Sunday, October 09, 2011

None of it is my fault - Nick Griffin

NWN: Looks like Mr Griffin is seriously rattled due to the forthcoming BBC TV programme PANORAMA scheduled for tomorrow Monday 10th.October.

Nick is always 'the one who will not be blamed', to paraphrase a rather (in)famous quote from the late Victorian era.

The below is the latest missive sent from the Welshpool bunker.

British National Party Answers the BBC's Smears

Answering the Smears

Dear Fellow Nationalist,

The British National Party is being subjected to an unprecedented campaign of lies and half-truths, court actions and sabotage to prevent it from saving our people and our country. Dark forces are at work trying to kill our party, using every weapon at their disposal. We are fighting back. Many of you will have seen how we turned the tables on them in our YouTube video. This went viral (over 33,000 people have watched it on YouTube alone).

We took the Collective decision not to appear on their smear programme but instead to provide written answers to their specific questions. Our activists made this decision because we know that the Truth would have been mangled by editing and trickery. We have our own media, and we can talk direct to the public without the distortion of hostile editing. Many-to-many communication means we can get the Truth out there. Here we publish questions put by the smearmongers of Panorama together with our unedited answers.

The propagandists at Panorama, and the renegades, malcontents and agents working with them, hope to demoralise and dishearten our supporters. They will fail. Read the truth before you hear the lies...

Nick Griffin answers Panorama disinformation

First let me state that the British National Party does not accept that the BBC is intending to produce a balanced documentary. Even your choice of subject reveals your real motivation. We expect, given your long track record, a biased hatchet-job based on the testimony of political opponents, paid agents and those with personal grudges against me. That is why you have failed to secure a face-to-face interview.

Panorama runs to the same business model as the News of the World (NOTW), using dishonest sensationalism to attract an audience and viewing the frequent pay-outs for slander as just another business cost. The only difference is that at least the NOTW used its own money, whereas you people force licence-payers to pick up your bills.

You have zero credibility in our eyes. We regard you as part of the opposition to our party. You form part of a campaign aimed at destablising the Nationalist movement at a time of great opportunity. Any 'Nationalist' co-operating with you is a Traitor and a turncoat.

Despite the established bias of your programme and the BBC, I shall reply to the lies and disinformation you seek to peddle with the truth and accurate information. I will publish this response on the British National Party website, as we want our members and the public to see it in full, without your editing tricks and distortions.

ALLEGATION: That the BNP fraudulently uses European money to fund national party work, in breach of European Union funding regulations.

ANSWER: The British National Party does not use European Union (EU) money in this way. We are not in breach of any EU funding regulations. The allegations have been made by individuals or factions with grudges or personal financial vested interests in unseating me. The body charged with responsibility to monitor the financial compliance of the complex European regulations is OLAF. We are working well with them and fully co-operating. We are systematically answering unfounded allegations with fact and evidence. We await their deliberations and considered advice at the end of this process and expect constructive suggestions about procedural matters. It would be inappropriate and misleading for the BBC to make any statements pre-judging issues on the basis of information supplied by those with axes to grind. You should await the findings of the regulatory body tasked with such matters.

ALLEGATION: Officials employed by you at your European HQ in Wigton, Cumbria and paid for by European funds, spent the vast majority of their time/working day on national party matters.

ANSWER: The allegation is untrue, and you give us no source or evidence to support it.

All EU Local Assistants keep detailed work logs showing work done during their contractual hours. These logs are inspected internally and can be made available on request from any appropriate authority. Some staff have separate Party contracts for some working hours. Additionally, staff may volunteer hours for the Party outside of their contracted hours. Any staff failing to keep logs or not keeping to their contracts would be investigated under my disciplinary procedures. OLAF are the appropriate body to consider such matters, as stated above, and we are fully co-operating with them.

ALLEGATION: Electricity was siphoned off from the European offices to the national offices next door.

ANSWER: I have spoken to staff at the offices, and they strongly deny any such suggestion. OLAF and the owners of the property have investigated this vexatious complaint and found no evidence to support it.

