Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Richard Edmonds to speak in Barcelona this weekend.


Anonymous said...

I’ve Never Seen the Israel / Palestine Conflict Illustrated More Uniquely Than This


richard edmonds said...

I can report that the conference was a success. It was shown that the allegation that the Germans had murdered millions of Jews was without foundation. The allegation was made at the Allies shameful Nuremberg trial, in an attempt to justify their murderous Second World War. Disgrace-ful that to this day, it is a forbidden to question the Holocaust in France, Germany and Austria.

Anonymous said...

"With satisfaction I can report that this week-end's conference in Barcelona was a success. (See advert at North West Nationalist-site).

The allegation that the Germans had murdered millions of Jews was shown to be without foundation. The allegation was made at the victorious Allies' shameful Nuremberg trial, in an attempt to justify their murderous war. It is shameful that to this day in France, Germany and Austria it is a criminal offence to question the Holocaust.

Richard Edmonds"

NWN Admin said...

Glad it went well. Thanks for posting Richard !

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...