Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Age of 'zero hours' jobs: Sports Direct staff never know how long they'll work - or what they'll earn

  • A total of 20,000 staff don't get guaranteed hours or sick and holiday pay
  • If they turn down work, they fear they will not be asked again
  • The retailer recently announced large bonuses for full-time staff

More than 20,000 staff at Britain’s biggest sports retailer are employed on controversial ‘zero-hour’ contracts, it emerged yesterday.
Sports Direct hires every part-timer under a deal that denies them holiday or sick pay and cannot guarantee how many hours they will work each week.

Some 90 per cent of workers at 396 stores are now on zero-hour contracts with the company, which is controlled by billionaire founder Mike Ashley.

It comes just weeks after the group announced plans to pay its 2,000 full-time staff bonuses of up to £100,000.
Uncertainty: Some 90 per cent of workers at 396 stores are now on zero-hour contracts with the company
Uncertainty: Some 90 per cent of workers at 396 stores are now on zero-hour contracts with the company
Zero-hour contracts, so-called because they do not set a minimum number of hours that have to be worked, allow employers to draft in extra staff at short notice during busy periods.
Those on the contracts often find themselves unsure if they will have work from one week to the next.

Although they are able to turn down work, many fear that doing so means they will not be asked again in the future.

Employment lawyers warn that the deal makes it difficult to manage family and childcare commitments, and presents problems when budgeting for household bills or trying to secure a mortgage.

The retailer is controlled by billionaire founder Mike Ashley
The retailer is controlled by billionaire founder Mike Ashley
Yesterday Business Secretary Vince Cable announced an investigation into zero-hour contracts  following ‘anecdotal evidence of abuse’ by employers – including those in the public sector. ‘Whilst it’s important our workforce remains flexible, it is equally  important that it is treated fairly,’ he said.

Labour’s shadow health secretary Andy Burnham has called for the arrangements to be banned altogether.

Sports Direct last night refused to say whether it allows part-time staff to seek other work to boost their income. Meanwhile, a profit-linked bonus programme for permanent staff will next month pay out company shares worth an average of £76,500.

Union Unite has written to Mike Ashley, who also owns Newcastle United football club, calling for an urgent meeting to discuss the treatment of its part-time staff.

The union’s Annmarie Kilcline said: ‘We are seriously concerned that a culture of low pay and poor treatment has embedded itself in at Sport Direct.’

Official figures show that more than 200,000 workers in the UK were employed on zero-hours contracts last year – treble the amount since 2005.

They are increasingly attractive to employers looking to manage flexible demand. But many of  Britain’s biggest retailers including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and John Lewis say they do not use the contracts.

More than a quarter of UK firms say it saves them money because they do not have to provide extra arrangements for staff such as pensions.

But a report by think tank the Resolution Foundation found that the benefits of zero-hour contracts for employers come at ‘too high a price’ for those hired on them.

And on its website, the Citizens Advice Bureau says: ‘The problem with zero [hour] contracts is  that you are only paid for the time you work, so even if you have to wait on work premises or be at home waiting by the phone, you may not be paid for this waiting time.’

Labour MP Alison McGovern said it was ‘bizarre and inappropriate’ for Sports Direct to treat permanent and part-time staff so differently and called for the firm to offer more fixed-term contracts.

NWN: This is the future if they are allowed to get away with it. The government are dismantling the welfare state under pressure from the capitalist NWO leaders/bankers.

The future for white working people in the UK is to be reversed back to Dickensian times.

The bedroom tax will make more people homeless, as they cannot afford the extra taxes imposed. And unable to move to smaller bedroomed properties.

But will these heartless bastards even have the goodness to open 'workhouses' ? 
I don't think they will finance a system like the old 'workhouse system'. They are too selfish, too tight and far too callous.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Griffin or Churchill - Britains biggest traitor ever !

UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back

David Cameron
Zionist puppet and Bilderberger David Cameron proposed a new plan to battle child pornography. 
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announced Monday that British Internet service providers (ISPs) must install porn filters and require customers to opt-in for adult content. Cameron said the policy is aimed at combating child porn and the “corroding influences” of sexual content in the U.K., but several people are unhappy with the plan. Reports have linked the filters to controversial Chinese company Huawei, and others have found that the filters will block much more than just porn. Some ISPs have publicly refused to force the filters on their users.
The Open Rights Group spoke with several ISPs and found that in addition to pornography, users will also be required to opt in for any content tagged as violent, extremist, terrorist, anorexia and eating disorders, suicide, alcohol, smoking, web forums, esoteric material and web-blocking circumvention tools. These will all be filtered by default, and the majority of users never change default settings with online services.
One U.K. ISP, TalkTalk, already has “The HomeSafe System,” which was singled out for praise by David Cameron when announcing the new policy. It gives another good idea of the kind of Internet censorship the British government is looking to implement.
HomeSafe Filters The HomeSafe filters may give an idea of what David Cameron wants to be mandatory for all UK ISPs.  TorrentFreak
More troubling is the revelation that HomeSafe is actually operated by Huawei, a Chinese company that both the U.K. and the U.S. accused of having close ties with the Chinese government. Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, is a former officer of China’s People’s Liberation Army, and a recent report by the Intelligence and Security Committee said, “the alleged links between Huawei and the Chinese State are concerning, as they generate suspicion as to whether Huawei’s intentions are strictly commercial or are more political.” The U.S. has branded Huawei a threat to national security.
Huawei denies any connection, and says it is being unfairly scrutinized for being Chinese. The testing center used to operate HomeSafe is based in the U.K., which Huawei says is operated with security and integrity.
ISPs will be able to use whatever filter system they like, so many may not choose to be associated with Huawei. Others are refusing to take place in the filters at all.
“Sorry, for a censored Internet you will have to pick a different ISP or move to North Korea,” Andrews & Arnold, a U.K. ISP, said in a statement. “It is not our role to try and censor what you do with the Internet.”
“It is your responsibility to stick to the laws that apply to you. We have no intention of putting in place any censorship systems or using censored transit feeds.”
The company argued that porn filters will not solve the problem of child pornography and will only create new problems. The ISP said filters will slow down connections and incentivize underground networks and encryptions that make it even harder to track criminals. The company also noted the idea of a slippery slope toward censoring non-pornographic material.
But if HomeSafe and the ORG report are any indication, Cameron censoring non-pornographic material that offends more conservative members of society is already a part of the plan.