It is disgraceful that the BBC’s flagship investigative programme is wasting licence-payers’ money raking up such unfounded malicious title-tattle at a time while allowing real issues – such as the Government’s cynical move to hide Afghan War casualties by abolishing the Wootton Bassett repatriation ceremony – to go unscrutinised.

ALLEGATION: Office supplies for the national office were paid for out of EU funds.

ANSWER: A full internal investigation has been carried out into this accusation. There is a clear divide between specific Party and EU office supplies. Two separate suppliers are used, and different, identifiable products are used as a matter of policy. For example, different printers taking different toners and inks are used by the two offices. Different envelopes with different markings are used. Additionally, EU paper is branded, as is that of the British National Party. As well as our own internal investigation, OLAF have been supplied with all of this information in great detail.

ALLEGATION: £4,446 of European Union funds were fraudulently used to pay for offices and associated costs in Edinburgh. In May 2011 you instructed that this money be reimbursed to Europe but only because you knew that your fellow MEP Andrew Brons would not go along with this misuse of European funds.

ANSWER: To provide an office for the use of two of my EU Assistants from which to carry out their research and other duties is perfectly legitimate. Where other non-EU work is carried out in the shared office, a proportion is paid for that. Mr Brons, who at the time employed the staff based there part of the time, refused to pay towards office costs. He has a track record of failing to provide resources for staff to carry out their necessary duties, and sadly my budget has had to carry many of the costs towards which he should have paid. Mr Brons and the Party were sent an E-mail as long ago as July 2010 stating that I was expecting a third share from each of them towards office costs. The Party (due to financial constraints) was slow in paying their share but did settle this bill. Mr Brons refused. He failed to explain his grounds in any specific or reasoned fashion.

ALLEGATION: Mr Brons was also asked and refused to use £2,000 of European funds to pay Chris Barnet for unspecified work. He was also asked and refused, having sought advice from the “financial authorities of the European Parliament” to pay £500 from European funds for a table to be used at the national party conference in December 2010.

ANSWER: In relation to Mr Barnett, I understand that the work he did on the MEP website for Andrew Brons was specified but that Mr Brons refused to pay.

Far from the EU subsidising the Party, in the case of Andrew Brons the British National Party has subsidised his EU work as he has refused to reimburse us for things such as web-hosting and routine website maintenance work.

Payments for space and display stands at Party conferences are standard, legitimate procedure in all political parties with representation in both Brussels and Westminster. On the website of Andrew Brons MEP is a report of a previous stall run on his behalf. You can find it here:

The article makes clear that the purpose of the stall is to convey information about the work of Andrew as an MEP. It states that reaction was positive and looks forward to booking a larger stall at future meetings. Mr Brons can only be objecting to being asked to pay for a service. The Party Treasurer (rightly in my view) does not see why the Party should subsidise the EU by not charging for the provision of services to an MEP where this is appropriate. I am not sure who is meant by the “financial authorities of the European Parliament”. It is a curiously vague description. I have seen no document where any “financial authorities of the European Parliament” have ruled on this matter. Mr Brons made this statement in the context of a leadership contest between us, as I recall.

My payment for the same services was approved by the EU office which scrutinises such matters. Mr Brons made this statement in the context of a leadership contest between us.

ALLEGATION: That the BNP submitted fraudulent election returns in respect of the 2010 General Election, in breach of electoral law.

ANSWER: Our Treasurer, working closely with the Electoral Commission and the external Auditor, prepared and submitted election returns on time, using his best endeavours and in good faith on the basis of the information available to him, the records compiled by his predecessor. Subsequently, malicious allegations were made to the Electoral Commission after publication. The Commission considered these allegations and found no breach of electoral law in relation to the 2010 General Election campaign submission.

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ALLEGATION: You signed the Barking constituency expenditure returns on the (sic) June 3rd 2010, which included unpaid bills which had been represented as paid.

