Former heads of state call on EU to set up state surveillance of ‘intolerant’ citizens

Polish president Aleksander Kwasniewski and Moshe Kantor, President of
the European Jewish Congress, at the European Council on Tolerance and
Reconciliation's inaugural meeting in 2008.
The European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR), a “tolerance watchdog” launched under the leadership of former Polish president Aleksander Kwasniewski and Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, called for the establishment of government surveillance bodies to directly monitor the “intolerant” behavior of identified citizens and groups.
The council, which includes former presidents of the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Albania, Latvia, and Cyprus, and former prime ministers of Spain and Sweden, made the proposal in a report delivered during a 45-minute speech to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE).
These “special administrative units,” the report says, “should preferably operate within the Ministry of Justice.”
“There is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant,” it states, especially “as far as freedom of expression is concerned.”
The ECTR called its proposal the “Framework National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance” and presented it as part of the EU’s work towards a new “Equal Treatment Directive” (ETD), published under the title, “Proposal for a Council Directive on implementing the principle for equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation”.
European Dignity Watch, a civil rights watchdog group based in Brussels, has warned that this directive “aims to impose governmental control over the social and economic behavior of citizens in the widest possible sense.”
In a scathing critique, the group says that the ECTR Framework’s basic principles are flawed and that it “interferes in an unprecedented manner with citizens’ freedom and rights” and “distorts the concepts of ‘justice’ and ‘equality’.”
Through “a reversal of the burden of proof,” the proposal “encourages frivolous litigation” and will lead to “institutionalized public control” of private opinion and thought, they say.
The Framework demands the outlawing of “group libel” that it defines as “defamatory comments made in public and aimed against a group…or members thereof, with a view to inciting to violence, slandering the group, holding it to ridicule or subjecting it to false charges.”
It adds that “group libel” “may appear to be aimed at members of the group in a different time (another historical era) or place (beyond the borders of the State).”
Subject to criminal sanctions would be any “hate crimes” that would include not only “incitement to violence” but “overt approval of a totalitarian ideology, xenophobia or anti-Semitism.”
“Members of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups” it adds, “are entitled to a special protection” in addition to the normal legal protections afforded by the state. This “special protection…may imply a preferential treatment” for those identified as “vulnerable”.
The Framework said it hopes to take “concrete action to combat intolerance, in particular with a view to eliminating racism, colour bias, ethnic discrimination, religious intolerance, totalitarian ideologies, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism and homophobia.”
The document proposes not only to outlaw what it defines as “intolerance” by governments, but also by individual citizens. It says, “It is important to stress that tolerance must be practised not only by Governmental bodies but equally by individuals, including members of one group vis-à-vis another.” It adds that the “guarantee of tolerance must be understood not only as a vertical relationship (Government-to-individuals) but also as a horizontal relationship (group-to-group and person-to-person).
“It is the obligation of the Government to ensure that intolerance is not practised either in vertical or in horizontal relationships,” it states.
Sophia Kuby, spokesman for European Dignity Watch, said the Framework betrays the essentially totalitarian mindset of significant elements within the European Union’s apparatus. The document, if adopted by the European Parliament, she said, “could lead to situations in which vague or unwarranted accusations are leveled against individuals and groups.”
“Faith-based groups and schools, adherents of a particular religion or even just parents who want to teach their children certain moral values would all be put under general suspicion of being intolerant.”
“Even worse,” she said, this language “could lead to the possibility that charges are brought on unclear or even without legal grounds.” She said it would “be a significant step backward,” and “would certainly be a dark day for European democracy.”
Femen Targets Marine le Pen.
Oi veh!
Look at those two.
Why America Is Bankrupt
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I find it nothing short of bloody amazing that with an article clearly proving the intention of a large number of former heads of European states,as well as Europe's TOP JEW,to introduce what is in effect nothing short of Orwell's concept of THOUGHTCRIME that the previous comments are all unconnected with this disgusting revelation.
Are you all asleep or just too thick to grasp what these twats are planning to do next?
Israel blocks European parliament members from visiting besieged Gaza Strip.
Israel Benefits as World Loses.
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The Israeli secret service Mossad has been named as the source of at least part of the international phone hacking scandal which was blamed solely on the US’s National Security Agency.
The allegation that Israel was behind the hacking of millions of French phones has been made in the French newspaper Le Monde.
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Rather surprising when you consider Straw is Jewish enough himself to emigrate to Israel and displace another Palestinian. Not only that he was an accomplice of Blair in arranging the illegal invasion of Iraq based on false intelligence. Still credit where credit is due, he’s hit the nail on the head this time.
Are you all asleep or just too thick to grasp what these twats are planning to do next?
As long as we have bread & circuses as well as the latest must have trinket, we don't give a fuck about what's going on. We're happy as pigs in shit.
JOE & JANE average CUNT
Hate crimes are but another part of the plan for the genocide of the White Race. More insidious criminal acts against whites include open discrimination against whites who apply for jobs. Jews cry for so-called diversity in the workforce, in the schoolplace, and in all aspects of society, while qualified whites lose their jobs to inferior negroes. Every time a white man loses his job because of so-called affirmative action or the desire for so-called "diversity", the mongrels are stealing bread from his family, thus perpetuating the holocaust of the White Race. This is observed also in acceptance rates at universities and schools across,where the standards have been lowered to ridiculously low or non-existent levels so that retarded blacks and other mongrels (many of whom who are not even citizens of this country) can gain entry to the school or be awarded coveted scholarships, which really belong to the hard-working, highly qualified whites. These white people are then either forced to quit school or work full-time jobs in order to pay tuition. Others must delay completing their degree in order to work two full jobs to support themselves and their families. These and many more atrocities are fully documented in Jared Taylor's book Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary Britian Usa Europe.
Hate crimes are but another part of the plan for the genocide of the White Race. More insidious criminal acts against whites include open discrimination against whites who apply for jobs. Jews cry for so-called diversity in the workforce, in the schoolplace, and in all aspects of society, while qualified whites lose their jobs to inferior negroes. Every time a white man loses his job because of so-called affirmative action or the desire for so-called "diversity", the mongrels are stealing bread from his family, thus perpetuating the holocaust of the White Race. This is observed also in acceptance rates at universities and schools across America, where the standards have been lowered to ridiculously low or non-existent levels so that retarded blacks and other mongrels (many of whom who are not even citizens of this country) can gain entry to the school or be awarded coveted scholarships, which really belong to the hard-working, highly qualified whites. These white people are then either forced to quit school or work full-time jobs in order to pay tuition. Others must delay completing their degree in order to work two full jobs to support themselves and their families. These and many more atrocities are fully documented in Jared Taylor's book Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary Brition Usa Europe.
Mastermind behind white supremacist plot to kill Nelson Mandela and drive black people out of South Africa jailed for 35 years
Former university lecturer Mike du Toit convicted of high treason last July
He was the leader of right-wing group Boeremag accused of a botched 2002 coup attempt to overthrow ruling African National Congress
Witnesses testified that the group planned to assassinate Nelson Mandela
Read more:
Any media outlet that uses the terms “conspiracy theory” or “conspiracy theorist” without explaining that these terms are part of a psychological warfare operation by the perpetrators of State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs) is participating in those crimes.
The pair of white-race hating joo cunts, Aleksander Kwasniewski and Moshe Kuntor, are so paranoid they think it's an anti-semetic incident every time their arses itch - psssst - wanna buy a couple of canisters of Zyclon-B shower bath crystals for removing all kinds of pestiferous verminous khazarian filth.
Fly On The Wall
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