Sunday, November 27, 2011

David Duke arrested in Germany

Mainstream Media Ignores the Arrest of Dr. David Duke in Germany.

Dr. David Duke was invited by German patriots to give a speech in the city of Cologne. He was arrested before he could say one word and has been held in isolation since Friday (but is now free) pending resolution of charges in court at a later date.

Now let’s alter this scenario a little bit. Instead of a pro-White activist, let’s say a pro-Black activist, Jesse Jackson had been visiting Europe to organize the many recent African immigrants in Europe into a voting block. Let’s say Jackson stepped off an airplane in Cologne and before he could give a scheduled speech, he was surrounded by submachine-gun-toting policemen and hauled off to a prison as if he were a serious criminal, who had been robbing banks.

To make matters worse, let’s say the German police held Jackson with little -if any- communication with his friends and family. Under those circumstances, the mainstream media would let out howls of rage over the brutal police state tactics and the lack of freedom in the so-called “Republic” of Germany. The US government would similarly react in outrage and begin threatening Germany with sanctions if they failed to immediately release the US citizen or if they ever repeated such tyrannical actions against a US citizen in the future.
This is how the US and the mainstream media would have reacted if Jesse Jackson or some other politically correct activist were arrested in Europe just before he could give a speech. Because the person being persecuted was a pro-White advocate, Dr. David Duke, his arrest has so far been ignored by the mainstream media, and the US government remains quiet about this too. This should be a wake-up call that the mainstream media has an anti-White bias and they’re secretly happy to see anyone who is pro-White being persecuted. The US government is supposed to use its power and influence to prevent the abuse of its citizens in foreign lands, but it’s clear that the Obama regime isn’t about to lift a finger to protect someone, whom they hate. They only believe in protecting their socialist and Marxist friends on the far left of the political spectrum.

Dr. David Duke is an internationally known political dissident and his arrest will eventually become known to the American public even if the controlled mainstream media drags its feet in reporting this. Duke’s arrest will only embarrass the German government, which has to use thuggish communist-style oppression to suppress the right-wing, and it will embarrass the US government, which has failed to do anything to help an American wrongly persecuted overseas. This incident will wake up millions of Americans and Europeans, who will listen to David Duke’s speeches on youtube since the Internet allows the sort of free speech that left-wing tyrants would ban.


Anonymous said...

All good stuff for those who oppose the dictatorships. The German people are so riddled with guilt, they dare not speak a word in favour of a white nationalist. They certainly do hold their manhoods cheap in that part of the world.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if Jackscoon was arrested?! It would be a re-run of Roots plus the Holocaust all in one shoah!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...