Friday, July 01, 2011

Nick Griffin reduces BNP to this !

Once a major thorn in the Establishment's side. Was able to mobilise hundreds out on the streets. Gave the corrupt politicians sleepless nights as it threatened to expose the anti democratic and downright illegal policy of mass immigration to these shores.

Now we have a fat idiot in an ill fitting suit, and we don't mean the one in the monkey suit !

One can only pour scorn and ridicule on stunts like this and the participants. So let's have your comments, or better still. What captions you would place with the above picture?


porky pig said...

I take it this was the April fools day protest by the RAVING LOONY party???

The looney in the ill fitting suit is THE FOOL ?????????????

Do I win first prize for spotting the FOOL, a free membership for life in the only party dedicated to destroying Britain ,by the Chairman of the party FLEECING all paying members,whilst pouring all funds into his ever growing super large fat bank accounts,and ever growing pig farms.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Meet the wife

Anonymous said...


To think I once put my faith and wallet with this man.

Anonymous said...

Pssst !

Is there a pie shop round here ?

Anonymous said...

It's alright, Joey Owens is back as my minder.

Anonymous said...

Monkey to twat with loudspeaker:

"Fuck off you one-eyed cunt, you're embarrassing me - if you don't I'll tear off one of your legs like I did with your mate on crutches behind you."

Fly On The wall

Anonymous said...

I have to wear this or Joe will know I'm back in the country and chew my ears off!

Anonymous said...

I knew letting in non-whites wouldn't end thee.....

Anonymous said...

Meet Liverpool BNPs new organiser - da Purple Aki

Anonymous said...

Is the monkey Joey Owens under deep cover.

Anonymous said...

It's OK Simon (Darby), if you get posted to an African desk dressing like that will be a bonus !

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I knew letting in non-whites wouldn't end thee.....

1 July 2011 18:31

Haha ! Good one.

Anonymous said...

Whats that Patsy (Harrington) ?

Your covered in fag burns ?

Has your missus been torturing you again ?

Anonymous said...

(Griffin) - Next week we are in a pantomime horse, and your going in the back end or your expelled !

Anonymous said...

"Nick, I know I said I wanted to help the BNP get to power. But why am I wearing this monkey suit ?"

[Whispers under breath] : "I f***in hate the BNP now you b****rd."

Anonymous said...

Hey Partsy, wouldn't you like to eat MY banana ? Fnarf !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Piss off Griffin"
I am the reincarnation of Michael Foots donkey jacket and if theres any donkeys left in the BNP then the donkey money is coming to this monkey so dont get all funky theres enough dosh to go round from that lot out there called the membership.

Anonymous said...

monkey to griffin: i want to go to the toilet nick
nick to monkey:for a pooh?
nick:well hold it in till we have finished here,then we will go to Martin Reynolds house,he told me one of his dreams is to have a Gorilla crap in his face while his wife watches.
monkey: OH SHIT!

Monkey Movie said...

Nick makes film.
Monkey Braveheart

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's Ian Kitchen's idea of a gimp suit, I wonder what his old slapper is wearing, apart from a minge full of old brass curtain rings.

Anonymous said...


"When I get rid of Brons I will make all BNP members wear a suit like that.

They will do it.

There is nothing those idiots won't do for me.

Plus I bought a cheap job lot of monkey suits at £2.50 each. I will sell them for £50 and the deluxe suit £150.

They have been made with asbestos stitching !"

Anonymous said...

Clive,i think you might have to get your medication checked!

Anonymous said...

More to be pitied than scorned !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The grip of the moneylender was now complete throughout Britain. The danger was
that the members of the new joint Parliament would sooner or later, in the spirit of their
ancestors, challenge this state of affairs. To provide against this, therefore, the party
system was now brought into being, frustrating true national reaction and enabling the
wire-pullers to divide and rule; using their newly-establishethat their own men and their own policies should secure the limelight, and sufficient
support from their newspapers, pamphlets, and banking accounts to carry the day
financial power to ensure.

Joe Owens said...

Are there any SEARCHLIGHT SPIES around ?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More monkey business going on in the BNP

Anonymous said...

Nick with the only remaining member of the BNP who did not want to be recognised.

Anonymous said...

Donate to the Monkey Foundation. Make cheques payable to Mr N Griffin. Give generously and all your lose change.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin with the ONLY member of the BNP left if he wins the Leadership election.

Anonymous said...

Monkey challenges Griffarage for BNP leadership!

Henry said... thick bastard!

I said it's time for guerrilla warfare....not gorilla welfare!

Anonymous said...

EDL Officially Announce Ties To Zionist State of Israel.

Anonymous said...

Get the latest news of Gri££in fiddling the leadership election bid on this website.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...