ANSWER: The declaration signed by me was in good faith on the basis of returns prepared and presented to me by my Election Agent, Richard Barnbrook. He prepared the Return in consultation with the then Treasurer of the Party, David Hannam.

ALLEGATION: Your BNP treasurer Clive Jefferson, instructed a junior member of staff Marion Thomas to falsify expenditure records for the 2010 general election which were then submitted to the Electoral Commission, in breach of election law.

ANSWER: Our Treasurer, working closely with the Electoral Commission and the external Auditor, prepared and submitted election returns on time, using his best endeavours and in good faith on the basis of the information available to him. Subsequent allegations were filed with the Electoral Commission after publication. The Commission considered these allegations and found no breach of electoral law in relation to the 2010 General Election campaign submission.

I understand that our Party Treasurer strenuously denies any suggestion from Marion Thomas to do anything other than represent the truth. I also dispute your description of Marion Thomas as a “junior employee” as she had supervisory responsibilities. Further, Marion Thomas, as well as being the sister-in-law of Jim Dowson, our then fundraiser, was centrally involved in the upkeep of Party invoices and payments. Marion Thomas made no mention of this allegation until she was made redundant as a consequence of the closure of the Belfast Office and after the termination of the contract with Jim Dowson. She is currently pursuing an Employment Tribunal claim against the Party but never mentioned any such allegation in the ET1 form she filed. If you intend to use any of Ms Thomas’s allegations, it is incumbent on you to point out to your viewers the fact that she now works for the Britain First fund-raising operation run by her brother-in-law, Jim Dowson, so that they can consider the possibility that she has a personal interest in trying to do the British National Party down.

ALLEGATION: That the official BNP accounts are regularly submitted late and compiled in a flawed, chaotic and unreliable manner.

ANSWER: As with any rapidly expanding organisation, whether a business or a political party, we have encountered difficulties in structural adjustments. It is true that, like many other political parties, we have not always met deadlines set down by the Electoral Commission, but at each stage of our development we have sought to follow the advice of both the independent Auditor and Electoral Commission to improve our systems. The review of the Treasury Department carried out by the Financial Scrutiny Committee of the Party and incoming Treasurer have already identified previous weaknesses in our systems and moved swiftly to correct them through fundamental improvements to the way we operate. In summary, the complete separation of Regional and Central Party accounts – the removal of the Treasurer from Party bank accounts, and the employment of a retired chartered accountant whose job is the upkeep and maintenance of our financial records – solves many of the previous problems we identified. It is important to state here that the current delay in submissions to the Commission of the 2010 accounts stems from the unexpected serious illness of a contracted accountant, matters outside Party control which have been fully explained to the Commission. A breach of electoral law would only occur if a Treasurer submits late submissions "without reasonable excuse". We have provided the Electoral Commission with the full details and circumstances of the delay, and in the light of this we consider no breach of electoral law has occurred.

ALLEGATION: Former officials have described the BNP accounts as works of fiction and that false invoices were created, in order to make the books appear to balance.

ANSWER: I think the key words here are “former officials”. Every organisation from time to time has officials or employees who prove unable to reach or maintain satisfactory standards and have to be demoted or sacked. Such individuals are notoriously liable to make unfounded or distorted accusations against their former employers. No specific details are given by you that warrant any further answer. The allegation is untrue.

ALLEGATION: The BNP lied to the Electoral Commission in 2008, when challenged about “failing to keep accounting records sufficient to disclose with reasonable accuracy the financial position of the party at that time.” The BNP told the Electoral Commission that these problems were due to switching from a manual system of accounting to a computerised one. The BNP had in fact been using a computerised system since 2004.

ANSWER: This allegation is a wild distortion and outrageous exaggeration of the facts. We did indeed upgrade our accounting system to a more advanced and full computerised system in 2008. If there is any fault here, it lies merely with an unclear description of that major change provided by the then Treasurer.

ALLEGATION: BNP treasury staff have told us that you knew receipts “were lifted from anywhere” in order to cover deficits in the BNP accounts.

