Friday, October 04, 2013

Rothschild Zionist and Bilderberger
David Cameron: Young people under 25 would not be able to claim employment or housing benefits under Tory government

Young people under 25 could lose their state benefits if they are not in work, education or training in the next round of Conservative welfare reforms, David Cameron revealed today.

In his closing speech the Tory conference in Manchester, the Prime Minister disclosed that his party’s manifesto for the 2015 election would include proposals to tackle the problem of  “Neets” – young people not in education, employment or training.

Later Tory officials confirmed that under-25s would lose their automatic right to Housing Benefit and Jobseeker’s Allowance if they refused to take up offers of work, training or education. The move is unlikely to be introduced before the 2015 election because the Liberal Democrats have already blocked proposals by Tory ministers to curb Housing Benefit for under-25s.
Extending American-style “workfare” to young people would be controversial at a time when many young adults, including graduates, point to the lack of job opportunities. The Tories will have to decide whether young single parents would be hit, since they account for  an estimated 40 per cent of Housing Benefit claims by under-25s.

The “earn or learn” scheme would aim to ensure that all under-25s were either in education, training, work or an apprenticeship. By merging education and welfare policies, Mr Cameron wants the state to intervene at the earliest possible stage to prevent young people being trapped in a cycle of unemployment and benefit dependency.

The issue is being studied by the Tory MP Jo Johnson, who heads the Downing Street Policy Unit, and Sir Jeremy Heywood, the Cabinet Secretary. At present, the young jobless lose their benefits if they train for more than 16 hours a week. As a result, the system pays them if they are not in training - but stops supporting them when they are. The Heywood review is looking at ways of supporting young people after they start training.
Mr Cameron said: “There are still over a million young people not in education, employment, or training. Today it is still possible to leave school, sign on, find a flat, start claiming housing benefit and opt for a life on benefits.
”It’s time for bold action here. We should ask, as we write our next manifesto, if that option should really exist at all. Instead, we should give young people a clear, positive choice: go to school. Go to college. Do an apprenticeship. Get a job. But just choose the dole? We’ve got to offer them something better than that.“

The Tory plans met a hostile reaction. Grainia Long, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing, said: “This would be a dangerous move. How do you build the economy without a young, mobile workforce? It would mean that young people would be unwilling to take risks such as moving for work because there would be no safety net for them.”
Frances O’Grady, the TUC general secretary, said: “Given the government’s awful track record of helping young people find jobs, the Prime Minister’s threat to ban the dole for under-25s will simply push hundreds of thousands of young people, including those with young families, even deeper into poverty.”

Sally Hunt, general secretary of the University and College Union representing staff in further and higher education, said: “Educational underachievement costs the UK economy an estimated £22bn a year. We will not resolve this massive problem by forcing young people into unstable, low paying employment or inadequate training.”
In his speech, Mr Cameron attacked Ed Miliband for “bashing business”, warning that  was “crazy” because it would deter foreign investment and undermine Britain in the global economic race.
The Prime Minister dangled the long term prospect of income tax cuts before the public as he pleaded for the chance to “finish the job” of balancing the nation’s books. He sketched out the battle lines for the 2015 election as he responded to Mr Miliband’s pledge last week to impose a 20-month price freeze on the unpopular energy companies.
Without defending the “big six” energy giants, Mr Cameron said: “I know that bashing business might play to a Labour audience. But it’s crazy for our country. So if Labour’s plan for jobs is to attack business, ours is to back business.”
Mr Cameron admitted that the Tories needed to “do more” to help people struggling in what Labour has dubbed the “cost of living crisis.” But his answer was to reduce  income tax rather than the “quick fix” offered by Labour.

He insisted that the Government needed to cut the deficit to keep mortgage rates low, grow the economy, create jobs and cut taxes. “We’re Tories. We believe in low taxes. And believe me – we will keep on cutting the taxes of hardworking people.”
Insisting the battle to clear the deficit had not yet been won, Mr Cameron said: “This struggle will only be worth it if we as a country finish the job we’ve started…We still haven’t finished paying for Labour’s debt crisis. If anyone thinks that’s over, done with, dealt with, they’re living in a fantasy land.” He raised his party’s sights beyond the age of austerity to his mission – building a “land of opportunity for all.”
Mr Cameron emphasised his “one nation” credentials by heaping praise on social workers who wrestle with agonising decisions on whether to put children into care.
“Social work is a vital and noble calling,” he said. “I have to make some tough decisions in my job, but none as tough as whether to break up a family and rescue a child, or try to stitch that family back together.” 

NWN: What about ex-soldiers who might have served and seen action ? What if they are married and with children ?
These are the orders of the NWO that jewish zionist puppet Cameron is pushing here.This will probably cause a crime wave, but hey, let's bring in x million more immigrants hey Cameron ?

Manufacturing industry needs to be created and jobs will follow.


GWR said...

Anti-NF protest in the 1970s Bradford video;

Anonymous said...

