Thursday, October 10, 2013

Background of Janet Yellen, new boss of Federal Reserve Bank

Uprooted Palestinians blog – Wednesday 9th October 2013

Why are Americans totally oblivious to the fact
that “their” Federal Reserve Bank is Jewish?
by michaellee2009

News today that Janet Yellen is to be the new chairwoman of Federal Reserve, replacing Ben Bernanke. Not surprising, of course, is that Yellen is Jewish, continuing a long tradition since the formation of the FRB.

Quite remarkable when you know only around 2.2% of the American population is Jewish.

So what makes Jews especially able to run the most important financial institution in the USA & the world? Is it because they do such a great job in controlling the economy, an economy which to all accounts is about to fall off a precipice? Or could it simply be that Jews tend to hire and /or promote other Jews to important positions for the purpose of control.

What is clear is that the Federal Reserve has just since 2008 created  2.9 trillion dollars by a system called “Quantitative Easing”, the simple printing of new money.

$2,900,000,000,000 would clearly take care of all the USA’s internal problems, including decent health care, but instead it’s been given to banks, mostly jewish controlled, although the Federal Reserve itself is unable to explain where most of the money went 
< (Preview) > .

So the question is: how long will Americans put up with this embezzlement and who will they blame , because at the end of the day they are the ones who will have to pay these huge debts.

[MW file note: The above linked to]: - [undated]

Money’s Prophets: Jewish International Influence
Jews and their control of the world’s money

It has been concluded that the international finance is pretty much run through the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Bank for International Settlements. The American Federal Reserve Bank, because of America's international influence, is also a prominent player.

The Washington Post with Bloomberg - (December 1, 2011)

“The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of the world can see what it was missing.

“The Fed didn’t tell anyone which banks were in trouble so deep they required emergency loans of a combined $1.2 trillion on Dec. 5, 2008, their single neediest day. Bankers didn’t mention that they took tens of billions of dollars at the same time they were assuring investors their firms were healthy. And no one calculated until now that banks reaped an estimated $13 billion of income by taking advantage of the Fed’s below-market interest rates.”

The Federal Reserve Bank

The first chairman of the American Federal Reserve was Charles Sumner Hamlin. He was Jewish.

Second, (Jewish) William Proctor Gould Harding.

Third, Daniel Richard Crissinger. Jewish descent. Also one of the most famous freemasons of the time.

Fourth, Roy Archibald Young. Jewish.

Fifth, Eugene Isaac Meyer. Jewish. Also first president of the World Bank.

Sixth, Eugene Robert Black. Jewish.

Tenth, Arthur Frank Burns. Jewish.

Twelfth, Paul Adolph Volcker. Jewish descent.

Thirteenth, Alan Greenspan. Jewish.

And lastly, the current (fourteenth) Chairman is Ben Bernanke. Jewish.

World Bank

The World Bank is a peddler of leveraged loans and jugglers of third world debt. This organization has more influence in the monetary matters of indebted third world countries, than the UN has.

With globalization as its goal, the World Bank has the power to make or break the economy of the poor developing world.

Presidents of the World Bank

We start off with Eugene Meyer who also happened to have been chairman of the Federal Reserve. As noted above, he was Jewish.

The third president was Eugene R Black Sr, whose father was also chairman of the Federal Reserve. He was Jewish.

Sixth, Alden W Clausen, Jewish descent.

Seventh, Barber Conable, Jewish descent.

Ninth, James Wolfensohn. Jewish.

Tenth, Paul Wolfowitz. Jewish.

The current president of the World Bank (eleventh) is Robert Zoellick. He is certainly of Jewish descent.

International Monetary Fund

Finally, we come to the International Monetary Fund. The other more famous and notorious peddler of debt and loans to the third world. It is also the "all seeing eye" of financial matters of its member states which, when looking at a member-chart, seems to be the world.

As a side note, the largest portion of votes in the IMF, being 17%, is held by America. The governor of that voting body is Timothy Geithner, of Jewish descent. Ben Bernanke, mentioned above, is the alternate governor.

Managing Directors of the International Monetary Fund

Most important one first, we start off with the first MD of the IMF. Camille Gutt, Belgian politician and generally very rich industrialist, served as the first MD of the fund. Needless to say, he was also the first Jew to do so.

The fourth MD was Pierre-Paul Schweitzer, a French Jew.

Fifth is Johan Witteveen of Jewish descent.

Sixth is another Frenchman of Jewish descent, Jacques de Larosiere de Champfeu.

Eighth is Horst Kohler, who also happens to be the current president of Germany. Of Jewish descent in his ancestry.

Tenth on the list is yet another Frenchman. The regally named Dominique Strauss-Kahn is the third French Jew who has served as the MD of the IMF.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

14 Caribbean nations sue Britain, Holland and France for slavery reparations that could cost hundreds of billions of pounds
Countries demanding compensation for 'awful' legacy of Atlantic trade
Have hired lawyers who won pay-out for Kenyans tortured in the 1950s
Britain compensated slave owners £20m in 1834 - equal to £200bn today
Idea of reparations in the U.S. has often surfaced, but none has been paid

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David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...