NWN: Now who would have thought that ? 

It never was 'porn' that these charlatans,crooks and 'New World Order'/zionist followers were feared of and wanted to control. The zionists want to outlaw any criticism of their plans. That is what this nonsense is really about.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

BNP Membership Drops by 68% in Three Years

Membership of the British National Party has plunged to a real figure of 4,097 year-end 2012—down from 12,632 at year end 2009, a decline of 68 percent according to figures contained in the party’s statement of accounts for 2012 released today on the Electoral Commission’s website.
The party’s statement of accounts states that the total membership at year-end 2012 was 4,872, broken down as follows:
Old Age Pensioner/Unwaged/Student 1,991
Standard membership 1,182
Family membership 141
Family Plus membership 133
Overseas membership 34
Gold overseas membership 16
Platinum overseas membership 4
Life membership 689
Gold Life membership 86
Platinum membership 83
It is important to bear in mind that none of the “Life” memberships are actually current, but leftovers from the time that the party offered life-long membership in exchange for a one-off payment. They are not new or current—in that they generate funds—and many life members are known not even to be active supporters of the party any more, but are unable to get their details removed from the database.
In other words, the “real” membership actually stands at 4,097 (the 4,872 less the 775 “life” members). These 4,097 members are ones who actually pay membership fees.
The fees are as follows:
Old Age Pensioner/Unwaged/Student rates are £2.50 per month;
Standard membership runs at £4.60 per month;
Family membership runs at £5.85 per month;
Gold membership runs at £8.75;
Overseas membership runs at £8.75;
Platinum Gold membership runs at £10.41 per month; and
Platinum Overseas membership runs at £12.98 per month.
The declining membership represents the continuing collapse of the party, once the most successful British nationalist organization ever. Membership in the 2011 period stood at 7,651, and in 2010 at 10,256.
The 2012 financial statements state that membership fees have subsequently declined from £227,813 in 2011 to £147,307 in 2012.
The collapsing membership figures have been accompanied by an equally dramatic decline in electability, with the most recent set of election results being some of the poorest in British nationalist history.
In the 2013 local elections, the BNP stood just 104 candidates and averaged 5.5 percent of the vote. At its height, just a few years ago, it stood well over 1,000 candidates in a single election.
Election results of in excess of 25 percent were common, and a result of less than 15 percent was regarded as poor.
The party now has just two councillors left—only because their seats were not up for re-election. It has also lost its Greater London Assembly seat, while one of its two Members of the European Parliament, Andrew Brons, was forced out of the party in 2012.
The reasons for the BNP’s decline are multi-faceted but all ultimately have one origin: the behaviour of party leader Nick Griffin.
The public perception of Griffin’s political ability was indelibly destroyed by his buffoonish appearance on the BBC TV show, Question Time. More than any other single action, that staggeringly poor performance exposed Griffin as unable to maintain himself in big league politics.
That program of Question Time was the most watched in British TV history and could have propelled the BNP into the mainstream. Instead, it made the party out to be led by a rank, bumbling amateur and wiped out any latent sympathy which had been building up.
At the same time, Griffin inexplicably started purging anyone of ability from the party and either not replacing them, or if they were replaced, by individuals of extremely dubious background and ability.
The end result was that the party was quickly reduced to fringe level once again, despite the maturation of several bequests, which now appear to be the BNP’s main source of income and the only reason why it shows accounting figures to be in the black.
The reasons for the BNP’s decline has been discussed at length elsewhere: here the most important lesson to be learned is that it is vital for a successful nationalist movement to develop a leadership team, rather than relying on just one individual alone for everything. For when that one individual is good, all is well, but when that one individual is bad, things go very badly wrong.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Farage in favour of 'fracking !

UKIP’s leader gets ‘rock star’ welcome from his supporters

Public meeting with UKIP leader Nigel Farage at Wyberton Sports and Social Club.
Public meeting with UKIP leader Nigel Farage at Wyberton Sports and Social Club.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage says he felt like a rock star when his battle bus rolled into Wyberton.

Ahead of a passionate public meeting, he told the Spalding Guardian he shared residents’ frustration about the impact of immigration on local services and jobs.
Mr Farage spoke to a “standing room only” crowd at Wyberton Sports and Social Club on Tuesday night as part of his Common Sense Tour to tie in with the upcoming local elections.
Sporting an eye-catching pair of yellow trousers, he said: “It’s been an amazing visit. We’ve had people trying to trade Wi-Fi for tickets to my talk – I’ve felt like a rock star.”

UKIP has candidates fighting seats in every South Holland ward in the county council elections.
Immigration is a common concern. Mr Farage said: “We have been banging on about it for years, but ever since we won 29 per cent of the votes in the Eastleigh by-election other parties have hopped on the bandwagon.

“They can talk the talk, but they can’t walk the walk because they want to stay in Europe.”
Mr Farage said he fully understood why an immigration protest was being held in Spalding later this month. He said: “We won’t be there but we fully sympathise with protestors. Our focus is on the elections because we feel it’s important that the message of ‘enough is enough’ gets to those in power.
“Immigration is a national government issue with an impact that is felt locally. It really matters here.”
The outspoken party leader also took questions on the night, which followed a tour of Boston earlier in the day.