Cameron does not have any idea what is going on.

Henry said...

Cameron isn't just a fuckwit he's the best recruiting sergeant that fascism ever had.

If he isn't careful he'll undo everything that Griffin has done for Zog.

Anonymous said...

16 Things Libya Will Never See Again.

Anonymous said...

Invaders won't have it.

Anonymous said...

New Right conference
The TBG have given up Conservatism to promote the New Right so all posters on here are welcome. However, because of anti-racist infiltrators we do require a letter from applicants setting out their political views which must be traditional Conservative.

Not long now to our annual conference on the 19th October, and for those who are TBG members and those who have attended our events in the past we are prepared to offer a special price of £30 (same as the early bird ticket). Student prices remain held at only £25 and we would extend that to anyone who graduated in 2013 and has just left college. We want to see you! Act Now! *Please head to ** to book your tickets and enter the code TBGSupporter to get your discount. * Speakers include: - John Kersey - 'Preserving the substance of a nation: the role of a traditional conservative counter-establishment.' - Angela Ellis-Jones - 'The Forces Destroying Britain from Within' - Alex Kurtagić - 'Wanted: A Moral Critique of Egalitarianism' - Gregory Lauder-Frost *- *'Immigration and the threat to the Nation' - Robin Tilbrook - 'The Future of the world's Oldest Nation State, England' - Richard Spencer - 'Why We Need Europe' - Markus Willinger - 'A Europe of regions and Identity' - Dr Sean Gabb - 'Britain and the Global Reversion to Ancestral Ways' We also have included an evening 'unconference' where there will be six tracks, or discussions (and a bar!) This will be a fun chance to join in open discussions with the speakers on the theme raised throughout the day. Please get in touch if you have any questions. Yours faithfully, The Traditional Britain Group Committee

Anonymous said...

The True Powers Behind Multiculturalism,
Globalization And World War

Anonymous said...

Let us begin by asking ourselves, Who owns the corporate-mainstream media?

Anonymous said...

Now one council house in ten goes to migrants as Tories blame Labour for allowing locals 'to be pushed out of waiting list'

New social housing statistics show large number of immigrants are given subsidised homes
The proportion has increased drastically in recent years
Communities secretary Eric Pickles says it has 'undermine community cohesion'

Read more:

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Day Free Speech Died In Canada – October 2, 2013

Anonymous said...

Jewish Communist Holocaust Deniers Emerge

Anonymous said...

Why Do They Keep Calling It Obamacare?

Anonymous said...

94% of Jews "guilt-free and proud"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glenn Greenwald Destroys BBC Prestitute - Vid

Anonymous said...

BBC: ‘We were wrong to hide commentator’s pro-Israeli credentials’

Anonymous said...

BBC Media Fabrications on Alleged Incendiary Bomb Attack in Aleppo, Syria.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with the "Final Conflict" site no update's, perhaps a bit of skirt on the scene, bloody Saturday nationalist like Sean Hadley no doubt.

Henry De Velcro Head.

Anonymous said...

Former Greek Justice Minister: Golden Dawn Assault was Ordered by International Jewry.

Anonymous said...

World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World

Anonymous said...

HOLOCAUST MYTH IS OVER: The Big Jew Lie Is Finally Defeated!

Anonymous said...

Nigerian prince 'behind massive migration scam': Royal accused of running complex web of companies in 'systematic attack' on British borders
Dr Yilkyes Bala ran a huge illegal immigration racket in the UK, it is claimed

He allegedly used refugee passports to give fellow Nigerians new identities
The African royal is on trial with six others at Canterbury Crown Court

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Hungary drops plan to name street after antisemitic author Cécile Tormay

Proposal to honour Cécile Tormay viewed as attempt to redefine the country's culture and promote a nationalistic agenda

Anonymous said...

Far-right on the rise in France as anti-immigration parties win majority of the vote in by-election
Success described as a 'warning shot' to mainstream politicians

Accused of letting ordinary people down over issues such as immigration
FN, which wants to call a halt to new arrivals, got 40.4 percent

Leader Marine Le Pen said her party is 'already the main party in France'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

EDL's Zionist Scum Bag Tommy Robinson 'Will Definitely Form New Group' After Quitting.

Anonymous said...

EDL Zionist Stooge Tommy Robinson quits group.

Anonymous said...

Tory jooboy minister, Jeremy Thick-Cunt Hunt, claims the British governmentn can't afford to give more than a 1.0% wage increase to NHS hospital staff - fucking zionist bastard and the rest of the zionist rats infesting Westminster don't mind giving the European Soviet Union £65million a day, £875million to the indian government who've spent on their curried vindyloo space program while millions of poverty-stricken Indians starve, and just gave £1.2billion to Nigeria, a mineral-rich country nigh floating on oil - parasitical verminous political cunts like jooboy Hunt are good a spending taxpayers' hard-earned cash, but absolutely fucking useless at honestly creating wealth by the sweat of their own brow.

Fly On The wall

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...