What a surprise ?.......................
Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson vows to help police track down 'racists' within the organisation and says he's sorry for scaring British Muslims
- Tommy Robinson, 30, who quit EDL this week after founding it four years ago, says he will work with police to investigate racism in the organisation
- Also apologised for creating an 'us versus them' culture in Britain and causing fear among British Muslims
- He will now work with Maajid Nawaz, who heads the deradicalisation thinktank, The Quilliam Foundation
Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also said he was sorry for creating a 'us and them' culture and for causing fear among British Muslims.
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Standing down: English Defence League (EDL)
leader Tommy Robinson, pictured as he announced he was leaving the EDL,
has apologised for creating fear among British Muslims

Extremist group: M rRobinson, 30, pictured while
at an EDL protest, has said he will also help police investigate racism
in the organisation
When asked about his claim that 'every single Muslim' was to blame for 'getting away' with the July 7 bombings, he also said 'I'm sorry'.
Mr Robinson said that his past inflammatory statements had often been fuelled by alcohol and the adrenaline rush of 'leading the biggest street protest movement in Europe.'
Giving reason for his decision to leave the group, Mr Robinson said he had been sobered by his 18-week stint in prison and by the experience of being shunned by parents when picking up his children at school.

Different direction: Robinson will now work with
Maajid Nawaz, Chairman and co-founder of the Quilliam Foundation
(right) and Usama Hasan, also of the group (left)
Mr Nawaz, who is also a prospective Lib Dem MP, said he had refused to sit with Robinson after being approached during the filming of a BBC documentary last week.
'I shook his hand and said "I'm sorry, I'm not going to sit with you ... until you're ready to talk about leaving the EDL. I can't give legitimacy to the EDL."'
In an interview with the Guardian, Mr Nawaz said that Mr Robinson indicated that he was willing to leave after filming finished and so the paid began a series of conversations.
'If something was set fire and someone wrote "David Cameron" on the side of it, does it mean he did it?' -
EDL leader defends his organisation after an Islamic Centre in north
London is set on fire and 'EDL' is found written at the scene.
'Our tactics are completely questionable, yes, and I understand people who say you are going about it the wrong way' - Mr Robinson admits he understands why the EDL are criticised.
'This is a day of respect for our Armed Forces. They've had their Arab Spring. This is time for the English Spring' - offensive outburst after Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich.
‘I class everyone in my community as everyone who is non-Islamic’ - The offensive words of Tommy Robinson who today said he is not anti-Muslim.
'Complimentary lunch, manager's a top lad, couldn't be more apologetic' - EDL leader Tweets his delight after Selfridges offer him a free lunch after previously refusing to serve him.
'You obviously haven't read the article properly - there is nothing in common with what you have to say' - Mr Robinson is slapped down by Tony Blair's office after he Tweets in support of an article the former Prime Minister wrote.
'Our tactics are completely questionable, yes, and I understand people who say you are going about it the wrong way' - Mr Robinson admits he understands why the EDL are criticised.
'This is a day of respect for our Armed Forces. They've had their Arab Spring. This is time for the English Spring' - offensive outburst after Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich.
‘I class everyone in my community as everyone who is non-Islamic’ - The offensive words of Tommy Robinson who today said he is not anti-Muslim.
'Complimentary lunch, manager's a top lad, couldn't be more apologetic' - EDL leader Tweets his delight after Selfridges offer him a free lunch after previously refusing to serve him.
'You obviously haven't read the article properly - there is nothing in common with what you have to say' - Mr Robinson is slapped down by Tony Blair's office after he Tweets in support of an article the former Prime Minister wrote.
On Tuesday, Quilliam held a press conference where Mr Robinson announced his departure.
Speaking at the time, Mr Robinson said he could no longer control members of the group.
He told the BBC: ‘When some moron lifts up his top and he’s got the picture of a mosque saying “boom”, and it’s all over the national newspapers, it’s me – it’s when I pick up my kids from school, the parents are looking at me – judging me on that.’
He added: ‘I have been considering this move for a long time. Whilst I want to lead a revolution against Islamist ideology, I don’t want to lead a revolution against Muslims.
‘I believe that the revolution needs to come from within the Islamic community and they need to stand up.’
Mr Robinson said the move would be a ‘massive problem’. He added: ‘Do I feel English Defence League members are going to plant bombs and target my family? No I don’t. [But] I feel there will be a backlash.’
In the Guardian interview, he said he now aims to ‘counter Islamist ideology . . . not with violence but with better, democratic ideas’.
Mr Robinson said his future work would involve taking on radicalism on all fronts, although he could not support anti-fascist groups because they also subscribed to 'communism' or were 'anarchists'.
Prompted by Mr Nawaz, Mr Robinson appeared to agree with a vision of multiculturalism inclusive of a variety of ethnic and religious groups in Britain.
He added that he did not want to see some groups receiving 'special treatment.'
UKIP lets the communist/zionist/police agents of SEARCHLIGHT vet all it's members..................
and then we have Nick Griffin and Simon Darby in the BNP !
Under Stalin the Bolsheviks set up an organisation called The Trust.This was run by the head of the Soviet Secret Police,Felix Derzinsky. The rest of the world actually believed that The Trust was ANTI-COMMUNIST and dedicated to the OVERTHROW of Communism when in fact it was a honey trap intended to lure all real anti-communists out into the open and thus reveal their names and addresses so that they could ALL be liquidated by the very people they thought they were fighting against.
This is actually well portrayed in the old TV drama Reilly Ace of Spies.But this idea of using a honey trap to lure people out and allow themselves to be identified is a well proven method and IS being used in Britain.We have seen how the BNP targeted the hardline nationalists,UKIP the Europhobes and the EDL those actually prepared to fight on the streets.By this method each individual set of opponents to our nations destruction have been flushed out and identified thus allowing the security services to have us all safely documented!
The fact that Robinson/Yaxley-Lennon has stated that he has no INTENTION of joining UKIP is beyond silly as even ordinary members of the EDL are already BANNED from joining as he well knows so how would the founder of the EDL expect to be exempt?
If you REALLY want to understand British politics then go and study a Punch and Judy show.All the "violence" and "drama" is the result of ONE person who controls both puppets un-beknown to the public who only see what they are intended to see and not what is going on behind the scenes.
Everything you think you know about British politics is almost certainly total bollocks as we have a CONSERVATIVE Party that doesn't actually conserve anything,a Liberal Democrat Party that is neither liberal nor democratic,a Green Party that supports mass immigration and will therefore force Britain to be covered in concrete to house an ever larger population and we have a Labour Party that spent 13 years giving Big Business everything it wanted and destroying the bargaining power of Trade Unions by allowing mass immigration.
Beware of the snake for he may become a dragon
Spot on nwn. Stephen yaxly lennon is working for the police hes been grassing nationalists for years and collecting our money aswell he's made at least 200 grand per year I "HOPE" someone puts a bullet in the back of his head the dirty fenian scum traitor cunt
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