Predictably Mr Farage gave an impassioned call for Britain to pull out of the European Union, arguing for a return to a free trade agreement without a political union. He said: “We want an amicable divorce from political union in Europe.”
Turning his attentions to the young, he said they were being unfairly labelled as “lazy and useless” people who will not do the work taken by migrants. He argued: “Yes we have got some wrong ‘uns – every country has. What I have seen, time and again, is that young people don’t want to be on benefit or Jobseekers Allowance.
“They are discriminated against by employers who would rather take cheap Eastern European labour and shame on them.”

Mr Farage said his party was also against the building of wind turbines, such as those installed at sites across south Lincolnshire such as Bicker. He said he is not convinced by the global warming argument, adding: “What I am certain of is that the measures we are taking to tackle a problem that may or may not exist verge on the lunatic.
“I am talking about the building, on shore and off shore, of ugly, disgusting, expensive, useless, wind turbines.”
He said the nation should not ignore the “gift horse” of shale gas and said the government should start the process of fracking to exploit that resource.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Mandela family got free legal aid meant for poor

Vejay Ramlakan, former Surgeon General and ex doctor of former South African President Nelson Mandela, leaves the Medi Clinic Heart Hospital on July 19, 2013 in Pretoria. Mandela's health is "steadily improving", South Africa's presidency said on July 18 as the anti-apartheid legend spent his 95th birthday in hospital.   AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN
Vejay Ramlakan, former Surgeon General and ex doctor of former South African President Nelson Mandela, leaves the Medi Clinic Heart Hospital on July 19, 2013 in Pretoria. Mandela's health is "steadily improving", South Africa's presidency said on July 18 as the anti-apartheid legend spent his 95th birthday in hospital.
JOHANNESBURG: Nelson Mandela's family has come under new scrutiny after a South African university law clinic said it gave free legal aid to a group of the former president's relatives on the grounds that some are poor.
The revelation was met with skepticism in South Africa where poverty is endemic and a number of commentators have questioned whether a clinic that is supposed to help the needy was instead seeking benefits from association with the high-profile family.
Many South Africans were already troubled by the Mandela family feud, which has coincided with the long illness of the 95-year-old anti-apartheid leader. Mandela was taken to a hospital on June 8 to be treated for a lung infection; the government says he is improving but remains in critical condition.
Mandela's family members went to court against a grandson of Mandela who exhumed the anti-apartheid leader's three deceased children from Mandela's hometown, Qunu, and reburied them in nearby Mvezo. The group won the case with help from the Rhodes University Law Clinic and the bodies were reburied in their original location.
The grandson, Mandla Mandela, is the oldest male Mandela heir and a tribal chief in Mvezo, where his grandfather was born.
Rhodes University said it became involved when the Mandela family urgently requested help from Wesley Hayes, a deputy director of the law clinic who was "previously known" to the family.
Among four family members deemed by the law clinic to be indigent and therefore deserving of aid are 22-year-old Mbuso and 20-year-old Andile, younger brothers of Mandla.
They were aligned in the case with a dozen other relatives including Mandela's three surviving daughters, one of whom is South Africa's ambassador in Argentina, and Graca Machel, Mandela's wife and a former first lady of Mozambique.
Susan Smailes, director of the special projects for the university, said Wednesday that one objective of the clinic in taking the prominent case was to highlight the kind of issues that clinic lawyers are pursuing. In a statement on Monday, the university gave other reasons.
"It is not uncommon for law clinics to represent groups of people, including some who are not indigent, in litigation involving matters that impact on human rights and the socio-economic conditions of disadvantaged communities," it said.
"The view was that Mr. Mandla Mandela's approach to deciding this family matter was at the expense of women's voices in the family," it said. It noted "tension" between the role of women in traditional matters and women's rights enshrined in South Africa's constitution.
Freddy Pilusa, a spokesman for Mandla Mandela, said the dispute had nothing to do with women's rights and that it was "absurd" to suggest that any member of the Mandela family is indigent.
"That is really tantamount to taking from the poor and giving to the rich," Pilusa said in reference to the provision of legal aid to the family.
Hayes, a salaried employee of the law clinic, did not receive additional payment for representing the family, according to Smailes. She said case costs would be covered by Mandla Mandela because he lost.
On its website, the law clinic says a key objective is to help those who can't afford private lawyers, "thereby increasing access to justice to the poorest of the poor and creating a greater respect for the rule of law."

(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

A forgotten hero !

2nd Bn
XX The Lancashire Fusiliers


Private John Lynn VC, DCM

(click on photo to enlarge)

John Lynn 2nd from left front row this is two years before he won his VC
on the right back row is
Sgt Egar Parkinson
who body was found in Belgium 2010

Click here and see the Pathe news film it show's John in action its quite a way into the film
It is a very big file and will take a while to download, so be patient.

Private John Lynn VC, DCM. Lancashire Fusiliers - The Forgotten Hero.

