Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's not a joke .....................the BNP Friends of Israel exists !


We have warned the path that traitor Nick Griffin is leading the BNP. His 'slowly slowly catchee monkee' strategy has indeed caught a few monkeys, and they are all BNP members !
There has quite righly been much talk and condemnation of the English Defence League (EDL) use of the Israeli flag on their demos. So what is the difference here ?

The above pictures show Griffin looking towards his mentor, New York Rabbi Meyer Schiller, for direction .


The BNP Friends of Israel is here..........................................

British People Who Support Israel



Yosef (joseph) MatthewsGroup Admin
Network Campaign

British People Who Support Israel
Public Group
Join if you are fed up of the media lies about the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.
Group Activity
Viewing item 1 to 5 (of 139 items)
2 ... 28

Potter wrote on the wire of the group British People Who Support Israel: 1 day, 4 hours ago
Those of you who are members of this group that pray daily for Israel as I do, please remember Gilad Shalit, who has been held captive by Hamas for 4 years, in your prayers. Galad’s parents Noam and Aviva Shalit went to appeal in Geneva and Noam Shalit, father of captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, [...]

Potter wrote on the wire of the group British People Who Support Israel: 1 day, 6 hours ago
I am very saddened to see that the daily rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza continue… what other country would put up with it? I PRAY FOR PEACE.
Man killed in Qassam attack
Rocket fired from Gaza hits Israeli territory for third time in last 24 hours, killing Thai foreign worker in Netiv Ha'asara greenhouse. Ansar [...]

Potter wrote on the wire of the group British People Who Support Israel: 1 day, 7 hours ago
Well folks…As you know, I was concerned earlier on today, but in fact this whole scenario has taken quite a load off my back, because when people ask me questions now… as they often do… I can just refer them to Chris!However, if the questioner asks me about Israel or the Jews, I know Chris [...]

Celina Marshall wrote on the wire of the group British People Who Support Israel: 1 day, 15 hours ago
Potter, well done! Enjoyed watching you.
I'm beginning to wonder how many BNP members agree with Chris. I am not for hatred of any group of people and if the party is peopled with attitudes like this, it could lose my vote, sadly, as I heartily agree with its policies.Its understandable that the propaganda [...]

Gary Simpson wrote on the wire of the group British People Who Support Israel: 2 days, 3 hours ago




Anonymous said...

Nick 'oi veh' Griffin !

E. N. Ronn said...

In fairness to Rabbi Schiller, SOFAIK he doesn't support Israel. Many ultra-orthodox Jews don't. Nor is Nick Gri££in very close to Rabbi Schiller these days

BNP friends of the Zionist Entity is all Nick's own work, overcompensating for his past as a Holocaust denier who condemned David Irving for not going far enough in his critique of the official historiography of the Holocaust, not to mention soliciting funds from that sponsor of terrorism, Colonel Ghaddafi.

Anonymous said...

Its rather strange that Schiller has had words with both Griffin and Jared Taylor, and both are 'snakes in the grass' in their support of jews.

Whitelaw Towers said...

How dare these frauds right off the millions of our people slaughtered by the Zionist. How can you turn your back on the suffering of your own people just so you can share a place at the table with the killers. It makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Even zionist Labours Milliband has kicked out an Israeli/jewish diplomat.

The BNP is becoming more zionist than - the Board of deputies of British Jews.

Griffin knows where money and power resides.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that the BNP members won't put up with now from Griffin.

If he told them to get circumcised like jews, they would think it was a clever plot to beat our enemies.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.

Anonymous said...

My enemy's enemy is my friend. Griffin hopes that Jewish money will pour in and help rid this country of Muslims. He's so transparent, he's embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Only a matter of time before Griffin says mass immigration is a good idea. Votes! And £££cash!

Anonymous said...




Mitchell Risbrook said...

I've set up a group British Nationalist Friends of Palestine

Please join it if you agree with it. You do not have to be a BNP member to join and participate in the BNP Groups.

Anonymous said...

israel is a bandit state, prove that gri££in is a money grabbing power mad bastard.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Even zionist Labours Milliband has kicked out an Israeli/jewish diplomat.

The BNP is becoming more zionist than - the Board of deputies of British Jews.

Griffin knows where money and power resides.

24 March 2010 01:58
Theres another Mossad boy on his way to London!

Saltdean Sofa Soaker said...


Will Griffin explain why he sold a digital duplicator when he got it for free?

Anonymous said...

