Monday, October 10, 2011

Crazy Nicks closing down sale - everything must go !

By order of the once and future bankrupt.

Click pic to enlarge. One from our archives.


Anonymous said...

Should race play a role in how the media reports crime?

Anonymous said...

Well the PANORAMA programme was a rather weak and insipid affair.

There is loads they could have got Griffin over and failed.

The Truth truck scam for example.

Looks like another bit of help for Griffin from the State apparatus.

Anonymous said...

Hey NorthWestNationalists maybe you can tell us. I have just seen Nick Griffins reply to last nights Panorama programme.

If Nick is in his 50s why has he got no grey hair or does he wear a wig ?

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
Hey NorthWestNationalists maybe you can tell us. I have just seen Nick Griffins reply to last nights Panorama programme.

If Nick is in his 50s why has he got no grey hair or does he wear a wig ?

11 October 2011 23:10

My you're a cheeky rapscallion. If you are a BNP member you would be out the party pronto for those comments.

Griffin is a very vain character as narcissistic as many women.

We have no idea if Griffin wears a wig but he must dye his hair. I think he is about 53, so there must be some grey hair about.

He does look a bit ridiculous, but we don't have to focus on stuff like this. His actions are reprehensible enough.

Anonymous said...

that is where all the donation money

goes, replaceing wigs for gri££in.

Anonymous said...

Cummerbunds are not cheap you know.

Anonymous said...

Can you buy cummerbunds to fit fatty steroid turd-eating scatman Martin Reynolds huge pie filled gut?

Anonymous said...

The list of items for sale should have included his conscience,in mint condition,unwanted gift,still in it original wrapper!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...