Monday, January 01, 2007

This site will show the murder of Saddam Hussein , including the sound which seems to have been very recently banned by the zionist jew/controllers on 'Google' and so on.

The video is all over the place. The one with the shocking sound track is very much harder to find.

We will show it to show the disgusting filth that the USA and GB have allowed to run Iraq.

The USA allowed ''Lucky' Luciano, a mafia mobster, to return to Italy from the USA in 1943, and more specific, to re-start the 'mafia' which had been destroyed by Mussolini.

1 comment:

NorthWestNationalists said...

My condolences to the people of Iraq

My condolences to the people of Iraq with loss of Iraq’s faithful son President Saddam Hussein, viciously murdered by the American Occupation Forces and their local collaborators. He was the first Arab leader who cared for Palestine and Palestinians, who brought war home to Jews, and he will be remembered in Liberated Jerusalem and Liberated Baghdad. He was murdered, and his sons were murdered to extract a cruel revenge for his bombardment of Tel Aviv in 1990 and for his refusal to surrender. It is better to die standing rather than live on one’s knees, and the President died standing. He joined many, many great independence warriors murdered by the Empire. Bush and his henchmen will be held responsible for this cowardly murder, and they will pay for it in this world, and in the next world. Glory to the fallen heroes.

Israel Shamir

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