A very biased BBC Radio Ulster documentary on Dowson and the BNP in Northern Ireland, but it confirmed that Dowson isn't a member and that he made £360,000 from the party in 2008. The Loyalists don't appear happy about others stepping on their shoes, Dowson be warned! I suppose Gri££in will be moving the fund raising operation to Tel Aviv now?


Anonymous said...

Oh No! First Griffin lets in Black members and says he's is pro-Israel, now he pro-Gay, what's becoming of the poor old BNP? Interviewed in the queer's Pink News, Barnbrook will be jealous?

Exclusive: Nick Griffin claims to have made BNP more gay-friendly


Anonymous said...

Homosexual Tory Party Blogger Iain Dale has just interviewed Griffin, hear what the triator has to say!

"In Conversation with Nick Griffin"

Total Politics Magainze


ID: You present yourself as a moderniser. But a blog written by your legal officer Lee Barnes is all about how ethnic minorities and the Jews are awful. He reckons Britain is controlled by Zionists and their media puppets. There's just no way that if he's a national officer of the BNP, you can present the party as being anything other than obsessed by the usual issues.

NG: Lee is a very strange and complex character. He's also regarded by all of Britain's Nazis as a leading treacherous pro-Jewish liberal, who's taken control of the BNP.

ID:If he's liberal, I'd love to see someone who wasn't.

NG: Lee is one of the people who believes that if you say that there's a Zionist influence in Britain, that does not make you antisemitic. We've got Jewish members. We've got a Jewish council group leader.

ID: So some of your best friends are Jews... I see.

NG:Lee is one of the ones who has taken most flak from Britain's Nazis, as he's taken the anti-semitism out of the BNP. But he's still fiercely anti-Zionist.

ID: But if you say: 'Britain is controlled by Zionists and their media puppets,' there is only one way to read that. I would say that's a grotesque exaggeration. So you don't share any of those views at all?

NG: No.

ID: But you've allowed someone who's obsessed by Jewish issues to hold national office in the BNP.

NG: I do, yes. As I say, if you look at his blogs and his arguments with people in the round, you will see that he's one of the people who's taken the obsession with Jews out of the BNP. It was there. But he's one of the ones who've taken it out by putting it in context.

Anonymous said...

Continuing with Griffin's interview by Homo Tory Iain Dale:

ID: Would you say in the past the BNP has been anti-semitic?

NG: "Yes, Tyndall and others were extremely anti-semitic....... Israel is now in the front line of a civilisational war,"

Anonymous said...



Riaz said...

The BNP have deleted the British Nationalist Friends of Palestine group. This confirms their foreign policy. Here are screenshots to prove the existence of the group.

Anonymous said...



Mitchell Risbrook said...

The creation of the British Nationalist Friends of Palestine group was a trap I set for the BNP and the stupid idiots fell for it by deleting it.

Anonymous said...

Nice one. You have made fools of the BNP under Gri££in.

Anonymous said...

There is a play out in a London theatre at the moment about the BNP, it's got a Paki BNP candidate in it, please see photo in link below. Could this become reality one day?


Anonymous said...

now that gri££in has become friends with israel. will the member's that have third reich items in their home's now leave the bnp? some of them are daft enough to pay £60 a year for the gold badge! more money then sence. gri££in will be hunting them down and get them booted out. after all he won't want his zoinist friend's to be offended.

Anonymous said...



Nemesis said...

"The creation of the British Nationalist Friends of Palestine group was a trap I set for the BNP and the stupid idiots fell for it by deleting it."

Good work Michael, a bit of clever work that that has helped expose both the authoritarianism of the Griffinite-led BNP (supposedly a party of free speech and democracy... yeah right), and the clear Zionist-driven agenda of Nu-BNP. Their knee-jerk reaction to your ploy by removing it without warning or debate shows you the level of nationalism now being played by the idiots of Nu-BNP who have wholeheartedly embraced diversity and quality.

Watch the post-May period, the failure of Nu-BNp and its consequent financial meltdown will usher in a vacuum that Real Nationalists can exploit. Be prepared!

Anonymous said...

"Watch the post-May period, the failure of Nu-BNp and its consequent financial meltdown will usher in a vacuum that Real Nationalists can exploit. Be prepared!"

Nemesis, I would like to think so, but the reality is the Griffin will turn the BNP more and more crazy and bizarre after the May elections, just like he did with the NF in the mid 1980s, you can see it already, straight after the EHRC defeat he began all manner of stupid stunts with recruiting the Sikh, giving an interview to queer website, and appearing on that strange Christian TV debate etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing rumours that Councillor Ellie Walker has left Stoke BNP

Anonymous said...

