Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Deport Rochdale child rapists, demands Hall Green MP Roger Godsiff 

AN INNER city Birmingham MP has made an outspoken call for nine men responsible for abusing girls as young as 13 to be deported after serving their sentences – even if they are now British citizens.

 Hall Green Labour member Roger Godsiff has written to the Home Secretary demanding tougher action after a judge sentenced the men to a total of 77 years between them. They targeted vulnerable girls, some of them in the care of social services. He said any of the Asian men who were born overseas should be deported, even if they were now British citizens.

On sentencing at Liverpool Crown Court, Judge Gerald Clifton said the convicted men treated the girls “as though they were worthless and beyond respect”. Mr Godsiff’s plea goes far beyond existing government policy.

Ministers say they support deporting foreign criminals, meaning those that are not UK citizens, although like the last Labour government they have found this is not always easy to do in practice. The nine men convicted in Rochdale were Muslims of Pakistani ethnic origin. Mr Godsiff said Birmingham Muslims in his constituency had led condemnation of the men.

 Mr Godsiff said: “I have received a number of representations from members of the Muslim community living in my constituency who are disgusted and appalled by what these men did to vulnerable young girls and a number of them are strongly of the view that these individuals have no right to be part of British society.

He went on to say: “While I understand that those individuals who were born in this country have a legal entitlement to remain here I note that the ring leader is 59 years old and may not have been born here”. The MP concluded: “I have sort assurances that those members of the gang who were not born in the UK but who have been allowed to come here, settle, and may have become British citizens will have their entitlement to be here and any citizenship rights removed and that they will be deported at the end of their sentences.” In other press coverage of the trial proceedings it has been suggested that at least two of the convicted will be deported at the conclusion of their sentences.

Following the convictions, Det Chf Supt Mary Doyle of Greater Manchester Police described the defendants as “pure evil”.

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NWN: Roger Godsiff used to support the Communist Party of Great Britain and in 1977 he led a march by a group called ALCARAF through Lewisham to protest about a National Front march later that day. Godsiff led gangs of trotskyite armed thugs through Lewisham on the 13th.August 1977, that later went onto start the worst scenes of rioting ever seen on mainland Britain. 

Seems even former communist supporters are now coming to realise that the multi racial experiment has failed, and failed badly.


Anonymous said...

Another muslim peado got 15 years today up north ,raped 12 year old white kids in his takeaway fucking muslim scum are all at it ,why did the tv and papers hush this one up ?the are to many soft touch white mugs ,We need to get revenge on this muslim scum ,show them were not all soft touch whites ,, loylist black neck

Anonymous said...

One tip-off every six minutes to the Government's sprawling database of illegal immigrants at large in the UK

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2145556/One-tip-minutes-illegal-immigrants-database.html#ixzz1v5e8JhaO

Anonymous said...

Teenager told to be a Jew in

Holocaust role-play lesson sues school over claim he got injured when 'Nazis' jumped on him

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2145245/Teenager-told-Jew-Holocaust-role-play-lesson-sues-school-claim-got-injured-Nazis-jumped-him.html#ixzz1v5kVI6lw

Anonymous said...

Home Office-approved adviser who made £1million through helping immigrants stay in the UK

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2145530/Home-Office-approved-adviser-1million-helping-immigrants-stay-UK-jailed-10-years.html#ixzz1v5mKltSD

Anonymous said...

Godsiff...mmm...look at the picture.

Am I imagining things, but isn't he a dead ringer for a character in Alan Bleasdale's TV series 'GBH'?

I am thinking of the character who acted behind the scenes to manipulate the council leader - Michael Murray - and the aging communist ideologue.

Looks just like him.

Anonymous said...

'...the are to many soft touch white mugs, We need to get revenge..'

THERE are TOO many twats who cannot write, spell or think.

We all need to be just as sophisticated and manipulative as our enemies.

All nationalists will feel the same rage and crave that real real justice is meted out...but...calling for 'revenge' will only allow our enemies to accuse us as being violent simpletons.

We must not fall into these traps, especially as they are so obvious.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...