ANSWER: Please provide the source of this allegation, specific information and evidence. Any suggestion that I was aware of bad practice or false representation is untrue.

ALLEGATION: The BNP accounts for 2009 attribute under the heading “Staff Wages” the sum of £37,450 to John Walker. There is no evidence that John Walker ever received such a sum, even in part. In fact at the time the sum is said to have been made, he was not employed by the BNP. Mr Walker has raised this issue with you personally and you have failed to rectify it.

ANSWER: The sum was indeed incorrectly recorded as ‘wages’ when it was in fact reimbursements. The Party has had to endure two periods when pressure on high street banks from Islamic organisations and political opponents led to us being denied banking facilities. As a result, our suppliers were paid through a private business account in Mr Walker’s name, solely for party financial transactions. When we were able to secure new banking facilities, some suppliers preferred to continue being paid through that account. Such payments were of course reimbursed by the Party, hence the large non-wages payment total being paid to an account in Mr Walker’s name. This is the explanation provided to me by the previous Treasurer, and it accords with the facts as I know them. However, if you have any information indicating that this is incorrect, please provide it to me, and I will investigate further.

ALLEGATION: For two consecutive years your own auditor has not been able to describe the BNP annual accounts as, “true and fair, and in respect of the accounts for 2009, he said they cannot be classed as “true and fair” in the usual definition of that term.” This represents a possible breach of section 41 of the PPERA.

ANSWER: This indicates that our Auditor is genuinely independent. There was no breach of section 41 of the PPERA in relation to the 2009 accounts. Again I remind you that the Electoral Commission rules on these matters, not Panorama. The 2009 accounts have been submitted, accepted and the matter closed. I refer you back to my previous answer concerning improvements to our systems.

ALLEGATION: Last August the Advisory Council of the party was informed in a “Treasury report” that it had “current liabilities” of £575, 330.90. What is your position on the “current liabilities” of the BNP?

ANSWER: Our current liabilities are in some cases disputed or the subject of possible counter claims. In other cases, payment agreements have been reached. I am confident that the Party is able to meet all our much-reduced genuine liabilities. Reports are given to the appropriate authorities and to Party officials. The Treasurer informs me that a detailed financial report stating exact liabilities and accounts for the first three quarters of 2011 will be presented to British National Party members at our next Annual Conference in October.

Members will be given the opportunity to examine the books and ask questions of our Treasury Department. The good news in our constantly improving finical situation will be presented to our members at conference and not to a Panorama witch hunt.

ALLEGATION: The BNP, including current and former officers of the party are contesting or can anticipate being involved in a number of legal cases, exposing the party and/or the officials, to liabilities of approximately £300,000.

ANSWER: Your figure is pure speculation. Your figure is based on the highly unlikely scenario that we would lose not only each of the cases currently against us but also potential cases that may not even be brought, and that we would be unable to take effective counter measures, to argue costs down as per normal procedure, or to win a forthcoming claim for professional negligence. Given our previous record in winning cases, not least against the Equality Commission, such blanket failure is highly unlikely. Time will tell, but we can rely on Panorama not to inform the public when such cases go in our favour.

ALLEGATION: Security staff hired for the first and second “Leeds trials” in 2006 were paid cash. These payments were never officially recorded in the BNP accounts.

ANSWER: No British National Party money was used for this purpose.

ALLEGATION: That the BNP is breaching electoral law by failing to disclose major donations and by concealing the identities of some major donors.

ANSWER: Please provide further information to enable me to ask our Treasury Department to investigate these matters. In particular please detail the source of your claim regarding our databases.

ALLEGATION: Your own party records show that at least 10 people contributed more than £5000.01 to the BNP in the calendar year 2009. However only four people appear on the list of declared donors (£5,000.01) published by the Electoral Commission.

ANSWER: Please provide further information to enable me to ask our Treasury Department to investigate these matters. In particular please detail the source of your claim regarding "our own party records". Are you admitting, in the allegation, that you are in receipt of stolen property? A criminal offence, as I am sure you will be aware.