"Hallelujah Gri££in the saviour, has been sent to save us!" Watch this utter bullshit phone in on the Christian TV channel after Gri££in's appearance, I don't know if I should laugh or cry?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm hearing rumours that Councillor Ellie Walker has left Stoke BNP

25 March 2010 22:17

She has gone, see here;


Anonymous said...

Stoke BNP has been screwed, just like Burnley BNP was screwed.

Anonymous said...


Well worth your attension.

Anonymous said...

If you want a new BNP leader with a million times more sanity than Gri££in then plenty of potential candidates can be found in Broadmoor psychiatric hospital.

This is how bad things have got...

Anonymous said...

Alby Walker confirmed that Ellie has moved away from the party during his speech on item 14 of the agenda asking the council to arrange a suitable event each year to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.


Anonymous said...


The following statement by the former Bank of England director Lord Stamp: “Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them with the power to create credit, and with a flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it all back again. Take this power away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine would disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then continue to let bankers control money and control credit.”

Anonymous said...

I've just spotted this in the current Jewish Chronicle, the Yids are unperturbed by the FN large vote as they know they have neutralised old Le Pen, just like they have with greedy Gri££in in our own country. Years ago the Yids were petrified of any successes John Tyndall had, now they just sit back and laugh at the Nationalist movement, as it chases the anti-Muslim vote.

"French Jews 'unfazed' by National Front gains.
Marine Le Pen has tried to change the party's image, abandoning her father's controversial style and revisionist remarks about the Holocaust. She tried to join a parliamentary trip to Israel and to approach Jewish media."


Anonymous said...

Its all gone to pot, all I can say is, I turned up at the Bolton EDL rally to see what they had to say, What I witnessed was a bunch of Zionists shouting 'Nazi' at a bunch of Communists who then shouted 'Nazi' back. Both sides made it clear the word 'Nazi' was the real enemy, whilst trying to convince the commoners this fiasco was between 'us' Brits and 'them' Muzzies.

Even one old Lady present asked me why so many of the muslims were white, had to explain they were commies out destroy our way of life. I Pointed out the Councillors standing in the 'gods' balcony at the town hall viewing the spectacle and told our 'true' commons they are the ones who have done this to you!

When EDL arrived I looked at the Ratchild banner and questioned why they flew a flag that even the 911 truth movement believed to be a source of terrorism.

NWN opinions have been questioned many times and thats a good thing for democracy, only I hope the BNP are waking up today to the fact, even those of us who did not care for what we had been taught was extreme views. Find the Chairmans methods repulsive...

Anonymous said...

Soon we will have a Muslim contesting the leadership.

Anonymous said...


Worth reading.

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

The only democracy in the Middle East??!!.
I wonder what the Palestinians who's country these odios scum stole think to that kind of democracy. As for the hundreds of millions of our racial kin butchered by and for the zionists lets not get me started on that lil chestnut..

Pip pip

Anonymous said...

Barking and Dagenham now screwed by Griffin, not one of their Cllrs have been chosen to stand as PPC.
Good on Bob for dropping Nick purger in it.

Anonymous said...

Gri££in has bleed the Working-class dry of donations now he's after bigger fish to con!
BNP goes upmarket to target white middle class

Legal defeat prompts far-right party to 'refocus its propaganda on a new front'


Anonymous said...


The Scottish politician, George Galloway
I mentioned many times that when somebody tries to expose 9/11, the Holocaust, or any other Zionist crime, the Zionists secretly try to ruin him.

If you work at a company or government agency that they have influence over, they might get you fired.

The Zionists are also likely to be pretend to be your friend in order to find your weaknesses. They will probe you with innocent questions. Do you take drugs? Do you have any secrets? Have you ever committed a crime? Are you homosexual? How do you feel about other races or religions?

They might also secretly record your casual conversations. They might try to get you to say something that they can then play to somebody else to start a fight in the hope of leading you into doing or saying something that they can blackmail you over.

If they can catch you doing something embarrassing or illegal, then you become their puppet.

George Galloway behaves as if he is a Zionist puppet.

Note that Mathaba.net promotes Galloway and claims that Zionists hate him:

Please listen to this excerpt from his Galloway's radio show as he blames Israel's bombing of Lebanon in the summer of 2006 on the USA:

Can you see that Mathaba.net and Galloway are Zionist propaganda tools?