Private John Lynn VC. DCM. Story
and the Gas attacks

(Click on the cuttings for a readable version)

(A few years ago, by accident, I found out about this remarkable Fusilier. The following is a brief summary of what I've discovered about him.)
John Lynn, who won the VC at Ypres, May 1915, was born in Forrest Hill, South London in 1888 and spent his early years in the area. However the only memorial to John, in England, appears to be the one at the church of St Mary the Virgin, Bury, Greater Manchester.
Unfortunately information on John is sparse. His army service records do not appear to have survived. (I cannot find trace of them amongst the 'Unburnt Documents' held at the PRO, Kew.) The information that is readily available tends to concentrate on the events leading to his winning the DCM and the VC while serving with the 2nd Battalion the Lancashire Fusiliers during WW1.
Winning the VC.
An extract from the "London Gazette," dated 29th June 1915, records the following: -"For most conspicuous bravery near Ypres on 2nd May 1915. When the Germans were advancing behind their wave of asphyxiating gas, Pte. Lynn, although almost overcome by the deadly fumes, handled his machine gun with very great effect against the enemy, and when he could not see them he moved his gun higher up on the parapet, which enabled him to bring even more effective fire to bear, and eventually checked any further advance. The great courage displayed by this soldier had a fine effect on his comrades in the very trying circumstances. He died from the effects of gas poisoning."
As a result of this action John also had the rare distinction of being named in Sir John French's dispatches.
On December of the previous year, John was also awarded the DCM for his courage when he to quote from the Gazette of the 17th December 1914, ' For gallant conduct. Took charge of an isolated machine gun when his Serjeant was killed, brought it out of action when jammed and took it back again to the firing line when repaired.'
John was also awarded posthumously, on the 25th August 1915, the Cross of St George 4th Class (Russia).
John died the day after the action, which gained him the VC. He was buried in Vlamertinghe Churchyard, Belgium but his grave was later destroyed by shellfire and there is now a special memorial stone erected to him at the Grootebeek British Cemetery.

(click on photo to enlarge)
John's name is also listed on the WW1 memorial in St Mary's Church, Bury, Lancs. This appears to be the only memorial to him in England.

His Family.
Although John's gallant actions are well recorded, as noted earlier, knowledge about John, his parents and foster parents is sparse. The following is a summary of what is known.
A recently discovered birth certificate shows John was born on the 21st April 1888 at 6 Helvetia St, Perry Hill, Catford. London. (This differs from other records, which give a birth year of 1987.) His mother was a Lily Lynn and his father was unknown.
An Elizabeth Harrison, of the same address, registered John's birth under the name John Walter Harrison Lynn.
Elizabeth and her husband, Phillip, apparently acted as John's foster parents throughout his childhood. What is known suggests that John may have had a difficult childhood.
He attended Christ Church School, Forest Hill, London, SE23 and his family home was variously 20 Hindsley Place or 2 Church Vale, Forest Hill. His foster mother was a laundress/ washerwoman.
For some unknown reason in1899, possibly as a result of the death of his foster father, John came under the care of the Lewisham Board of Governors. On the 1/9/1899, he was sent to the North Surrey District School, Anerly, Upper Norwood, Surrey. The school records show he ran away from the school once during the short period he was there.
On the18/10/1899 he was moved to the TS Exmouth, a training ship, which was moored on the Thames at Grays, Essex. The records show that his behaviour generally was very good and towards the end of his stay on board the Exmouth was rated First Class on the Clarinet but only Second Class in Seamanship and Swimming.
On the 12/01/1901 John, with Elizabeth Harrison's approval, joined the 3rd Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers as a band boy. He joined under the name of John Lynn and also appears to have been registered as Irish.
John served in the army until 1912/13; prior to his discharge he was stationed in Bury and met and became engaged to Alice Mason. On his discharge he began living in Gorton, Manchester with the family of his fiancée, Alice Mason, while working at Armstrong-Whitworth Ltd.
John and Alice were due to be married in November 1914 but unfortunately John, as a reservist, was recalled to the 2nd Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers at the outbreak of war. Alice was on holiday and they did not get a chance to say goodbye before John went with the Battalion. John and Alice's rearranged plans for marriage unfortunately were overtaken by his death.

In March 1916 the War Dept. sent his medals to Alice, as his legatee. In 1955, Alice presented the medals to the Lancashire Fusiliers Museum in Bury where they are now held.
The Questions.
So who was John Lynn? We know he was a hero, but who was he? Was he a good soldier?
There are a lot more unanswered questions:
" Who was Lily Lynn, his mother? Who was his Father?
" Who were the Harrison's, his foster parents?
" Did he have any foster brothers and sisters?
" Are there families living today who could claim a direct link to John?
" Was he Irish? The only information, which supports this claim, comes from a web-site www.firstfusiliers.com. Was this a clerical error at recruitment or later, or did it link back to his real mother or Father. (The Web-site no longer appears to be supported but was linked to the Lancashire Fusiliers Museum site.) The Commonwealth War Graves Commission list him as an English Soldier.
" Are there descendants of the Mason family still alive in the Manchester area, who might know something about Alice? She had 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Alice, who was born in Gorton Manchester in 1887, does not appear to have married, but it is known that a grand nephew, Alan Murdey lives in Essex.
If you can add anything to this story of John Lynn, please e-mail the Editor of this web-site or myself.
John Harrington-Lynn.

From the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, The British Army in the Field.
To the Secretary of State-for-War, War Office, London, S.W.
General Headquarters,
15th June, 1915.
The eighth Despatch of Field Marshal Sir John French, Commander in Chief of the British Expeditionary Force. Printed in the Second Supplement to the London Gazette of 10 July 1915. The Despatch dealt with the intensive fighting at Hill 60 and in the Second Battle of Ypres, and with the less than wholly successful attacks of Aubers Ridge and Festubert. French is fulsome in his praise of Plumer: he does not mention that Plumer arrived to take the place of Smith-Dorrien, who French had sacked.
( http://www.1914-1918.net./frenchs_eighth_despatch.htm }
My Lord,-
I have the honour to report that since the date of my last) despatch (5th April, 1915) the Army in France under my command has been heavily engaged opposite both flanks of the line held by the British Forces. ……….
There have been many cases of individual gallantry. As instances may be given the following: -
During one of the heavy attacks made against our infantry gas was seen rolling forward from the enemy's trenches. Private Lynn of the 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers at once rushed to the machine gun without waiting to adjust his respirator. Single-handed he kept his gun in action the whole time the gas was rolling over, actually hoisting it on the parapet to get a better field of fire. Although nearly suffocated by the gas, he poured a stream of lead into the advancing enemy and checked their attack. He was carried to his dug-out, but, hearing another attack was imminent, he tried to get back to his gun. Twenty-four hours later he died in great agony from the effects of the gas.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

UK Jewish Genealogy Society: Kate Middletone Jewish? Nonsense!