ALLEGATION: That the BNP uses dishonest means to raise money from its membership.

ANSWER: We do not.

Show the BBC that their attack on us all BUILDS SUPPORT for the British National Party:

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ALLEGATION: In an on-line appeal for money you told members that the BNP website had been disabled in “the largest cyber attack in history?” You went on to say that you needed £5,000 to hire a “Cyber Defence expert” and to pay for “extra servers and hardware.” In fact the total cost to the BNP of dealing with the Denial of Service Attack was a fraction of that.

ANSWER: There was a huge attack on our server. We obtained a quote as to how much proper defensive steps would cost. We based our appeal target on this professional estimate. The appeal did not raise anywhere near the target. In any event, where cost estimates are made, our members understand that if, in fact, specific costs turn out to be lower, the residue of any money raised will be put to general Party purposes.

ALLEGATION: That both you and the BNP have used intimidation and harassment to deal with disagreements.

ANSWER: Our party is the victim of intimidation and harassment from political opponents including those in the establishment media. Your programme is an attempt to harass and is part of a pattern of harassment from the establishment media going back over many years.

Panorama could make a whole series of programmes about the intimidation and harassment directed against the British National Party by the political class, Government-sponsored thugs, politically correct police, local government authorities, and the media. I deny your hypocritical allegations completely.

ALLEGATION: You have authorised the bugging of people in your party.

ANSWER: Panorama used covert recording equipment in its failed attempt to have me jailed for raising the scandal of Muslim gang grooming of young girls. Panorama staff are the buggers, not us.

ALLEGATION: During a trip to Belfast on or about Friday 26th November 2010 to recover BNP property from the former BNP offices in Dundonald, Ms Marion Thomas was held against her will by senior BNP officials pending the delivery of the equipment owned by the BNP. We have been told that you were aware of this as it was happening.

ANSWER: The officials that you have alleged were involved have told me Marion Thomas is lying and that they strongly deny her defamatory allegations. I was not present in Belfast on that date and was not aware that any such allegation had been made. Ms Thomas was made redundant by the Party and has made a claim to an Employment Tribunal. Curiously, she has made no mention of this in her ET1 form. Nor am I aware of any complaint ever having been made to the Police. She has certainly never complained to me. If such a complaint was made, it seems bizarre that no one was ever approached about it. It really beggars belief that it is mentioned only now in the context of your smear programme.

ALLEGATION: Libelous leaflets were distributed in the home town of your former web master Simon Bennett, after he left the BNP.

ANSWER: I have read reports of this. Perhaps he should take legal action against those responsible. Many people have mentioned the names of Jim Dowson and Paul Golding in connection with these alleged events, but I have no way of knowing whether this is true. You could perhaps ask them, as they are collaborating with you in your hatchet job. The Party was not involved.

ALLEGATION: That under your leadership the party has suffered a collapse in support over the last eighteen months.

ANSWER: Under my leadership I have taken the British National Party from an unelectable fringe group with a few hundred members to (in your own words) a “major political party” and a household name which has taken two EU parliamentary seats. We currently have 10,000 members.

We have been under sustained attack since winning our two European seats. With my team, I am confident, however, that the ConDem regime will grow ever more discredited as their austerity measures begin to bite. I believe that events will prove that the British National Party has been right all along on issue after issue. The issues that led people to vote for us and join us are not going away, and neither are we.

ALLEGATION: That during the recent riots in London you tweeted, “Riot footage shows it a joint Black/Jewish affair.”

ANSWER: That tweet merely commented on high-definition footage posted on the BBC News website on the first night of the riots at 01.27 hours under the headline Public Disorder in Tottenham. It related to Tottenham specifically at that point in time and not to other areas at other points in time. The footage showed youths dressed in Orthodox clothing among the rioters (most of whom were black) stoning the police officers and vehicles. I sent the tweet because the scenes of such a joint effort between criminal members of the two communities, whose relationship is at times strained, were so unusual. The riots were not just in London, of course.

