Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A vote for GREEN is a vote for COMMUNISM

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Youtube video launched by the Greens with the help of Tatchell's campaign manager.

The Green Candidate, who is he?

Peter Cranie, a well known anti-fascist member, is also an attendee of events sponsored by the Communist Party of Great Britain.
You can purchase your Che T Shirts and guns to advance the revolution at the following link.

Respect campaign for the Greens
"Prominent Respect members have stepped up their support for Green Party lead candidate, Peter Cranie, in the run up to the Euro-elections in June. Respect have decided not to contest these election but to ask our supporters to vote for the Green Party as the best placed left party to beat the fascist BNP."


Anonymous said...

Stalin murdered 50 million. Smash the commies, smash the greens.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that he also campaigns to free Islamic terrorists and for them to settle in Britain. The man is fooking scum.

Anonymous said...

Green is another Frankfurt School Marxism trick

Anonymous said...

Ecology was hijacked by the Reds in the 1950's it was originally a National Socialist policy, like everything else it gets taken over and corrupted. Hopefully this article will get good coverage, so that voters know that Green = Red?

Anonymous said...


Interesting read.

Anonymous said...

Can someone do a FOIA request and find out if Mr Cranie turns up to collect his 'DAILY ALLOWANCE' like all the other wankers?

Anonymous said...

Fuck me, have you just watched News at Ten? An 87% increase in Afghans pouring in to Britain from Patras in Greece.

I don't believe in the EU but I'm voting BNP to stop this madness, even my neighbours are doing their nuts and they've never been bothered by it before. This madness has to stop, our culture will soon vanish under a pile of foreign shit. One of those ANTIEU jerks knocked my door today, and I said what the fuck have the unions ever done for British workers. They let them in to the mills in leicester and they've been letting them in ever since and standing by while all our industry has vanished or been outsourced. Its the BNP for me, and don't care what Griffin is, I want all this to stop, its like living in a foreign fucking country. ENOUGH!

Anonymous said...

'Its the BNP for me, and don't care what Griffin is, I want all this to stop, its like living in a foreign fucking country. ENOUGH!'

Perfectly understandable sentiments but they won't get you any power to change anything. Just a chance to let off steam.

Anonymous said...

Its the BNP for me, and don't care what Griffin is, I want all this to stop, its like living in a foreign fucking country. ENOUGH!

26 May 2009 22:16

Me to mate. Great blog btw just found you advertised on Youtube.

Anonymous said...

"Perfectly understandable sentiments but they won't get you any power to change anything. Just a chance to let off steam."

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.We are an idea who's time has come.

Anonymous said...

LOL Love that pic will print some stickers of it and put them in pubs around the northwest

Anonymous said...

'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.We are an idea who's time has come.'

Exactly what every movement good and bad believes. Most don't succeed. It's organisation which succeeds and we are not well-enough organised at present.

Anonymous said...


The immigrants squashed into the back of a van I have no idea how they managed to cram so many in such a small space A traffic officer

A van stopped by cops was packed with 39 immigrants heading for Britain.

The Mercedes Vito was pulled over because it was so low the exhaust was scraping the motorway.

Nine adults and 30 children from one Romanian family were crushed inside.

Only five had seats with the rest standing or sitting on someone’s lap.

One of the traffic officers, from Erlangen, Germany, said: “We asked them to step out of the van. It took five minutes. They just kept on coming.

“I have no idea how they managed to cram so many in such a small space. They said they wanted to get jobs in the UK. They must have been desperate.”

At least two million Romanians aged 18 to 34 want to leave their poverty-stricken homeland and head to Britain, a recent poll found.

Since 1991 more than 2.3m foreigners have moved to Britain with England taking nine out of ten.

UK border officials in Calais stopped 13 Afghans hiding in flat-packed Ikea furniture inside a lorry heading for the Swedish firm’s distribution warehouse at Doncaster, South Yorks.

seventhvictim said...

Vote to help Whales and Dolphins and end up with a lot of Afghan and Somali asylum seekers. great!

seventhvictim said...

. 'Greens not only want to make Britain a homophobia-free zone, they positively and proudly celebrate queer culture'


LMFAO, so to speak.

I only wanted to help the Whales and Dolphins I didn't know it meant havign to celebrate 'queer culture'.

What is quer culture anyway- Klaus Nomi records?

Anonymous said...

Does it actually hurt us in the long run if the Greens do get a seat, by a couple of thousand votes or so, thereby depriving the BNP?

Those Greens will soon be exposed.

Can you really see those watermelons...who have already shown a lack of moral courage by cloaking their real agenda in 'save the planet' sloganeering...not becoming as addicted to ca$$$H as the UKIP members?

Of course it would be a disappointment to us to miss out on the triumph of getting an MEP or more, but the campaign run by the BNP has already achieved success...no matter how many or few MEPs we get.