 BBC court correspondent Michael Cole had looked at the family tree of the duchess’s mother and was pretty confident in his assertion. “Carole Middleton is the daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy Harrison, both Jews. The parents of Dorothy were Robert Harrison and Elizabeth Temple, both Jews. Elizabeth was descended from the Myers, a distinguished 19th-century Jewish family.”
He concluded: “The Duchess of Cambridge is a Jew on her matriarchal side, and therefore her baby will be a Jew.” But now a leading genealogist has poured cold water on suggestions that a Jewish king or queen will ascend to the throne in the not too distant future.
“It’s nonsense,” said Doreen Berger, the chairman of the Jewish Genealogy Society (JGS). “I have been researching Kate Middleton’s ancestry since it looked like she was getting engaged to Prince William. “I’ve looked back as far as it’s possible to look back and she doesn’t have a Jewish link at all — it’s just not true. I’m 100 per cent sure.”
She added that Mr Cole was “confused. The names — Myers and Goldsmiths — are shared by non-Jews as well as Jews. Carole Middleton’s ancestors were a coal miner and a carpenter and they were not from Jewish areas.”

NWN: Wonder if the little lad will have his willy mutilated by a Rabbi, as seems to be the norm, of  late, to male 'members' of the current Royal family ?

David Cameron: 'I want to export gay marriage around the world'

David Cameron has said he wants “to export” gay marriage around the world.

The Prime Minister spoke of his pride at legalising same sex marriage, just a year after explicitly giving a personal guarantee to do it by 2015 to a reception for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-sexual community at 10 Downing Street.
Mr Cameron told guests at the same reception one year on that Britain was now “the best place to be gay, lesbian or transgender anywhere in Europe”.
He added: “That is a great achievement. That’s not my measure; that is an internationally recognised measure. But there’s still a lot more work to be done.”
Thanking the ministers and civil servants who helped to pass the legislation into law despite objections from the Tory Right, he said: It’s been a real pleasure to work with you and to deliver this landmark social change for our country, which to me still comes back to the simple word of commitment.”
He said that he wanted to "export" same sex marriage around the world so other countries could follow suit.
He said: “I’ve told the Bill team I’m now going to reassign them because, of course, all over the world people would have been watching this piece of legislation and we’ve set something, I think, of an example of how to pass good legislation in good time.
“Many other countries are going to want to copy this. And, as you know, I talk about the global race, about how we’ve got to export more and sell more so I’m going to export the bill team. I think they can be part of this global race and take it around the world.”
In his speech he told guests four times how proud he was to have been Prime Minister when same sex marriage was legalised in Britain, describing the process of legalising gay marriage as "a long, tortuous parliamentary process".
He said: “I’m personally proud of this. I think I’m probably the only Conservative Prime Minister who’s taken this step, but I’m very proud to have taken it. I think it’s a really good step, and thank you for helping me to stick with the plan and get it done so quickly.”
Mr Cameron said the move was as important to homosexual people and their parents.
He said: "A mum came up to me the other day in the street in my constituency and said, ‘Why I’m so pleased about this is that I’ve got a straight son and a gay daughter, and I now know I’m going to be able to go to both of their weddings, and that makes me really happy'."
During the event Mr Cameron, together with his team of ministers behind the legislation, signed a copy of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013.
Among the guests were television presenter Clare Balding, and her partner Alice Arnold, a former BBC Radio Four newsreader. Other MPs and ministers who attended included Crispin Blunt and Alan Duncan.
Miss Arnold and Miss Balding are expecting to get married when the law finally allows. Afterwards, Miss Balding told The Daily Telegraph: “It was great – a very good speech by the Prime Minister. He said that he had delivered on a promise and he was very proud to have done so.”
Asked when she would “tie the knot”, Miss Arnold told The Daily Telegraph: “I expect so – not soon but we are not able to yet. You can rest assured that whenever we will keep it will be very quiet.”

Mohammed retakes top spot in English baby names

By Richard Allen Greene, CNN
Mohammed reclaimed its place as the most popular name for baby boys born in England and Wales in 2011 - convincingly ahead of Harry, in second place, according to data released by the government this week.
The government declared that Harry was the most popular boy's name, but if you add up the five most popular different spellings of Mohammed, that name comes top.
Mohammed is also the most popular boy's name of the past five years for England and Wales, ahead of Oliver and Jack. It came first or second every year since 2007, the only name to do so.
And it could become even more popular in 2012, given the adulation around long-distance runner Mo Farah, who won two gold medals for Britain at the Olympics.

