Thursday, October 20, 2011

Looks like Gaddafi was murdered ?

These are the sort of animals that we and NATO and the USA have been supporting ?

It's all very reminiscent of Saddam Hussain isn't it ?

We have been lied to and lied to by our 'mass media' and our leaders, who see nothing wrong in taking the shekel like the traitor Dr Liam Fox. Who openly now work for Israel, and the House of Commons doesn't even censure/charge people like Fox.

The fellow traitors applauded Fox in their den of iniquity that are the Houses of Parliament.

What is this 'New World Order' that 'they' have created ? It is monstrous !


Anonymous said...

Prisoner of war murdered without any convention to protect him. Where was the Human Rights Act today?

Anonymous said...

SCUM !!!

Anonymous said...

Now our problems will really start with Libya ! Cameron you aint seen nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

Before we condemn the mob that killeed Gaddafi, let's consider that it was a mob, not a disciplined military unit.

There are plenty of examples of mob rule all over the world, even in UK.

If the NTC had had the opportunity and time to create a fully trained and disciplined army, they would have done so.

They had neither.

All they had was a growing horde of enthusiastic volunteers.

Volunteers from a population who, over the past 40 years, had been increasingly provoked.

Without rigourous training, and even with it, the emotions of soldiers in battle will overcome any self restraint.

They may be scum, but not because they lost control.

Anonymous said...

Reminicent of the way the IRA, which he armed/financed, dispatched their victims.

Live by the sword, Die by the sword

GWR said...

Anonymous said...
Reminicent of the way the IRA, which he armed/financed, dispatched their victims.

Live by the sword, Die by the sword

21 October 2011 11:41

You mean like the way 'our' Government dealing with the IRA in secret talks behind our backs while soldiers like myself were being shot at ? And then supported the likes of Adams and McGuinness into power ?

They talk about Lockerbie now in 1988, but in 1986 'we' sent bombers over to Libya and blitzed the place.The news bulletins have left this out on our controlled media.

The way that Gaddafi was murdered was barbaric and showed up yet again that 'our' leaders cannot be trusted.

'Our' leaders work to another agenda and it is not in Britains interest.

Only this week oe of 'our leaders' was shown to be working for Israel - Dr Liam Fox. And what was his punishment ?

NWN Admin said...

Anon said;

"If the NTC had had the opportunity and time to create a fully trained and disciplined army, they would have done so."

You have made this up haven't you ?

How do you know this ?

The alliance is already fighting among itself, and the warring factions will be at each others throats - again.Look at Libyan history before Gaddafi.

Only recently a top alliance military leader was assassinated by others in the alliance !

Anonymous said...

Prisoner of war murdered without any convention to protect him. Where was the Human Rights Act today?

I wasn't saying he deserved to be treated kindly but pointing out that we operate double standards as we did with Saddam.

Already we see the contracts being dished out for Libyan business.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

‘High-class terrorists running US, UK and France’


The scum in suits can not wait to carve up the countries economy,like some kind of fire sale,will clinton add another telecom business to the several that she has already stolen,killing people for profit seems to be the name of the game.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't killing for profit always been the name of the game?

Anonymous said...

Keine Ruhe said...

It has been said in The Times that the Libyan intervention was a wonderful war for Cameron, BECAUSE NO CIVILIANS WERE KILLED!!!
The Libyans don't see it that way. They say that 70,000 Libyans have died during the the Cameron/Hague organised civil war, so far. A few hundred more murders are quite likely, even considering the situation in a fairly optimistic way.
I notice that the BNP website is more or less inert as far as comment on current affairs is concerned.
Things have to change, preferably in the next month or so. I have something quite specific in mind. Something, which will surprise.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...