The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...
Can anyone explain what has actuallly been going on with this?
When the membership list was first leaked, there were all sorts of theories that Old Nick himself had leaked the list.
Now it seems that Matt Single has admitted doing so.
What for?
What possible advantage was there for anyone in leaking the list?
Confused...Bill Jax
Hm, Mr Single is going to be sentenced for an offence with which he has not been charged? That is kinda unusual, to say the least . . .
Your informative blog is generally a fairly reliable source, but on this occasion, someone seems to be leading you up the garden path.
fucking scum bag
"Your informative blog is generally a fairly reliable source, but on this occasion, someone seems to be leading you up the garden path.
05 May 2009 17:06"
Matt Single admitted guilt to the police on his arrest. It was kept quiet. All his friends know and some BNP members know, and his own mother has admitted it. Even Adrian Davis knows, and we hear he is not happy after all the legal help he has given him.
And Sadie ?
He's not been charged?? WLF?
Sorry, but I smell a rat here.
Guilty before being proven innocent by any chance? State stitch-up? Wonder where we have seen that before lol.
Has there been a trial? Seems unlikely the press would have not have covered it somewhere.
Is this is more Griffin nonsense.
This blog, as all news sources, has the right to check facts with the police press officer. NWN should do this before publishing such uncorroborated stories.
An anonymous comment to this effect was left on the Lancaster blog just after 5pm today. That time may be significant as the Powys police press officer clocks off at 5pm, thus making it impossible to get an official denial of the story until tomorrow morning. Griffin's goons normal tactics.
As a news source NWN have a duty to check their facts, please do this 9am tomorrow morning and print a retraction if the story proves (as I suspect) to be total nonsense.
Chris Hill
Is this is more Griffin nonsense.
This blog, as all news sources, has the right to check facts with the police press officer. NWN should do this before publishing such uncorroborated stories.
Why don't you telephone the courts in Basildon where he pleaded guilty? He now awaits sentencing.
So...has Matt Single been convicted without a trial or even a cort appearance?
Or did he appear in court in Basildon and plead guilty?
Which is it?
Still confused...Bill Jax
A Powys police press officer earlier today confirmed that, despite web reports to the contrary, neither Matt Single nor Sadie Graham-Single had been charged with any offence, nor is there any immediate intention to do so. Both Matt and Sadie remain on police bail, as do many other innocent BNP members accused of criminal acts by the enemies of our nation. Like: Tony Bamber, Cllr Parker, Peter Tierney etc, Sadie Graham-Single and Matt Single have been accused of the criminal actions without one scrap of evidence against them. The police, acting as they do as the paramilitary wing of the labour party, keep these people on bail at the behest of their political masters.
Reports yesterday that Matt Single had been convicted of releasing the details of about 13,000 BNP members and supporters are just another attempt to muddy the waters before the truth eventually emerges: Neither Sadie nor Matt had anything to do with the release of that list, the real culprits are far closer to the top of the party than that.
Chris Hill
"Reports yesterday that Matt Single had been convicted of releasing the details of about 13,000 BNP members and supporters are just another attempt to muddy the waters before the truth eventually emerges:"
Why not call Eddy Butler and ask him?
Dear Anonymous (15:27 hrs)
You said:
'Why not call Eddy Butler and ask him?'
I say:
Ask him what?
Chris Hill
EU Madness: Poles Must Vote in Britain, Urges Labour Party
The utterly bizarre nature of the European Union has been revealed yet again as Polish people have been begged to vote in Britain by the Labour Party. News of the astonishing plea was broadcast in Poland by Polish Radio yesterday.
According to Polskieradio, the “Unison trade union and the Labour Party are encouraging Poles who live in Great Britain to take part in elections to the European Parliament.”
Polish radio reported that the non-British nationals are being urged to vote for British representatives in the European Parliament to try and prevent the British National Party from gaining seats on June 4th.
“Critics, however, claim that the Labour Party is desperate for any votes it can get as it languishes far behind the opposition Conservative Party in the polls,” continued Polish Radio, displaying a sense of honesty which is all too often lacking amongst British journalists.
The Essex BNP has boomed in the last 18 months since Matt went.
Is this a coincedence?