The popularity of the name comes as Britain's Muslim population is expected to double in the next 20 years.
The country, which was about 2% Muslim in 1990, grew to 4.6% Muslim in 2010, with nearly 2.9 million followers of the faith, according to analysis by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.
By 2030, the United Kingdom will be just over 8% Muslim, with more than 5.5 million adherents, the Washington-based think tank projected in a 2011 report, "The Future of the Global Muslim Population."
Mohammed first became the most popular boy's name in England in 2009, then was knocked back into second place the next year as Oliver enjoyed a huge surge in popularity.
Harry, the name of Prince William's younger brother and J.K. Rowling's boy wizard, leaped into second place in 2011, with 7,523 boys given the moniker, topping the 7,007 Olivers.
But the name of the Muslim prophet was given to 7,907 baby boys, according to CNN analysis of Office of National Statistics data. Mohammed, Muhammad and Mohammad were all among the top 100 most popular names, with Muhammed and Mohamed also coming in the top 200.
A total of 37,564 babies have been given a variation of the name in the past five years. Some 36,653 Olivers and 36,581 Jacks were born in England and Wales since 2007. The British government keeps separate statistics for Scotland and for Northern Ireland, the other two nations that make up the United Kingdom.
The 2011 British census had an optional question about religion. Results are expected in November.
At least four different spellings of the name Mohammed are among the 1,000 most popular American boys' names in 2011, according to the Social Security Administration.
Mohamed is the top, in 428th place, with Muhammad in 480th, Mohammed in 562nd and Mohammad in 609th.
The United States is about 0.8% Muslim, with about 2.6 million adherents, the Pew Forum calculates.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Can we mobilise ourselves
for the rescue Crusade?

by Martin Webster

An American patriot, Sam Dickson, has drawn my attention to this video of a colour film shot in London in 1926 — see below.

Amazingly, many of he buildings shown still survive today, despite the Blitz and post WW2 modernist uglification.

The obvious thing that has changed, and the reason why I found this video so very moving, is because London is shown to be filled with ENGLISH / BRITISH people!

Apart, perhaps, from the shy toddler filmed by the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens (which I remember visiting as a four-year-old in 1947), all of the thousands of Londoners shown — some of whom peered at the camera — have gone to that ‘Great-charabanc-ride-to-the-Coast-in-the-Sky’.

All was not super-glorious-and-happy in the UK in the inter-war period — especially after the Great Slump of 1929 — as George Orwell made clear in books such as ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’ and ‘Down and Down and Out in Paris and London’.

However, the devastation being wrought by globalist multi-racialism will be seen, along with our blood losses in the First World War, as the twin catastrophes inflicted on our nation during the contemporary epoch.

Can we, the survivors, mobilise ourselves for the rescue crusade that is required?

Our medieval ancestors survived the massive blow inflicted by The Black Death plague — in which between a third and a half of our then small population was lost — and went on to create a great nation.

As John Milton put it in part 1 of Paradise Lost:

What reinforcement we may gain from hope,
If not, what resolution from despair.....

.....all is not lost.....

.....Never shall his wrath or might extort from me
To bow and sue for grace with suppliant knee....”

Regards to all patriots,

Martin Webster.


Amazing colour footage of street scenes of London in 1927*
[*in fact, 1926]

Click here: <http://gawker.com/street-scenes-from-london-in-1927-in-strike-colour-s-503352196>

or here:

London in 1927 from Tim Sparke on Vimeo.

The film was shot by Claude Frisse-Greene, an early British pioneer of film.

See? London wasn't always such a drab, horrible place as all other photographic representations make it out to be.

Incredible colour footage of 1920s London shot by an early British pioneer of film named Claude Friese-Greene, who made a series of travelogues using the colour process his father William – a noted cinematographer – was experimenting with. It's like a beautifully dusty old postcard you'd find in a junk store, but moving.

Music by Jonquil and Yann Tiersen.

The British Film Institute have got in touch and it turns out the film was made in 1926. They have lots of other footage from his film, The Open Road on their YouTube channel up here bit.ly/1920sEngland <http://bit.ly/1920sEngland> .

More background on this here bit.ly/1077PVK <http://bit.ly/1077PVK> .

Trayvon Protests Organized by Communist Who Praised Stalin & Mao

Revolutionary Communist Party has “coordinated Trayvon Martin protests throughout the country”

July 24, 2013

Many of the Trayvon Martin protests that are still taking place in major cities across the United States were organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party which is chaired by a Marxist who praised mass killers Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
In a lengthy exposé by the politically independent SF Weekly, columnist Rachel Swan documents how, “Members of the Berkeley-based Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) had, indeed, set the time and date for two consecutive Trayvon Martin rallies in Oakland, as well as the ones in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York.”
Explaining how many of the demonstrations were adorned with Communist red flags, Swan notes how the RCP sent out email blasts urging people to attend the rallies, made protest signs and also used “viral marketing” to give the message a “veneer of spontaneity”.
“It turns out that Revolutionary Communists have coordinated — or perhaps infiltrated — Trayvon Martin protests throughout the country, often with more aggressive sloganeering than in Oakland. In Florida, they didn’t shy away from connecting Martin to larger, more abstract causes,” writes Swan, noting that the group has used the marches to denounce capitalism.
The Founder and current chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party is Bob Avakian, “an acolyte of Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin — he praises both of them in his 2005 autobiography,” writes Swan.
Despite the fact that between them the two dictators killed at least 50 million people, Avakian has been a consistent and vehement supporter of both Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin.
Avakian protested the efforts of reformer Deng Xiaoping to lead China towards a market economy after Mao’s death in 1976, having backed the cultural revolution, during which historical relics and artifacts were destroyed, cultural and religious sites were ransacked and Mao’s political opponents were tortured and executed.
When the RCP was criticized by some on the left for creating a Mao-like “cult of personality” around Avakian, he responded, “I certainly hope so — we’ve been working very hard to create one.”
It is unsurprising that the Revolutionary Communist Party has backed the Obama administration’s efforts to create a furore around the Trayvon Martin case. Recall that it was the Justice Department which organized and paid for many of the original Trayvon Martin protests last year. Given that Barack Obama’s political career was launched in the living room of Weathermen Communist and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, it makes perfect sense.
The RCP wasn’t similarly perturbed when Roderick Scott, a 42-year-old black man, shot and killed Christopher Cervini, a 17-year old white kid who broke into his car and tried to attack him, suggesting that their protests have little to do with justice for Trayvon Martin and everything to do with hijacking contrived racial tension in order to push their own warped political agenda.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Man charged with murder of PC Keith Blakelock at Broadwater Farm riots

