Friday, May 18, 2012

Rochdale Pakistani paedophile gang - more protests 

Rochdale Town Hall closes public chamber -May 16th

 The bureaucrat above who kept parroting the same sentence over and over is called Andy Zuntz and he is an 'Executive Director' no less. He is also acting Chief Executive for Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council.

Surprisingly he is responsible for the below departments with Rochdale council, and even more suprisingly for democratic issues !

The below info is from the Rochdale MBC website:

Planning and Regulation
Environmental Management
Legal and Democratic

Andy Zuntz                       01706 924003


Anonymous said...

Andy Zuntz ?

What sort of English name is that ?

GWR said...

Zuntz is the temporary Chief Executive for Rochdale MBC !

GWR said...

So it must have been on his say so that the Town hall was closed to the public.

And using the bully boys of the state to enforce that.

Anonymous said...

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Is Britain prepared for the next New World Order created “Financial Tsunami?

Anonymous said...

Your lucky Zuntz didn't play his saxophone at the NF.

He plays with the Occasional sax quartet. A group of 4 wimmin playing the saxophone.

national front said...

Anonymous said...

With a name like Zuntz and plays the sax I bet he can play klezmer music really well ?

Anonymous said...

I hope zuntz kids get raped by the muslim scum see how he likes that ,white cunts like him fucked are country up ,and he looks like a peadophile

Anonymous said...

Was that leading pro Griffin covert group supporter Jock Shearer on one of the vids with the Infidels ?

Oh dear.

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...

Was that leading pro Griffin covert group supporter Jock Shearer on one of the vids with the Infidels ?

Oh dear.

19 May 2012 00:13

Never met Shearer and don't really know what he looks like.

I do know that the NF are picking up a few of the dregs of humanity around the Rochdale area.

That's maybe why we at NWN are banned by Bryan and Jackson from attending any of their meetings.

Both were pro Griffin too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

phone Andy on 07976 059164

Anonymous said...

Appropriate name me thinks.

Anonymous said...

Kev Bryan is banned from historian David Irving meetings.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...