Friday, July 05, 2013

Griffinite lowlife bomber Lecomber still hanging around like a bad smell

This absolute traitor to the nationalist cause is still hanging around the movement.

He posts on the forum Democracy forum as 'BNP HAPPY'.

We have quite a lot of info on Lecomber .

Lecomber is a 'tout' for the Police due to him only getting 3 years for a bombing expedition, when he could have easily got a life sentence.

More info on lecomber here:

Lecomber tipped off the reds for John Tyndall and his wife to get a severe kicking off the reds down the East End of London when this pic was taken of JT with bomber Copeland.

Lecomber also tipped off the reds when John Tyndall spoke in Burnley in 2004.

We won't mention too much about Lecomber trying to get Liverpool gangster Joe Owens to murder politicians.

We all hate Griffin for trashing the nationalist movement and quite rightly. But we have to remember that Griffin was helped, and Lecomber comes a close second to Griffin for trashing the movement.

Lecomber drove John Tyndall out of the BNP, just as MI5 wanted.  Dr Mark Deavin , Griffins mate from UKIP who wrote MINDBENDERS, also wanted Tyndall ousted.

Before Griffin hijacked the BNP, both Griffin and Deavin bragged they could bring down UKIP and lead them into the BNP. At the end of the day all these three have brought down the BNP !

We have lots more on this shitbag Tony Lecomber/Wells.

Here is Lecomber organising a BNP function  in it's race-mixing period, just what the Griffinites were pushing for.

Here is a picture of Lecomber with Dr Mark Deavin and current UKIP leader and banker Nigel Farage.

The BNP and it's members have been played like a fiddle !


Anonymous said...

Are you gonna post any other info on lecomber NWN?

NWN Admin said...

We have lots of stuff about Lecomber.

Just give us time to dig it out.

Lecomber is a dirty bastard and paid traitor.

Anonymous said...

Why was lecomber speaking with Farage ?

(Edited due to bad language by Mods)

NWN Admin said...

Norman Tebbitt said UKIP was full of MI5/Police agents.

Anonymous said...

Surely you mean "Bummer" Lecomber and regarding our Joey being a gangster, Oh please stop I am peeing myself.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


No it's not Joey Owen, its...

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

What was Farage doing with Deavin and Lecomber?

Anonymous said...

To find out more about Lecomber tipping off violent reds see works by John Tyndall and also Steve Smith (Burnley).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely you mean "Bummer" Lecomber

5 July 2013 16:29


Do tell !

Anonymous said...

Hey NWN you will of course remember when Lecomber told Chris Jackson to beat up Andy Wearden when Wearden ran off with North WestBNP funds? Lecomber threatened to do it himself.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Agenda says:
04/07/2013 at 18:24

Of course he would because Mike Newlands was one of the first to expose Griffin’s gerrymandering.

The fact is that Griffin assisted by the likes of Lecomber and Darby destroyed the BNP from within.

In fact, Griffin is the best proxy-tool the State has ever had to destroy the BNP internally through “disruptive action”.

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Have you got any more info NWN?

Anonymous said...


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