Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take it from me Mr Griffin, they always get you on the money - Al Capone.


Anonymous said...

NWN what colour cummerbund did Nick Griffin wear to the TRAFALGAR CLUB DINNER ?

Anonymous said...

NWN what colour cummerbund did Nick Griffin wear to the TRAFALGAR CLUB DINNER ?

Yellow ! and was probably big enough to tie around the old oak tree ten fold.

Anonymous said...

The slogan on Griffo's t-shirt presents sometning of a paradox, because if he is a lying bastard then he's telling the truth and not lying (although still possibly a bastard); but if he's not a lying bastard then he is lying and hence he is a lying bastard!

Anonymous said...

RE-Griffins cummerbund. Griffin wanted to wear a cummerbund with the star of david on it, but then he saw Martin SCATMAN Reynolds BROWN cummerbund (we know of course what the brown represents to Reynolds) and he immediatly decided to have a brown one as well to go with his brown hat,and to show support for Reynolds vile scat fetish!

Inspector Blakey
"i `ate you Griffin!"

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...