way because we like him, or because we agree with every dot and comma of his political views. We voted that way because he's a driver in the sense that we were confident he would drive the region on and get us all off our lazy arses and into doing the things we ought to be doing. He drives himself, he expects others to do so too.

Exactly what we need.

And yes, at least some of us are pissed off at the veto and self-appontment of NG. Matbe it's connected to the fact that CJ had the temerity to stand against NG at the last leadership election.

With the latest srt-to that's going on, I may not attend the next regional meeting as by then I may no longer be a party official. I am not a happy bear.

Anonymous said...

[nick griffin]caligua ,meaning little boots who appointed his horse as pro consul.

keith axon

Anonymous said...

Agreed that Wikipedia is most definitely not a trustworthy source for nationalists.

Italian politics involve murky waters. IMHO Fiore should certainly be given the benefit of any doubt that currently exists.

Anonymous said...

"NB: Fiore is not a fan of Griffin. Fiore's group is not Kosher conservative."

Would you like to tell us why Edgar Griffin does his accounts for him?

Anonymous said...

"Especially when he has no personal connection with that region whatsoever?"

Because, it has always been the role of Griffin/Darby/Lecomber to destroy the BNP.

Anonymous said...

Fiore was exposed in an EU document as an MI6 asset.

Griffin really does have some funny friends, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Apparently the obnoxious John Joines from Merseyside was verbally attacking those who were opposed to Nick Griffin at the North West BNP meeting.

Anonymous said...

It's David not John Joines...otherwise you're totally correct, he was!

This man bears watching.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is like King Midas in reverse !

Everything Midas touched turned to gold.

Everything Nick Griffin touches seems to turn to shh** !

Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us said...

A history lesson...ROBERTO FIORE

Alleged terrorist involved with the Bologna bombing, friend of Nick Griffin, MI6 asset, MI5 ASSET, alleged thief, involved with CIA "gladio" organisation...

...Fiore was exposed in an EU document as an MI6 asset.

Where's your proof?

A European Parliament Commission of Enquiry on Racism and Xenophobia (1991), based upon Searchlies "information". Newspaper reports based upon Searchlies "information". A standard non-committal answer to a parliamentary question asked at Searchlies bidding.

Where's your proof? It's easy to spread black propaganda from Searchlies when you won't even put your name behind it.

Where's your proof? Are you aware that Fiore has initiated over 70 libel cases against British and Italian newspapers stupid enough to repeat Searchlies "information" about him. Fiore has won every single case receiving an average of 30 grand each time.

Where's your proof? Put up or shut up!

Would you like to tell us why Edgar Griffin does his accounts for him?

Edgar Griffin has done everyone's accounts at one time or another. Big deal. But Fiore has been back in Italy for the past eight years. Why would Edgar Griffin be doing his accounts now? Surely he has accountants in Italy don't you think?

What's your proof? Again, put up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

The Fiore connection really touches a nerve doesn't it?

It seems that some people are very keen to kill any line of enquiry in that direction. Which is itself rather interesting.

A document produced by the European Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry into Racism and Xenophobia [an official EU body], revealed that Roberto Fiore has been an MI6 operative since 1980.

Questions about Fiore were also asked [why he enjoyed a mysterious immunity from prosecution, extradition and deportation] in the House of Commons.

Funny friends, eh?

Anonymous said...

Any information that emerges regarding Griffin is automatically denounced as coming from 'Searchlies'.

According to to the Griffinistas, EU police forces, EU committees, the intelligence services of several countries, and dozens of newspapers, are all subverted and controlled by 'Searchlies'.

If that is so, then Griffin, who says that there are 'no conspiracies', really does seem to be surrounded by an awful lot of them.

In his wildest fantasies, Gerry Gable (ironically, himself an MI5 source informing on both Left and Right), never dreamed of having such influence.

The obesession with Searchlight and the increasingly hysterical denounciations are red herrings designed to draw attention away from Griffin, Derby, Stewart and their shadowy friends.

Anonymous said...

Green Arrow deletes any comments criticising Griffin from his blog, calling anyone who supports the rebellion "traitors and state spies".

Surely griffin's the mi5 nark, as he has got rid of all the more popular bnp members, leaving just buffoons, paedos and swindlers to fight elections.

Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us said...

"The Fiore connection really touches a nerve doesn't it?

It seems that some people are very keen to kill any line of enquiry in that direction. Which is itself rather interesting.

A document produced by the European Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry into Racism and Xenophobia [an official EU body], revealed that Roberto Fiore has been an MI6 operative since 1980.

Questions about Fiore were also asked [why he enjoyed a mysterious immunity from prosecution, extradition and deportation] in the House of Commons.

Funny friends, eh?"

You were asked for proof. You neglect to supply any. Griffin & co. manufacture "evidence" and put their name to it. You offer nothing but hot air and hide behind anonymity. That makes you more of a toe-rag than the likes of Griffin. A cheap shyster without the bottle to put his name to serious accusations.

Fact 1.
You are a plain liar as well as a calumniator. The European Parliament Enquiry Report on Racism and Xenophobia revealed absolutely no proof that Fiore was an MI6 operative. It only repeated baseless speculation that had been in the newspapers.

