Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tuesday, 19th December 2006
Holocaust-storm Rabbi defends Iran visit
Rabbi Ahron Cohen.
A RABBI has defended his decision to speak at a conference in Iran which questioned the Holocaust, saying there "must have been something within the Jewish people" which allowed it to happen.

Rabbi Ahron Cohen's Salford home was pelted with 1,000 eggs after he made his claims and he has requested police protection.

On Sunday more than 100 protesters - some throwing eggs - gathered outside his home.
NWN: I wondered who this Rabbi was ! Last Thursday evening about 6 PM at Terminal 2 inward,Manchester Airport, this Rabbi branched off from the rest of a Middle East jet to present his UK passport. He looked rather strange among two planeloads of returning holidaymakers from Lanzarote . I tell you what, he is a very tall guy !

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