Friday, November 04, 2011

Don't forget the National Front Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday 13th November.

This is our day to march through the streets of London, our capital city. All good/decent white nationalists to attend, and after the recent problems in London and across the country this is our chance to let everybody know that it is OUR CAPITAL

The parade should commence in the Victoria area and proceed to the Cenotaph for the wreath laying ceremony to honour Britain's war dead of all past conflicts and current ones.

Appropriate dress would be appreciated.


Sunday 13th November 2011

Assemble: 2pm-2.30pm at Bressenden Place, Victoria, London SW1

Wear your poppy with pride- ALL PATRIOTS WELCOME


Anonymous said...

I'll be going along again this year

hopeing for dry weather but most impotant a good turn out.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope for a good turnout this year.

Simon Darby - BNP/MI5 said...

Drove around ... saw a pigeon ... caught up with Nick by phone - had a really, really important chat on party matters ... had something to eat - cost £3.42 ... drove around a bit more ... saw another pigeon ... "

Anonymous said...

Do you know that some of the NFs supporters still post on VNN ?

Strange why you support them.

Anonymous said...

keep to the thread. who want's to know about that ponce darby?

rememberance day 13th november nf day.

Anonymous said...

Will Tom linden be there with his bogus military history again this year?

GWR said...

I don't know about them being NF supporters, but at least one shitbag off VNN who sided with the Griffin supporting CUNTs group off there, was given an invite to the last Rochdale NF meeting.

Lancashire Patriot said...

Will Eddy Morrison and his BNVF group be there this year? Yorkshires finest!

Anonymous said...

Croatia’s first interior minister arrested over accusations of post-World War II crimes

Anonymous said...

Will Eddy Morrison and his BNVF group be there this year? Yorkshires finest!

This grup is a gigment of one of Morrison's enemies. It has never existed and was entirely made up by VNN.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...