Tuesday, November 22, 2011

..Cold kills 180 British pensioners a day during winter

NWN says:It's a bloody disgrace !

180 pensioners died every day as a result of cold conditions during the 2010-11 winter months in England and Wales.

The annual ‘Excess winter mortality’ report found that an estimated 21,800 people over the age of 65 died as a result of adverse conditions, on top of the average mortality rate for the same period of time (4 months from December 2010 to March 2011).

Over-65s accounted for 84% of the overall 25,700 ‘excess’ deaths during the winter months.

“The numbers of excess winter deaths are a disgrace,” said Michelle Mitchell, charity director of Age UK. “We like to think of ourselves as a civilised society which protects the most vulnerable but the numbers of older people who do not survive the winter here is far higher than most European countries where the weather is far colder.

“These deaths are the tip of an iceberg of illness, misery and anxiety which grips Britain every winter,” she added. “The Government must do more to tackle fuel poverty and ensure that housing is better insulated.”

Latest estimates from the Hills Review suggest that 4.1 million homes in Britain are living in fuel poverty – being forced to spend over 10% of household income to keep a “satisfactory” heating condition. Fresh concerns have also emerged over the rise of energy prices over recent months as EDF, British Gas, npower, Scottish Power, Scottish and Southern Energy and E. ON have all hiked prices- taking the average household energy bill up £161.

“Many of our poorest pensioners, families and disabled people, put their health at risk by having to choose between heating their homes or putting food on the table this winter,” said Audrey Gallacher, director of energy at Consumer Focus. “This is one of the most pressing and neglected concerns facing the government’s energy strategy.

“Recent energy price hikes have left fuel poverty levels soaring, with energy bills almost double what they were five years ago,” she added. “With around nine million people in England living in fuel poverty under the current measure, this has been a running sore for successive governments and we desperately need a coherent plan to address it.”

Consumer Focus estimates that the spike in energy prices could see 5.1 million homes facing fuel poverty.


NWN: It's quite plain that this 'selling- off' of the nations utilities has only benefitted the banks and foreign speculators whilst killing off many of our old people. People who fought a World War and built up this Country.

We must re-nationalise the public utilities. People should not make a profit from the deaths of our old people !


Anonymous said...

Pensioners are partly to blame themselves. They voted and/or allowed the country to become this way. Their generation could have prevented this shit.

GWR said...

Anonymous said...
Pensioners are partly to blame themselves. They voted and/or allowed the country to become this way. Their generation could have prevented this shit.

22 November 2011 17:34

One day, if your lucky, you will also become old.

And you will be as badly treated too.

Will you deserve such treatment ?

Don't forget many of them supported and voted for Moslsy or the NF.

Both my parents, as did I, stood for elections for the NF in the 1970s.

Anon., should you be supportive of the banks on here ?

The porkers biggest fan said...

They can always find money to fight wars and for foreign aid.

Cameron has even ring fenced money for foreign aid.

Still, being as Cameron himself is part foreigner, and 100% a banker, there's no surprise.

Anonymous said...

The government will never renationalise our utilities. The plan for the NWO is to remove utilities from the ownership of the countries that use them.

tonydj said...

This is the sort of issue Nationalists should be campaigning on, not irrelevant issues like Halal meat or even "pee-doh" grooming.

No one in their right mind would defend pee-doh grooming but there are plenty who are callously indifferent to the fate of the old and so are viable targets for a campaign. These high prices do not "just happen" but are a direct result of government policies which envisage carbon taxes as a response to the whole sham industry which has grown up around the climate change hysteria.

In the mean time Nationalist leaders continue to lead us on Toryesque campaigns "in support of the poppy" and against halal meat

GWR said...

Good to see/hear from you again Dave.

tonydj said...

Thanks for the comment GWR. It annoys me that we have a Government which restricts what few freedoms we have in the name of "safety" or "health" (Smoking Ban, Breathalyser, Speed limits etc) and then totaly ignore this annual Holocaust of our elderly.

Anonymous said...

Age Concern
February 23rd, 2009 by admin 1 comment »
UK Charity Number: 261794

Website: http://www.ageconcern.org.uk/

Stated Aims

Age Concern England (registered as the National Council on Ageing) is proud of its status as one of the country’s most powerful pressure groups. Political lobbying is central to its efforts:

“We work hard to engage parliamentarians on a range of key issues of importance to older people; from income to transport, housing to employment.”
“We were delighted to be voted one of the most effective campaigning charities by MPs in a recent poll. (NFP Synergy 2005)”
Age Concern was supportive of almost all Labour initiatives when it was in power and campaigned for the passage of Harriet Harman’s so-called Equality Bill, which made it legal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race and gender. Its CEO, Shane Brennan—who evidently does not understand what ‘voluntary’ means, has since warned David Cameron—oxymoronically—that “government spending cuts could cost voluntary organisations.” Brennan’s salary is in excess of £120,000 a year.


Age Concern re-registered itself as Age Concern England in November 2010. Its 2008/09 accounts show heavy funding from:

The Department of Health: £1,211,000
The Department for Work & Pensions: £64,000
The Department for Trade and Industry: £118,000
The Department for International Development: £127,000
The Big Lottery Fund: £3,146,000

Total £4,666,000 (38.5% of all ‘voluntary income’)
1 comment »
Posted in Charity, Legacy

Anonymous said...

GWR said...
One day, if your lucky, you will also become old.

And you will be as badly treated too.

Will you deserve such treatment ?

Don't forget many of them supported and voted for Moslsy or the NF.

Both my parents, as did I, stood for elections for the NF in the 1970s.

Anon., should you be supportive of the banks on here ?

22 November 2011 18:06

Completely irrelevant. Most pensioners allowed this to happen by bot voting for the NF or whatever. If they had, the country wouldn't be in this shit.

It doesn't matter if I'll get old or not, the pensioners are partly to blame for this with their apathy and belief in the traitor parties!

Don't put words in my mouth: I never said they "deserved" this at all; rather, I said they're partly to blame, which they are.

Anonymous said...

Still, being as Cameron himself is part foreigner, and 100% a banker, there's no surprise.

Also a distant cousin of the Queen and a Jew. Just like her madge.

Anonymous said...

Yes máte you are right most old people was wog lovers. let them in 1950s and 1960s my mum and dad hated wogs and pakis,but they were outnumbered by the nigger lovers , so old people let black in .

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...