Any attempt by Panorama to insinuate that one tweet in any way reflected my full analysis or view of the riots in general would be extremely dishonest of you.

Show the BBC that their attack on us all BUILDS SUPPORT for the British National Party:

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ALLEGATION: According to a statement you made in 2006, “All responsibilities and liabilities rest with the chairman.” Further the BNP’s own constitution states that, “The Chairman shall have ultimate and final authority upon any decision made.” You thus bear final responsibility for the conduct of your party.

ANSWER: That was certainly the position in 2006 and up to recently. The Party’s constitution has, however, undergone several democratising revisions since then, most notably earlier this year, when changes put forward by me were approved so that the majority of the power and responsibility will be shifted from the elected National Chairman to a largely indirectly elected National Executive Council.

I remain the democratically and directly elected Leader of the British National Party and will defend it from all foes whatever guise they adopt.

I am absolutely determined that all attacks, including those from the establishment media (such as this latest smear from Panorama), will be repulsed.

Clive Jefferson answers Panorama smears

ALLEGATION: BNP submitted fraudulent election returns in respect of the 2010 General Election, in breach of electoral law.

ANSWER: The answer provided by Nick Griffin is accurate and reflects my personal view also.

ALLEGATION: You instructed a junior member of staff Marion Thomas to falsify expenditure records for the 2010 general election which were then submitted to the Electoral Commission, in breach of election law.

ANSWER: That is untrue. The answer provided by Nick Griffin is accurate and reflects my personal view also.

ALLEGATION: That the BNP have used intimidation and harassment to deal with disagreements.

ANSWER: That is untrue. The answer provided by Nick Griffin is accurate and reflects my personal view also.

ALLEGATION: During a trip to Belfast on or about Friday 26th November 2010 to recover BNP property from the former BNP offices in Dundonald, Ms Marion Thomas was held against her will by you and two other senior BNP officials pending the delivery of the equipment owned by the BNP.

ANSWER: Marion Thomas is the sister-in-law of Jim Dowson. The allegations she and he have made are ridiculous and lack credibility. More fool you for listening to their untrue rubbish. The answer provided by Nick Griffin is accurate and reflects my personal view also. I would like to add, however, that I was in the company of two of my colleagues throughout negotiations concerning the return of property belonging to the British National Party. They share my disgust and disappointment that a disgruntled former employee has resorted to such obvious and easily disproved lies. Mr Griffin was at no point involved in events that day, and I saw no need to discuss a matter at the time which fell under the auspices of my department. I was very pleased that property belonging to our party was eventually returned.

ALLEGATION: Mr Jim Dowson says that at a meeting with you in 2010 he was asked by you to help obtain forged documents and refused. Specifically to persuade Romac Press to provide forged invoices in order to place party debts personally upon GLA member Richard Barnbrook and bankrupt him.

ANSWER: Mr Dowson has no credibility with members of the British National Party. He is widely despised and regarded as a snake-oil salesman who is motivated only by money. Mr Dowson wishes to harm the British National Party in the hope that his new moneymaking scam ‘Britain First’ will reap the benefit. I hope that you have not paid him a fee. Dowson, his sister-in-law, Paul Golding and the rest of the chancers you have as “witnesses” in this witch hunt are only interested in one thing: making money, and they are using Panorama as a means to that end. I deny any wrongdoing in relation to Richard Barnbrook. Please do not contact me or any of my staff again in relation to this non-story.

ALLEGATION: You may feature in the programme in respect of your role in the BNP generally and specifically relating to allegations that you were involved in a conspiracy to bankrupt Richard Barnbrook. It is alleged that you asked the owner of a Belfast printing company, David Sloan, to assist you in this conspiracy. It is alleged that you wrote to Mr Sloan to the effect that if the party was able to get the London seat back the party would pay Mr Sloan’s bill using monthly payments.

ANSWER: If you have any specific questions you wish to put in respect of my role within the British National Party, please e-mail them so I can consider and if need be take legal advice.