Fact 2.
You are either an ignoramus or have a mischievous agenda. It is well known that Fiore could not be prosecuted, extradited or deported whilst in this country because the "crime" he was charged with simply had no resonance in British law. The charge was a peculiarly Italian political "law" designed as a "catch all" and used frequently against nationalists. Secondly, the Italian State could offer no evidence to British courts that Fiore had committed any crime.

If you want to make real enquiries, go ahead and do it. There's nothing stopping anyone. All the records are publicly available through the Italian legal system.

The result of the legal enquiry and due process was that Fiore and several others were found to be calumniated parties, set up by P2 Grandmaster Lucio Gelli, SISMI operatives and some hotheads who were sworn enemies of Fiore and his group Terza Posizione.

Fiore, and others, received compensation. Gelli and his conspirators went down for it.

You've got no facts; you've got no name; you're no good. The likes of you and Griffin deserve each other.

Forza Nuova website

Anonymous said...

nick griffin [caligula]
All the appointed positions in the party that officers have now resigned from have got to be filled by who?,I kno nick griffin [caligula] did he not appoint his horse as pro consol,by the way what happend to his horse racing scam,buy me a race horse and i will race it.?
little boots.
keith axon .

Anonymous said...

Interesting level of access you have there. You would have done better to remain silent. Still, press on, eh?

On closer examination, the so-called "Facts" are nothing of the sort.

"Fact 1" consists of abuse and the assertion that the EU copied its material from the press, whereas in reality the reverse is true. Furthermore, and as you are of course quite well aware, the EU was investigating and objecting to interference by GLADIO (Google this one, everybody), in domestic affairs.

"Fact 2" is more abuse, coupled with the assertion that the law was somehow 'invalid'. Fiore was wanted for alleged right-wing terrorism, but a left-wing British government protected him. Natch.

Pity the Carabinieri. They obviously weren't in the loop the first time around.

So who are you? You are keen on names after all. Griffin? Lecomber? Your taste for verbal abuse is certainly familiar.

Perhaps a case officer keen to protect his asset?

Either way, the Fiore-MI6-Griffin thing really hits a nerve, doesn't it?

Anyway, as you mentioned P2 (you really shouldn't have done, you know), let's reflect on the fact that the heads of both extreme Left and Right wing organisations were members of the same Masonic lodge.

Like the BNP, Forza Nuova is also state-controlled.

Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us said...

"On closer examination, the so-called "Facts" are nothing of the sort."

If you say so, anonymous, but the facts say differently.

""Fact 1" consists of abuse and the assertion that the EU copied its material from the press, whereas in reality the reverse is true."

What you call abuse, decent people call telling the truth. Clearly you are a liar, and a very poor one at that.

Here is a chronology of baseless accusation and allusion that Roberto Fiore is connected to State Security Services. It all traces back to Searchlies:

Spring 1988. Searchlies sponsored TV hatchet job "Disciples of Chaos". (probable, but unable to check).

15th December, 1988. Searchlies buddy Dennis Skinner, M.P., Parliamentary question. He mentions it had been in the Daily Telegraph.(Hansard, accessed online).

18th January 1989. Dennis Skinner, M.P., Parliamentary question. (Hansard, accessed online).

January 1989. Searchlies publication, "From Ballots to Bombs". (checked personal copy).

June 1989. Searchlies article referred to by secondary sources online.

31st January 1990. Guardian article references Searchlies as source of "information" (Wikipedia entry - Roberto Fiore).

The European Parliament Commission Report was only tabled in July 1990 - some sources date its publication as 1990, others as 1991. The Report is also known as the "Ford Report" because it was cobbled together by Searchlies buddy Glyn Ford, M.E.P. It references Searchlies and co. as its sources.

"Furthermore, and as you are of course quite well aware, the EU was
investigating and objecting to interference by GLADIO (Google this one, everybody), in domestic affairs."

Yet another gloriously pathetic lie. The Report does not even mention "Gladio".

""Fact 2" is more abuse, coupled with the assertion that the law was
somehow 'invalid'."

Here's some more abuse, then. You're an absolute pillock. No wonder you don't want to put your name to such a pathetic attempt at disinformation.

The online Hansard entries clearly show that Fiore could not be extradited or deported as the law stood at the time. It was later changed but the Italian government didn't make any more requests. It was already becoming known in Italy due to legal investigation and process that Fiore was innocent.

"Fiore was wanted for alleged right-wing terrorism,
but a left-wing British government protected him."

Another lie. Labour didn't get into government until 1997. The official attempts at sending Fiore back to Italy were conducted when the Tories were in government.

"Either way, the Fiore-MI6-Griffin thing really hits a nerve, doesn't it?"

Griffin's no good and has a long and provable history that he's bad news. The only thing here that gets on my nerves is you and your ilk; low-life liars and calumniators who attempt to spread disinformation and attack the good reputation of someone who has achieved far more for the national revolution than everyone in this country combined.

Conversation finished!

If anyone is interested, but has trouble finding the references, say so and I'll look them up and post them. Not you, anonymous. I really have a great dislike for people like you.

Anonymous said...

Immaculate Heart?

National Revolution?

Ah. A brown Bolshevik methinks.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...