An excerpt of Galloway talking about the Holocaust was posted at youtube (fixed this link):

He supports the official story of the Holocaust, and supports locking David Irving in jail for the rest of his life for denying the Holocaust.

What are the chances that George Galloway truly believes that people should be locked in jail forever simply for investigating historical events?

Galloway behaves like a Zionist puppet, but some Zionists try to fool us into thinking Galloway is anti-Zionist by describing him as an anti-Semite on the grounds that he criticizes some Israeli policies.

Have you seen excerpts of his appearance on the Big Brother television show? Here he is behaving like a cat:

Galloway's behavior and idiotic remarks about 9/11, the Holocaust, etc, don't make sense... unless he is a Zionist puppet.

If you don't take the issue of Zionism and blackmail seriously, they will "own" you, as they seem to describe it.

Anonymous said...

Darby is a lying git, just look at this photo, there is nobody there except him, it's all bullshit about dozens of activists helping him in Stoke?


Anonymous said...

Watch arrogant,smug Darby lie through his teeth on the BBC Political Show today, 54 minutes into the slot : "EU expenses don't go into Griffin & Brons' pockets........we don't do this for the money."


Nemesis said...

"Watch the post-May period, the failure of Nu-BNp and its consequent financial meltdown will usher in a vacuum that Real Nationalists can exploit. Be prepared!"

Nemesis, I would like to think so, but the reality is the Griffin will turn the BNP more and more crazy and bizarre after the May elections, just like he did with the NF in the mid 1980s, you can see it already, straight after the EHRC defeat he began all manner of stupid stunts with recruiting the Sikh, giving an interview to queer website, and appearing on that strange Christian TV debate etc.

25 March 2010 22:16

Anon is correct in his assertion that Griffin will become ever more bizarre and extreme in his liberalism in the post-General Election period.

Real Nationalists within the BNP must somehow exert pressure on the dictator by withdrawing funding and avoiding the central orbit of the leadership, focussing on local elections and avoiding sending local money to HQ.

Real Nationalists outside of the BNP must do everything possible to build up a Nationalist Movement and nationalist political parties that offer a nationalist antidote to the failed liberal experiment of Nu-BNP.

The Post-Election period will give Real Nationalists an opportunity within the political vacuum that will open up in the wake of a failed BNP electoral attempt when Griffin and his caban are at their weakest. The Establishment will believe that British Nationalism has been quitely buried but nationalists must reorganise and renew themselves in the aftremath of BNP failure.

Anonymous said...

I've just spotted this election result from last Thursday in sunny North Wales, nothing about it on the BNP website, I wonder why? Trueman is an arch-Griffinite.

Glyn Ward of the Bay of Colwyn Town Council

Labour - 150
Plaid Cymru - 121
Liberal Democrat - 78
Independent - 62
James Trueman BNP - 35
Independent - 26

Mitchell Risbrook said...

There is the possibility that 2010 will be 1979 again. A record number of seats contested by the BNP, following by a party disintegrating into oblivion. It is likely that the Tories will win the general election and I don't want a repeat of the 80s as far as nationalism is concerned.

Anonymous said...

This video on Youtube is just totally unbelievable, it's straight out of the horrors of mind control from the School of Frankfurt, a Homosexual Communist teacher, teaching 9 year old children a Rap song about the local black Labour MP Diane Abbott. Surely it must be illegal to promote the Labour Party and this type of political indoctrination in a state schools? Part of the lesson is teaching these young minds about famous black people in history, I really fear for the 7 young White children in this class.

Revelatione Ch 3 Para 9 said...

Where's Jonathan Bowden standing? Does anyone know.

Anonymous said...

"Where's Jonathan Bowden standing? Does anyone know."

I don't think Jonathan is a member of the BNP, link below is the current info on who is standing where come May 7th, even though it's got 2009 written at the top, it's the usual Griffintes incompetence.


Anonymous said...

The Hamas leader Khaled Meshal, who is exiled in Syria spoke on a BBC Panorama documentary broadcasted tonight and said : "The Israelis are today trying to destroy Islam and the Arabs, but tomorrow they will be coming after you in the West." Hopefully this programme with be available on the iPlayer soon. It pays for those in powers in the West to keep the electorate in the complete dark, Griffin is a useful Judas goat?

Mitchell Risbrook said...

Israel just treats Zionist Christians and westerners as useful idiots. The plan is when Israel is 'finished' with the Muslims then they will go on the rampage against Christians and westerners on some trumped up charges of anti-Semitism, all whilst backed by whatever useful idiots they can find next.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...