Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black and white unite and fight - join the BNP !



Anonymous said...

Is 'he' wearing a cummerbund?

Anonymous said...

Simon MI5 Darby was told it was a twitchers/birdwatchers meeting.

Look there's a robin in that bush over there and he spent £3.47 on an ham sandwich from Tescos.

Anonymous said...

Hes not a muslim so hes alright according to Nick Gri££in.

Anonymous said...

Is he Brixton BNP ?

Anonymous said...

darby has had his photo taken with a nigger before with ebanks.

also he used to watch west brom when he was younger they had loads of niggers playing for them.

if he speaks at meetings nowadays no doubt he is full of passion diecribing how he had orgasiams when regis scored for west brom.

Anonymous said...

''darby has had his photo taken with a nigger before with ebanks''

Don't forget his photo opportunity with the turbaned tit, Ravinder Singh.

Patsy from Edinburgh said...

which one's darby? third from left?

Anonymous said...

Yes, he's dressed up as Al Jolson.

Anonymous said...

If you look closer at his placard it says " Free Nelson Mandela "

Anonymous said...

Darby has gone blind ! he's playing with his widget through the secret hole in his pocket and has just arrived over the thought of Shelley.

Chris Peacock ex-member said...

poor old Danny Wavell - I remember he once had a pop at me for talking to a black while out canvassing on the door a few years back; and there he is standing with one while campaigning with piece of shit scumbag Darby!! What a f***ing cheek!

Anonymous said...

WHAAAT the hell has happened to Darby. He looks sick

Anonymous said...

Nothing particularly new bout this.... Lecomber and griffin had a 'tame' Rastafarian on an anti demo in London. Archie something was the rasta name - from memory.

Griffin also had some black separatists in floral outfits come over for one of his trials

Anonymous said...

WHAAAT the hell has happened to Darby. He looks sick.

Probably been stopping off at service station toilets whilst on his travels and having encounters with George Michael.

Anonymous said...

The rastafarian was on an anti IMMIGRATION demo with lecomber that should have read. Early on after griffin hads become leader

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...