Nicholas Jacobs will stand trial for murder of police officer hacked to death during unrest in north London in 1985

PC Keith Blakelock, who died in violence that erupted after the death of Cynthia Jarrett, who collapsed from heart failure after a police raid on her home.
PC Keith Blakelock
A man has been charged with the murder of PC Keith Blakelock, who was repeatedly stabbed after being surrounded by a mob during the 1985 Broadwater Farm riots.
The Crown Prosecution Service announced that Nicholas Jacobs, 44, would stand trial for the murder, which took place during some of the most ferocious rioting seen in Britain.
Blakelock, 40, a father of three, was hacked to death during the disorder.
The violence erupted after the death of Cynthia Jarrett, 49, who collapsed from heart failure after a police raid on her home in Tottenham, north London.
The decision by the CPS follows a Scotland Yard reinvestigation into the murder of Blakelock 28 years ago.
Alison Saunders, chief crown prosecutor for CPS London, said: "Following a thorough investigation by the Metropolitan police service, we have decided that Nicholas Jacobs should be charged with the murder of PC Keith Blakelock during the disorder at Broadwater Farm in October 1985.
"This decision was taken in accordance with the code for crown prosecutors. We have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute."
During the rioting Blakelock became detached from other officers and was surrounded near the Tangmere estate.
He was stabbed 42 times and suffered extensive injuries. Another officer, PC Richard Coombes, was also attacked that night but survived.
Blakelock died from his injuries while Coombes was so severely wounded he never resumed active duty. The riots on 6 October 1985 saw shots fired at the police and their ferocity caused public shock despite a series of riots that broke out in urban areas in the 1980s.
The Met police investigation to hunt down Blakelock's killers ended up pursuing the wrong men, with six charged with the killing, including three juveniles, but all were eventually cleared.
Winston Silcott, Engin Raghip and Mark Braithwaite were convicted of the murder in 1987 but cleared by the court of appeal four years later over allegations that the police officers fabricated evidence used to support their convictions.
New scientific tests meant that Silcott's alleged confession could no longer be relied upon. There were no witnesses and no forensic evidence against the men.
Silcott was jailed solely on the basis of an unsigned statement police had taken in the absence of a solicitor.
On 26 July 1994 the former Det Chief Supt Graham Melvin and Det Insp Maxwell Dingle were cleared at the Old Bailey of fabricating evidence in the Blakelock case.
Three juveniles, aged 13-15, were also charged in connection with the murder but the judge threw out the case against them.
In 1999 Silcott received £50,000 in an out-of-court settlement with the Met although the force refused to admit liability. He was released from a sentence for another murder in 2003 after serving 17 years.
In January 2000 the Met announced a review of evidence in the Blakelock murder case. In 2003 it said it believed it had found new evidence and began a full-blown investigation.
Blakelock's widow, Elizabeth Johnson, has been informed of the latest developments, it is believed. The couple had three sons. Johnson has since remarried and lives near Sunderland.
Yard officers have spent years sifting through 10,000 statements and resubmitting exhibits for forensic testing in an attempt to find a breakthrough in the case.
In 2010 the re-investigation led to the arrest of 14 men on suspicion of involvement in the murder of Blakelock or attempted murder of Coombes. In 2011, nine of those were eliminated from inquiries.
On Tuesday the CPS said the four other men who had been arrested would not face charges.
Jacobs will appear on Wednesday at City of Westminster magistrates court.


Atos to lose monopoly after 'flawed and unacceptable' disability benefit assessments

More than 40 per cent of the assessments carried out on disability benefit claimants by the back-to-work assessor Atos are flawed and unacceptable, according to an audit commissioned by the Government.

Following months of complaints about allegedly unfair and slapdash decisions made by Atos, the Department for Work and Pensions  audited around 400 of the company’s written reports into disability claimants, grading them A to C. Of these, 41 per cent came back with a C, meaning they were unacceptable and did not meet the required standard.
The lowest grade does not necessarily mean the decision was wrong, but that a serious error or omission occurred, such as no evidence to justify the recommendations, or inconsistencies in the evidence provided.
The findings mean the company will be stripped of its monopoly on deciding whether people with disabilities are fit to work. The DWP said the poor quality of the company’s written reports were “contractually unacceptable” and announced on Monday it would be inviting other companies to bid for fresh regional contracts by summer 2014 to help reduce waiting times. Liam Byrne, the shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, said: “This is a direct consequence of three years of appalling contract management by Iain Duncan Smith.”
More than 600,000 of the 1.8 million assessments carried out by Atos since 2009 have been the subject of an appeal, at a cost of £60m. Around 30 per cent of the appeals succeeded. Mark Hoban, minister for Employment, said: “Where our audits identify any drop in quality, we act decisively … It’s vital we continue to improve the service to claimants, which is why we are introducing new providers to increase capacity.”
Richard Hawkes, chief executive of the disability charity Scope, said: “It’s about time the Government told Atos to smarten up its act. But, it’s also strikingly clear to disabled people that the whole £112m per-year system is broken.”
A spokeswoman for Atos said: “Our priority is the quality of our work and, following the recent audit, we quickly put in place a plan to improve the quality of written reports.”