12,000 calls...in the 15 minutes after the BNP election broadcast.

One third of those contacting the BNP requesting membership application forms.

If they reach the estimated 250,000in total number of new contacts since the start of the campaign, that means about 80,000 are interested in joining.

If only 10% do so, that would be 8,000 new members or double the current membership.

Even if only 2% joined, that would mean another 1,600 members to add to about 8,000 current ones. A very useful increase.

The point is that we have already achieved, by the mere fact of our effort in this campaign, much of what was realistically possible.

That is...a huge increase in public awareness that there is a proper alternative to the LibLab Con trick currently in power.

If on top of that we also get some MEPs, all the better.

Or is it?

One of our great strengths is the failure of the LibLabCon trick to take us seriously enough. If we get lots of MEPs maybe they will wake up and really take us on. Perhaps we should just fall short of electoral success..this time...and allow the enemy to continue in blissful ignorant smugness?

Heads we win, tails they lose!

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

Have just read the story on the BNP website about the Times giving 5,000 quid to Nick Griffin.

This is very strange.

The 'donation' was made in February but only now has it been revealed.

The donation was purportedly from a little old lady who did not want to be named.

The size of the donation meant that it had to be reported.

The BNP are claiming that Nick Griffin handed the money to Solidarity so that he complied with the law.

But how is it lawful to give a donation...meant for the BNP...to a trade union?

This stinks.

1) When was the money was handed to Griffin?
2) When was it paid into the Solidarity bank account?
3) Where was it kept in the interval?

It is possible that the 5,000 quid was put into Solidarity's bank account recently, only when Griffin realised it was a trap.

If so, what could his intention have been before he realised it was a trap?

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

The Gimp faced fucker must be exposed as the red commie scum thaat he is. he is an enemy of britain and shoukld be hung not elected. What a pathetic bunch of bastards these fucking green cretins are

Anonymous said...

'12,000 calls...in the 15 minutes after the BNP election broadcast.

One third of those contacting the BNP requesting membership application forms.

If they reach the estimated 250,000in total number of new contacts since the start of the campaign, that means about 80,000 are interested in joining.

If only 10% do so, that would be 8,000 new members or double the current membership.

Even if only 2% joined, that would mean another 1,600 members to add to about 8,000 current ones. A very useful increase.'

How do you know there were 12,000 calls? Let alone how many were serious or were spoken to.

It's the above which yet again indicates how woefully naive nationalists are. It's internal organisation capable people and activists that count not people who join in large numbers on a whim because they it on TV. The BNP after 30 years is woefully small where it counts. And we know one reason why...

BTW if everyone in the country gave just one pound the BNP would have £60m - just like that. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Of course internal organisation and capable people are important, but you cannot have these without a substantial membership first.

The BNP also needs numbers, if only to lick envelopes, put out leaflets and all the other routine jobs that must be done.

Of course it is naive to think that if everyone in Britain gave a pound etc...but that is not what was suggested. Nobody suggested a conversion rate of 100%.

I suggested that if 10% of those requesting membership forms actually joined, then there would be 8,000 new members...


if 2%, then 1,600 new members.

Nobody said 10% or 2% or any other % would join, just what the effect would be if such figures were achieved.

Of course we only know from the BNP website how many the BNP claim called. But many people must have called because I for one found it impossible to get through.

Further, the fact of there being a nationwide TV broadcast, the fact that nearly every household has received a BNP leaflet, the fact of Giffin being interviewed on TV does mean that the public is now much more aware of the BNP than before.

It is not naive, it is fact.

Anyway, despite the undoubted difficulties we face, I happen to remain optimistic.

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

'12,000 calls...in the 15 minutes after the BNP election broadcast.'

More bollocks from Gri££in, we don't have that many call centre staff. Gri££in always lies and deceives! Why doesn't he just speak the truth like John Tyndall used to do? That's what the members and the public want not crap, they can go to Lib, Lab or Con if they want to hear lies!

Anonymous said...

Rossendale (Days of action)
To deliver 15,000 newspapers across the borough
Communists to distribute anti-BNP leaflets

Time: Sunday, May 31 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Host: Nick Lowles
Location: Public Library (Rossendale, United Kingdom)
St. James Sq
Rossendale, United Kingdom OL13 9AH

Surely 'Kinky Kev' will have some opposition ?

Anonymous said...


Julie Kirkbride, the Conservative MP, used taxpayers’ money to fund a £50,000 extension to her constituency flat so that her brother could live in the property.'

Can anyone think of anything similar in politics anytime?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Postal Ballots Being Stored in Cardboard Boxes, Warns BNP North West Regional Organiser
May 28, 2009 by BNP News
Filed under BNP Party News, Regional News
Leave a comment
Postal ballots in the Copeland Council, Cumbria North West European election region are being stored in easily opened cardboard boxes until counting day, reports Clive Jefferson, British National Party regional organiser.

