Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rochdale nationalist flash demo - NOW !

Best of luck to all attending the demo in the Rochdale area against Asian paedophiles.

Take care.................

Riot vans are out and the GMP police helicopter is up in the air.

More news as we get it.

Time now : 17.50hrs. 
Time 18.50hrs..........A small demo by the BNP was held outside Rochdale Town Hall and a white van with tannoys and very small BNP posters on the side drove around the town centre.

There were large numbers of riot Police parked around the town hall. 


4 BNP arrested according to BBC..............


National Front/ BNP demo in Heywood and Rochdale

Date published: 16 May 2012
The National Front and BNP staged demonstrations in Heywood and Rochdale this evening.

A number congregated in Heywood and a small number proceeded to Rochdale Town Hall, where the Mayor making ceremony was taking place.

The BNP said the demonstration was "against Asian paedophiles".
They were also calling for the Labour Party to sack Councillor Aftab Hussain and for his removal from the Council following his support of one of the nine local men convicted of child sex exploitation.
Councillor Hussain has previously refused to answer questions regarding this support.
The demonstrators were heavily outnumbered outside the Town Hall by police, inlcuding riot police, who completely surrounded them.

However, as well as the foot demonstrators a white van with tannoys with BNP posters on the side drove around the town centre.


Anonymous said...

Britain First

Sack the man who allowed sexual grooming of white children to continue
In towns and cities all over Britain, there is a hidden problem of Muslim paedophile gangs targeting under-age non-Muslim girls for sexual exploitation...this problem is called 'grooming'.

We have all been disgusted by the recent media coverage of the nine Muslim paedophiles convicted at Liverpool Crown Court...but would it surprise you to know that the police and the Crown Prosecution Service could have acted earlier to stop the abuse of our young girls?

Several years ago, Nazir Afzal, chief CPS prosecutor for the North West, actually dropped a case against those now convicted for grooming young English girls.

Support Britain First in their campaign to get this protector of paedophiles sacked (Deported would be even better).

GWR said...

I thought the BNP van using it's tannoy was a waterboard van saying they were going to turn the water off.

It was very difficult to see the white van was a BNP messenger. There was only a small BNP heart poster on the van side.

The message seemed to be a speech rather than slogans that you need for a moving object. So it's a fail on that score.

GWR said...

Possibly protesting about the 2 Asian Councillors who supported the paedophile gang at Liverpool rown Court ?

Anonymous said...

Not a "nationalist" but I was wondering why one of the nine convicted men was given the right to anonymity?

Does anyone know what the "legal reasons" are?

National Front said...

Last nights demo outside the Town Hall was organised by the National Front. The National Front had 50 supporters present and some very smart banners made. The BNP held a demo in Heywood and only 10 turned up.
Hearing there was a large demo was being held in rochdale the small BNP contingent came to rochdale, Clive jefferson was given the freedom to talk to the press, while the NF were penned in. The BNP are claiming on their website that this was their demo ut i can assure you it was not. Jefferson is calling us scum and rabble on the BNP website.

national front said...

Anonymous said...

Last night the National Front held a demo outside Rochdale Town Hall. The demo was planned a week ago, with banners and leaflets being made for the occasion.

Last week former Liberal Democrat councillor and Mayor of Rochdale Zulfiquar Ali (a Cabinet member for Children, Schools and Families no less) and sitting Labour councillor Aftab Hussain stood in the dock in Liverpool and gave glowing references to those convicted of the grooming of our young girls, going as far as to say “they are pillars of the community”.
The National Front would like to thank all those that turned up,

Last night 50+ people turned up to support the National Front in calling for the resignation of councillor Hussain. We were refused entry to the public gallery so had to hold our protest outside.

Anonymous said...

weii done to the national front.

jefferson youare scum like all the other thick headed gri££in lovers.white race 88 14

Anonymous said...

Im not scum ,or thick headed. you mouthy white mug, I bet you have never been to a demo you armchair supporter

Anonymous said...

i have been on many demo's including

heywood a few months ago. where you there jefferson or where you snorting coke or shagging gri££in?

it support services rochdale said...

Nice post !

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...