NWN: ATOS has only been following the current tory government/coalitions policies. Or rather the  New world order bankers such as the BILDERBERGS policies of imposed austerity. Disabled people  have been forced onto the basic JSA payment as it is much cheaper than disability rates. It's all about public spending cuts !

My late 'brother in law' was deemed fit for work by ATOS even though he had terminal cancer that had rotted through his skeleton. He lost 4inches in height as his spine collapsed. He died within 6 months of being labelled 'fit for work'.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Western Brothers - 'taking the mick' out of the establishment from around the late 1930's.

We here at NWN understand that our history is very important.


The NF's first chairman AK Chesterton mentions the Western Brothers in his book NEW UNHAPPY LORDS.

AK is less than supportive of the Western brothers in his book.

But of course AK was middle class at a time when class was extremely important.
Britain's Former Top Spy Threatens To Expose The 'Dodgy Dossier' Used To Push Iraq War 

The Absurdity Of The War On Terror Is Becoming Clear A former head of MI6 has threatened to expose the secrets of the ‘dodgy dossier’ if he disagrees with the long-awaited findings of the Chilcot Inquiry into the UK’s role in the Iraq War. Sir Richard Dearlove, 68, has spent the last year writing a detailed account of events leading up to the war, and had intended to only make his work available to historians after his death. But now Sir Richard, who provided intelligence about Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) that was apparently 'sexed up' by Tony Blair's government, has revealed that he could go public after the Chilcot Inquiry publishes its findings.

Sir Richard is expected to be criticised by the inquiry's chairman, Sir John Chilcot, over the accuracy of intelligence provided by MI6 agents inside Iraq, which was used in the so-called 'dodgy dossier'. Now the ex-MI6 boss, who is Master at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, has said: “What I have written (am writing) is a record of events surrounding the invasion of Iraq from my then professional perspective. “My intention is that this should be a resource available to scholars, but after my decease (may be sooner depending on what Chilcot publishes). “I have no intention, however, of violating my vows of official secrecy by publishing any memoir.” Sources close to Sir Richard said that he insists Chilcot should recognise the role played by Tony Blair and the Prime Minister's chief spokesman Alastair Campbell in informing media reports which suggested Saddam could use chemical weapons to target British troops based in Cyprus, a claim which led to Britain entering the war in Iraq.

 Sir Richard is said to remain extremely unhappy that this piece of intelligence, which his agents stressed only referred to battlefield munitions which had a much shorter range, led to media reports that UK bases were under threat. However, he accepts that some of MI6's information on the WMDs was inaccurate, the Mail on Sunday reported. Mr Blair and Mr Campbell have repeatedly denied making misleading statements about WMD. Last week it was revealed that Sir John had written to Prime Minister David Cameron informing him of his intention to write personally to those individuals he intends to criticise, with Tony Blair reported to be among those on Sir John's list. Sir Richard has taken a sabbatical from his duties at Cambridge University to research and write his record of events, and is expected to resume his Master's role at the start of the new academic year.

A security source told The Mail on Sunday: “This is Sir Richard's time-bomb. He wants to set the record straight and defend the integrity of MI6.

And Sir Richard has taken a lot of personal criticism over MI6's performance and his supposedly too-cosy relationship with Mr Blair. “No Chief of MI6 has done anything like this before, but the events in question were unprecedented. “If Chilcot doesn't put the record straight, Sir Richard will strike back.” Last night the committee's chairman, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, who was appointed in 2010, offered Sir Richard his support, saying: “I have never heard of a former MI6 chief putting something out there in these terms but I would be interested in what Sir Richard has to say in response to the Chilcot Inquiry which is clearly going to have some meat in it. “I know Sir Richard and worked with him in the Foreign Office many years ago. He is a very able man of the highest character and a man of his own opinions. We shall have to wait to see what he says.”

Last night, Alastair Campbell and the office for Tony Blair declined to comment on Sir Richard's account.

Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/10193204/Former-head-of-MI6-threatens-to-expose-secrets-of-Iraq-dodgy-dossier.html#ixzz2ZjaPmrkq

NWN : Will this guy have a 'tragic accident' just 
like Dr. David Kelly ?

PC Keith Blakelock suspect may be charged within days over murder of constable almost three decades ago

The man, who was 18 at the time of PC's death, will answer bail this month after he was arrested in 2010
Murdered: Pc Keith Blakelock
Murdered: Pc Keith Blakelock
A man may be charged within days over the murder of PC Keith Blakelock – almost three decades after the horrific killing.
The suspect, who was under 18 at the time of the constable’s death, is due to answer bail this month after he was arrested in 2010.
He is not being named for legal reasons. PC Blakelock, 40, was hacked to death as he tried to protect firefighters from a mob screaming, “Kill the pigs!”
The married father of three sons was on duty on October 6, 1985, at the height of a riot on the Broadwater Farm Estate in Tottenham, North London.
Detectives began working on a cold case review of the crime in 2000 and are said to have
uncovered a number of fresh leads.
Last month the Mirror reported that prosecutors could bring new charges over the killing and the Crown Prosecution Service said it had received “a significant amount of material” from Scotland Yard.
New forensic techniques were used to examine DNA from the officer’s flame-retardant overalls and more than a dozen suspected murder weapons. It was reported last night that the Metropolitan Police are awaiting confirmation from the CPS that it will put the man on trial.
Three men – Winston Silcott, Mark Braithwaite and Engin Raghip – were originally found guilty of the murder but their convictions were overturned almost five years later. Silcott received £50,000 compensation but remained in prison for the unrelated murder of a boxer before being released in 2003. 
None of the three originally convicted is among five suspects linked to the latest probe. A CPS spokesman said: “The file is still under consideration.”

Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/pc-keith-blakelock-suspect-charged-2074213#ixzz2ZjB2gGyL

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...