“The boxes being used are of extremely poor quality,” Mr Jefferson said. “This is extremely alarming because the council has steel boxes but they are deliberately not using them.”

Mr Jefferson pointed out that Copeland council have never before used anything else but the steel boxes. “All of a sudden, because our support has grown in the region, we are confronted with cardboard boxes in which the postal and other votes are going to be stored until they are counted,” he said.

The BNP polled 40 percent of the vote in the Kells by-election in December, Mr Jefferson said. “Why is it that as our support rises to an all-time high, the council sees fit to stop using steel ballot boxes and switch to poor quality cardboard ones which could easily be tampered with?”

“This is an outrage and an invitation for electoral fraud,” he said. “I have made the strongest possible complaints to the returning officer in Copeland Council and to the North West returning officer. It appears that despite my best efforts, the security of the English ballot has been reduced to a pile of flat pack cardboard boxes.”

Mr Jefferson appealed for all those concerned about a free and fair election to telephone or email Copeland and Manchester Council, and politely voice their concerns over this matter.

“A polite email or call to the Whitehaven News to firmly express your outrage about this disgraceful situation would also be appreciated,” Mr Jefferson said.

Copeland Borough Council can be emailed at info@copeland.gov.uk or called on 0845 054 8600.

Manchester Council can be emailed at city.council@manchester.gov.uk or called on 0161 234 5000

The Whitehaven News can be emailed at news@whitehaven-news.co.uk or called on 01946 595100

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Britain: the depth of corruption

28 May 2009

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger describes how the current scandal of MPs' tax evasion and phantom mortgages conceals a deeper corruption that is traced back to the political monoculture of the United States.

The theft of public money by members of parliament, including government ministers, has given Britons a rare glimpse inside the tent of power and privilege. It is rare because not one political reporter or commentator, those who fill tombstones of column inches and dominate broadcast journalism, revealed a shred of this scandal. It was left to a public relations man to sell the “leak”. Why?

The answer lies in a deeper corruption, which tales of tax evasion and phantom mortgages touch upon but also conceal. Since Margaret Thatcher, British parliamentary democracy has been progressively destroyed as the two main parties have converged into a single-ideology business state, each with almost identical social, economic and foreign policies. This “project” was completed by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, inspired by the political monoculture of the United States. That so many Labour and Tory politicians are now revealed as personally crooked is no more than a metaphor for the anti-democratic system they have forged together.

Their accomplices have been those journalists who report Parliament as "lobby correspondents" and their editors, who have “played the game” wilfully, and have deluded the public (and sometimes themselves) that vital, democratic differences exist between the parties. Media-designed opinion polls based on absurdly small samplings, along with a tsunami of comment on personalities and their specious crises, have reduced the “national conversation” to a series of media events, in which the withdrawal of popular consent – as the historically low electoral turnouts under Blair demonstrated – has been abused as apathy

Anonymous said...



truebrit said...

12,000 calls in 15 minutes?

Let's say an average of 2 minutes on each call - just about long enough to take down contact details.

That would mean a call centre staff of ....

1,600 people.

Does anybody really believe that Gri££in can organise 1,600 phone lines and 1,600 volunteers ????

Like so much he claims it really doesn't add up !!

Anonymous said...

Sign the petition to get rid of Brown


Anonymous said...

Good that people on both right and left like Pilger are uniting on what JT used to say about Tweedledum or Tweedledee as the choice in elections.

Anonymous said...

'All incompetent Leaders surround themselves with nonentities and/or unattractive figures. The intent is to make themselves difficult to replace, and the tragic thing is - it usually works for a long time, only to be followed by a nasty, messy implosion of the entire regime.'

Comment about Brown in The Times.

Could apply elsewhere too.

Anonymous said...

Nobody said that 12,000 calls were answered in 15 minutes. Not even the BNP said that.

What was said was that 12,000 calls were RECEIVED.

If you read the BNP website report, it clearly states that the callers' numbers were captured so that they could be called back later.

If you have the right equipment, you do not even need 1 person in the call centre to receive the calls.

This is not really very difficult.

The tone of some comments seems resentful of any success the BNP might get, simply because the leader is not liked.

This contradicts the general line taken by this blog that it is not the BNP we quarrel with, only Griffin as leader of it.

The fact remains that there continues to be massive publicity for the BNP during this campaign.

Much of that publicity consists of smear stories, but they are so obvious that I doubt they will have a bad effect. The smears only reinforce the prejudice of those who are already against us.

So, no matter what we think of Griffin, let's hope for a good result on 4th June.

Bill Jax

Speke, Liverpool. 'Diversity is NOT our strength'  - it is causing chaos, and possibly even worse.