Friday, May 18, 2012

Burnley nationalist flash demo against yet another Asian paedophile gang


NWN Admin said...

We are not sure on the appearances at Court of this Burnley paedo lot, although we understand it is ongoing.

The above vid has just come to our attention.

Anonymous said...

Filthy disgusting animals. And plod are protecting them as usual. As much as I can't stand the present leadership of the BNP, at least they tried.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget the asian paedophile ring in Blackpool NWN.

Anonymous said...

See these mouthy muslim peado scum ,no Shame ,We need to join torces and show these Muslims whites are not all soft touches ,I would have not been able to control my anger and been put in prison again for attacking these muslim scum ,wake up white race before its to late ,

Anonymous said...

Theres also the Oxford Asian paedophile gang trial .

NWN Admin said...

Red hand loylist (sic)

If you want your posts to get through, leave out the huge amount of bad language and be a bit more civil.

NWN Admin said...

The BBC have just been searching on here for info on the North West Infidels.

Anonymous said...

@ Red Hand Loyalist. I have tried for years to get so called Loyalist support - first when I was in the BNP and also National Front. Loyalists do not like the National Front or the BNP for that matter because they are too wrapped up in Catholic/Protestant sectarian hatred and defending bloody Ulster to bother about the rest of Britain. I was warned whilst in their company - "don't talk politics", so I gave up. We can forget about Loyalists thank you very much. (Glasgow)

Anonymous said...

I swear when I'm angry ,muslim peados rapeing white kids ,that's why there's lots of swearing on demos ,look how them Muslims on your vid are laughing at us whites they think whites are a soft touch, too many whites are civil maybe its time to be uncivilized and get angry and show these Muslims, whites have had enough and were not all soft touch whites ,,,red hand loylist

Anonymous said...

Two further arrests in Rochdale grooming investigation.

Anonymous said...

I was at the ira march in liverpool in February there was lots of red men and Orange men mixing with nf and bnp ,seemed to get on well ,not all loyalists are irish ,a lot of British loyalists are to mixed up with blacks and Muslims to be bothered about ulster ,thank you very much..British loyalist (London )

GWR said...

When we used to mobilise to stop the fenian Manchester martyrs march in the 70s,80s and 1990s we had the unedifying situation that Liverpool LOL used to bring along black lodge members. It was ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Liverpool had a massive turn out against the ira march in February some very angry scousers smashed the ira coaches and turned back the march, I heard the ira are marching again 2nd of June and are looking for revenge,was you there February ? Orange lodge was I've never seen a black lodge member ,Will you be there in June ? Liverpool Orange lodge will ,,no surrender

Anonymous said...

@ British Loyalist (London). You are talking pish son. Loyalists in in Belfast are too wrapped up in sectarian shit - and of course drugs. There is no "cause" now. Ulster is their God and the rest of us just provide money whilst waving their flags. (Glasgow).

Anonymous said...

Never seen a black member? Your having a laugh they have black King Billys in LPool.

Anonymous said...

White Nationalists should steer well clear of all religious groups that spilt and divide White people.

Follow this link and learn how our elites use religion in order for us to kill each other.

Is Britain's cover-up of its 1845-1850 holocaust in Ireland the most successful Big Lie in all of history?

Anonymous said...

How am I talking pish ? I was there you were not ,and I don't give a shit what's happening in ulster,I only care what's happening in england ,if ira want to march in england i will be there to stop them and i don't wave flags i throw punches ,you jocks have got a long history of hating English last time you came to wembly you jock proddys (rangers) joined forces with your fenian enemy's (celtic ) to fight the English but you got a good kicking I was there ,i fight any cunt that comes to England and takes the "pish" out of the english. And i don't give a shit what goes on in "belfast"got enough on my plate with the Muslims so get your facts right and don't talk "pish" ,,loyalist (london)

Anonymous said...

Wow son, you do talk "pish".

Anonymous said...

Well I come from liverpool (bootle)where you from ? If you dare say We got no blacks here and never seen one on the orange marches (check YouTube) you sure don't come from liverpool and probley never been ,so where do you get your shite info from ? Your town is probley full of mussies and what do you do ? Nothing just slag off other white people and spred shite rumors. Mugs like you is why are county is full of mussies,(all talk no action ). Scouse CXF

Anonymous said...
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NWN Admin said...

We can't just post allegations of rape and drugs from an anonymous source.

If that address is doing what has been suggested, then please go within the nationalist movement and get some 'bone fides' then we would publish info like that.

Anonymous said...

You jocks hate the English ,,and England football fan hate you jocks ,you try to make out you like us when your in England ,but if We went to Glasgow you would should your true colours ,you two faced Scots cunt. And stop talking shit you thick jock

Anonymous said...

Yeah jocks make out they like you to your face ,then slag English off behind are backs ,so fuck off glasgow jock,you must be "pished" on super tenants ,you toothless smelly mouthy jock ,,,,,k.k.k.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...