Euro Elections: Respect in the North West says unite red and green to stop the BNP
Dr Kay Phillips, National Chair, Respect
With a headline including the words 'European Elections' it's a good bet than many people will think this article isn't for them. After all the majority of people don't vote in these elections which come round every five years. Those who do vote often never hear from those they have elected for the next five years.
The campaign begins
After months of planning the HOPE not hate campaign takes to the streets in what will be its biggest operation to date. In the course of five weeks, over two million leaflets and newspapers will be delivered by thousands of supporters at more than 200 activities all over the country.
Most of the activities will take place in areas where the HOPE not hate campaign has never been active before. Some will be huge, others will be smaller town centre events.
Leading the way will be the Manchester HOPE not hate group which, over the weekend of 16 and 17 May, expects to deliver HnH newspapers through all 160,000 letterboxes in the city. Other big activities include Liverpool, where 75,000 newspapers are expected to go out, Oldham, Wigan and Leigh, and Barking and Dagenham, 50,000 in each, and Preston and Blackburn, 45,000.
The campaign is focusing on turning out the anti-BNP vote. Targeted leaflets have been produced for women, LGBT groups and even one in Urdu. On Wednesday 27 May, we will hold activities across the country to highlight the BNP’s attitude to women.
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."- Voltaire - [François Marie Arouet] (1694-1778)
Shows the importance of this site. We'll get the agreed facts eventually.
I say:
Ask him what?
Ask him if its true
Does anybody know -
If the list was leaked by a BNP employee or office holder - would this be an oddence under the "data Protection Act"? - or are there other laws that would be broken?
Matt Single always came over as a decent, fully committed Racial Nationalist, I personally think a great wrong has been done against this man and his good wife. Gri££in has devious methods of smearing opponents, that he has refined over 30 years in politics. Matt & Sadie only crime was naivity! They won't be the last people to fall foul of this one eyed creature
Dear Anonymous (11:41 pm)
You said:
'I personally think a great wrong has been done against this man and his good wife.'
I say:
Isn't that the truth.
But as neither have been charged with any offence, I think these groundless allegations may still backfire on Mr Griffin.
Chris Hill
everyone is missing the point:
The BNP is RESPONSIBLE for their internal systems and security.
Did all the people know their details were being held?
Will the BNP pay compensation to any who lost their jobs or were caused trouble?
NG seemed to preen at the time and use it for his own political advance and to get all the publicity he should.
He should have resigned as the boss of a party that cannot even keep its records securely!!!
We'd expect that from a govt minister if they presided over such a debacle.
He should have resigned as the boss of a party that cannot even keep its records securely!!!
We'd expect that from a govt minister if they presided over such a debacle.
08 May 2009 11:23
He will also fail AGAIN in the EU elections, but will he stand down? NO!
It was Griffin who released the list.
That action stopped the civil case against Sadie and co, giving Griffin time to raise the £30k needed to pay his legal bills. I raised sympathy donations from a public revolted apparently undemocratic actions. And it allowed Griffin to justify, to the membership, his persecution of 6 good nationalists. By removing the membership date details it made the membership look about double the actual number.
Sadie and Matt gained nothing from the release of the list. Both were arrested and questioned for hours, before being released on police bail without charge. Being on bail has meant that that Sadie's civil case, for wrongful dismissal, has had to be put on hold until the criminal investigation is complete.
Who released the list? The obvious answer is Mr Nicholas Griffin.
Anonymous said...
08 May 2009 12:10
"Being on bail has meant that that Sadie's civil case, for wrongful dismissal, has had to be put on hold until the criminal investigation is complete."
Sadie settled her employment case with Griffin rather than going to the employment tribunal!
The criminal investigation isn't what's holding the court case back.
How can we be sure of the accuracy of any statement on this comment section when almost everything is posted anonymously? Even the article itself(if one can call a one sentence headline like this an article) has no indication of where the information is supposed to have originated from.
Our nation won't be saved by gutless wonders who are too scared to stand up and be counted.
Chris Hill
Jeeeeeze, Chris `Mentally' Hill, at last you're having a fit of common sense. Do try keeping it up without exhibiting your undying loyalty to israel.
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