Please give me more specific information regarding the anonymous allegation that I was involved in a "conspiracy to bankrupt Richard Barnbrook". Who is making such allegations against me? What is the purported basis for this? I deny any wrongdoing in relation to Richard Barnbrook.

Ian Kitchen denies Panorama "kidnap" smear

ALLEGATION: You may feature in the programme in respect of your role in the BNP generally and allegations that your wife Linda, who has stood as a BNP candidate, stars in pornographic videos. We may also broadcast allegations that during a trip to Belfast on or about Friday 26th November 2010 to recover BNP property from the former BNP offices in Dundonald, Ms Marion Thomas was held against her will by yourself and two other BNP officials pending the delivery of the equipment owned by the BNP.

ANSWER: Ms Thomas was never held against her will. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

Linda Kitchen answers Panorama

ALLEGATION: You may feature in the programme because of newspaper reports (and other material available on the internet) alleging you, though a BNP election candidate, have performed and starred in pornographic videos.

ANSWER: You raise old gossip already published, as you say, in the low-brow tabloid press and on the Internet. I have apologised to the Party for any embarrassment any of my actions may have caused them. Anything I have done is my personal responsibility and does not reflect on other members of the Party. I have made it clear that I will not seek office within the Party or put myself forward for public candidacy. I will remain a Party member as I believe that events prove that the British National Party is right about immigration, social and economic decline and a wide range of other issues.

Note: Questions have also been sent to former member Simon Goodricke and these were forwarded to him.

Show the BBC that their attack on us all BUILDS SUPPORT for the British National Party:

Donate to our cause today, please click on the button below:

On Monday night Panorama will broadcast their smears. We’ve already answered many of them here. Members and supporters of the British National Party will view the programme with a critical eye. We know the score. We understand that the Blatant Bias Corporation will seek to present the Party in the worst possible light. Their programme is enemy propaganda. The BBC are part of the establishment, and their mask of “impartiality” will be cast aside on Monday night.

The British National Party will be attacked not only by the programme makers but by despicable traitors who have colluded with them. After their programme airs, however, the British National Party will still be here, still fighting for our people and still defiant!

We will answer their hate with a greater passion – love. Love of our people, our identity, our culture and our values. That’s why they hate us and that’s what drives us, and it’s what will ensure that we continue, prosper and win.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Griffin MEP
British National Party Leader

P.S. Help us build our counter media by subscribing to our own newspaper The Voice Of Freedom. We can not trust the BBC or the tabloids so it is vital we support the only newspaper that thells the full, unedited truth.

DONATION HOTLINE 0844 809 4581

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British National Party 2011. PO Box 213, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 7AL


p.s. Don't forget to DONATE !!!


Anonymous said...

Griffins blaming Dave Hannam in there.

Anonymous said...

Hang on.

So Griffin refused to answer the BBC ?

Then the questions below have been asked by Griffin, and answered by Griffin ?

Does that make him a schizophrenic ? It sounds like it.

Anonymous said...

And dont forget to DONATE DONATE.

Anonymous said...

teflon gri££in nothing sticks to him.

what ever happend to his and darbys gay mate mike newland?

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
teflon gri££in nothing sticks to him.

what ever happend to his and darbys gay mate mike newland?

9 October 2011 18:32

Hell mate please keep up !

Newlands was the first of many accountants sacked by Griffin and was sacked around 2001 for asking Griffin "wheres the money gone ?"

He was the only one with any book-keeping experience AFAIK.

All the rest Griffin appointed BECAUSE they had no experience !

NWN Admin said...

When I wrote 'accountants', I should of course have written 'BNP Party Treasurer'.

9 October 2011 19:57

Anonymous said...

actually jennie noble had experience

at a pensions & insurence company

when she took the treasurers job on

3 years ago. she also organiseed the t.c. although she was thick with
gri££in she would never say where the money went even though she has first hand knowledge.she did the job temporary before dave hannam,

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.