Monday, July 11, 2011

Andrew Brons Leadership Election 2011

Here is Andrew Brons MEP video. There are some surprising faces on the video and Griffin must be extremely fearful now of the consequences of losing the contest.

We at NWN are generally in favour of Mr Brons taking over the BNP from the corrupt madman Nick Griffin. However we have some reservations about some on the video. One of them, Arthur Kemp, should be nowhere near the helm as his shady past with the security services is far too dodgy.

Martin Wingfield as well is about as nationalist as David Cameron. In fact, Mr Wingfields true home is the liberal tory party. Wingfield has pushed for the non whites into the BNP as long as Nick Griffin and used the BNPs organs to promote that. For example, the appalling story in VOICE OF FREEDOM when he pushed about the chap from Barrow in Furness and his daughters marriage to a black guy from Zimbabwe/Rhodesia together with their half caste children.


Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Charlie Bickerstaffe ?

Anonymous said...

who is he?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
who is he?

11 July 2011 20:28

Who ? Bickerstaffe ?

Read Voice of Freedom Feb 2003 there's some info at;

and the NWN forum;

Anonymous said...

Martin Wingfield was a big promoter of Charlie Bickerstaffe. He wanted non whites in from when Griffin hijacked the BNP in 1999.

In fact nothing was heard from Wingfield from when he was also involved in the trashing of the National Front in the late 1980's till almost 2000.

So why did he rejoin back with Griffin in late 1999 ?

Anonymous said...

There seems to be some guffawing from the Griffin camp reference Phillipa Carter on the video.

Anonymous said...

If Griffin wins all these brave Nationalists will be branded 'paid informants' 'searchlie moles' and sacked from the party.

Anonymous said...

Griffin needed Martin back because of his past experience.

Anonymous said...

The Birth Of Modern Terrorism.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Boys Purple here juss to let yus know de battle against da Roly Poly man Gri££in continues.We has had a set back wit Joey de Higherman seems he had a encounter of de third kind in de toilet of da club he was workin in cleaning out de bunny burner, some kinda transexual give Joey de fear - Post Traumatic Stress in ma opinion, but he wont discuss da matter. I has put him on a weeks paid leave to attend ma Aunt Rosa Parkes "Get Straight Health Clinic" in Canny Farm he is on de colonic irragation safety section after a week of taking de vapours will help clear his head and rid him of de demons from his encounter and help him to recognise that all that lurks in de loo aint dat ole black magic from searchlight.

Purple Aki Spokesperson for a Mounted Campaign against Toilet Traders and Mutton Hawkers of de Third Kind.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Griffin needed Martin back because of his past experience.

12 July 2011 09:53

Martin ?

Martin Webster ?

Oooh errr !

Anonymous said...

Madame Rage!!!

Marine Le Pen's Populism for the Masses.

Anonymous said...

Haha !

Griffins 'election' video.

He is seriously rattled.

Its not a broadcast its an appeal to Andrew Brons.

Anonymous said...

No more crap about Martin Webster he has done alot for the cause.


Anonymous said...

In Mr Purples comment did he mean Weyman Bennet........

All that lurks in de loo aint dat ole black magic from searchlight.

Soup Lover.

Lancashire Patriot said...

Charlie Bickerstaffe was a BNP member in Barrow. He had two Ni**er grand kids - Troy and Tanasha. In 2004 Wingfield did an article about them in the BNPs Freedom newspaper saying how great they were. I kid you not. And this man along with the very dodgy Kemp, the loony Rev. West and sex pervs Walker and Howson all support Brons! What does this tell you about Brons?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...