Saturday, October 12, 2013

Valencia, Spain - young Spanish nationalists march in support of GOLDEN DAWN

[9 October 2013] with banners of Nazi Golden Dawn on the procession and aggression in Burjassot

A year on 9 October helped the far-right groups from marching, insult and attack political enemies. Like every year, the civic procession was another opportunity to see past the Nazis, fascists and radical blaveros making his finery and their usual primitive increasingly scarce presence. This time, returned to Valencia CF have overcome the various groups and extremists have passed without problems, alongside former workers RTVV, despite the insults and attempts of fascist aggression.
Noted the presence of some "curious" extreme right blavera step demonstration of Valencia left the evening thinking that they do not recognize and that cause the flags and shirts topped Valencia CF. Unfortunate.

Support Golden Dawn on the day of Valencia
October 9, 2013
VALENCIA / / pass just minutes to 12:00 hours. The Senyera Reial has fallen from the balcony of City Hall and begins its journey through the streets of Valencia. It is the civic procession to mark the Day of Valencia, the moment of greatest exaltation regionalist year.
Every year, during the procession and the passage of the authorities, no fighting, insults, whistles, shouts. Since a couple of years, the former employees of RTVV will remind politicians that they're "thieves" . Right Valencia, meanwhile, exhibits anti-Catalan hatred . The insults are confused with the applause to step flag.
But this year has been different, the European far right has seeped into the acts of the Nou d'Octubre. About a hundred young ultra aesthetics have appeared in the middle of the rally in uniform with a T-shirt that read a slogan: "Tomorrow belongs to us." Behind a banner that read where "fight the independence" have marched in formation four and chanting slogans against Catalonia and for Spain alive.
Shortly after the start of the march, have made ​​a new banner calling for freedom "Greek political prisoners" . At that time have raised his arms and started the Golden Dawn alive and call for "amnesty" for the members of that party, in jail for gang integration.
Along the entire route of the march has been steady fascist proclamations, the cries of "Face to the sun can live better!" And calls for "national unity" and the "revolution in Europe, in the wake of Greece ".
Civic Procession
The civic procession was headed by a band of tabal and dolçaina, which were local and regional authorities. The Reial Senyera was carried by the sports council of PP, Cristobal Grau, who was accompanied by representatives of other political groups.
Behind them are placed right-wing militant group, anti-Catalan regionalist, Grup d'Accio Valencianista (GAV), and members of Spain 2000, with its leader, José Luis Roberto, head. Then separated by 50 meters extremaderecha collectives, former employees of Radio Televisión Valenciana and Compromís militants, as every year, had to be escorted by police to avoid problems.
Among the public, there were flags and many of Spain Valencia, bumper "We will do Catalans' and policy-laden conversations, most in Castilian.
In the final section, the Reial Senyera returned to City Hall, the shouts of support Golden Dawn were blurred and cleared streets of Valencia is waiting a new demonstration this afternoon, on the left, "for the dignity of Valencia" .

The ultra relapse Burjassot trying to bust the New October

Roar, hiss and aggression during the official ceremony in the town
Members of far-right groups and supporters of Spain 2000 Valencianista Action Group (GAV) have tried popping today by a ceremony at the New Burjassot October. A group of twenty individuals have been booed and whistling during the operation of the mayor, George Sebastian, and even one of the attendees has filed a complaint for assault after being hit.
Among those who tried to burst the event were some of those already boycott tribute to Andrés Vicente Estellés an act of the Valencian Academy of Language in Burjassot, and some of whom have been accused of a page Facebook threats to the mayor, George Sebastian.
'Those who came to the event are already known burst. I have done so under the PP, the flags are distributed during the walk, "says Sebastian, who explains that the act of the New October is a wreath with James I, and a poetry reading Muixeranga song.
The sad thing is that many people just do not participate in an event like this because these are the incidents behind. And they want those who have come to bust: create clashes and prevent this something that is normal and calm '.

NWN: Borrowed from a communist website.

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